As far as major releases for 2020 go, few can claim to be as highly anticipated as Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt Red's next game after The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 seems to be one of the studio's most ambitious projects yet. However, the developer has remained relatively silent on the game for the last few months, with Cyberpunk 2077 details steadily trickling out here and there, with few large dumps of info.

It seems that's about to change,  though, as CD Projekt Red is now hinting at new reveals next month. The tease is ambiguous, not giving away much about what players may see, but exciting nonetheless. The announcement was released on Twitter, with a bright yellow photo showing off the "Night City Wire" logo and a caption simply stating "GET READY!"

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Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay has been in short supply, leading fans to stitch together sequences from developer interviews and Q&A videos. There have been some prolonged sequences released at events like E3, but its been some time since fans got a meaty look at what Cyberpunk 2077 will be.

Fans have gotten a glimpse at combat and customization in Cyberpunk 2077, but there's still plenty that could be shown. A deep dive into the sights and scenes of Night City would be particularly interesting, as it seems like it will be one of CD Projekt Red's most in-depth yet — that means a lot considering how deep the world of Witcher 3 was.

The game is set to be a part of IGN's Summer of Games event, a sort of pseudo-E3 taking the place of the now-canceled event. So far, various major studios and companies are confirmed to make an appearance, from Microsoft to EA and more. This is the first time in decades that there's been no E3, though it's possible that the Summer of Games is a fitting alternative to the show. If not, Geoff Keighley is running a Summer Game festival.

Public opinion of E3 has shifted in recent years, with the event attempting to pivot to a consumer-focused event rather than an industry-centric one. A revamped E3 will return in 2021, but its unclear what exactly that means. Fans will just have to wait and find out what the future holds.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter Has Funny Reply to Drive-Thru Gentlemen's Club