Cyberpunk 2077 is back and better than ever thanks to the hard work from CD Projekt RED. Cyberpunk 2077 brings forth Update 2.0, which has brought about many changes to the game that fans should know about. CD Projekt RED has left no stone unturned when it comes to delivering the full and finest Cyberpunk 2077 experience, all thanks to Update 2.0.

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Not only can fans expect new gameplay changes to the combat and skills in Update 2.0, but they can also expect added content, such as new secrets lurking within Night City, and dialogue choices between V and Johnny Silverhand. Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 brings so much to the table, that it’s impossible not to applaud CD Projekt RED and the team.

15 Conversations With Johnny Silverhand

johnny silverhand in v's apartment

When players decide to head back to V’s apartment in the H10 Megabuilding in Little China, Watson, they can finally relax from the ongoing fights with gang members and corpos to unwind in their humble abode. Once inside, players can now expect a casual comment from Johnny Silverhand, who will sit down on V’s couch and enjoy a cigarette, or several.

If players sit next to Johnny, they can ask him some questions, and further their bond with him as they discuss topics like Arasaka, Alt, Rogue, or even Kerry (if the player has slept with him). It’s fun to have these conversations with Johnny, especially when he’s basically stuck in their head.

14 Skill Tree Overhaul

technical ability skill overhaul

One of the largest overhauls of Cyberpunk 2077 was the change to Attributes and their subsequent skill trees. Each Attribute in Cyberpunk 2077 received massive changes, featuring brand-new perks and skills that change the way players experience the game. There is a lot more versatility within the skill trees, and players have more freedom than ever when it comes to designing their individual builds.

Whilst the core Attributes of Body, Reflexes, Technical Ability, Intelligence, and Cool remain the same, it’s the perks inside that are completely different. There are far more than there were in the original game, and they can easily be removed so players can freely experiment with different perks. For Phantom Liberty owners, there is also the exclusive Relic skill tree, a brand-new addition to Cyberpunk 2077.

13 Police And MaxTac

maxtac in Cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty trailer

Police have received a large overhaul in Night City, and they will actively hunt the player if they have a wanted level. The police patrol Night City and respond to active crimes, and their AI is far more improved than what it once was. To make matters even more dangerous for the Cyberpsychos out there who want to attack police, they can actually finally fight MaxTac, a squad unit dedicated to taking down the toughest threats to society.

If players get a high enough wanted level, MaxTac will swoop down from their air shuttle and will make players regret messing with the law. MaxTac is intense and violent, and it will feel like an unruly boss fight. It’s safe to say that crime definitely does not pay in Night City thanks to the police overhaul.

12 Smarter, Harder AI

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Scav Hunt

The AI in Cyberpunk 2077 was considered frustrating by some due to the unpredictable nature of it. Most enemies were either stupid or ludicrous, leaving a pathway for many battles to feel one-sided in favor of V. However, with Update 2.0, the AI has received a large overhaul in which they will actually provide great challenges, and not every weapon can take them out in a flash.

The AI will actively use cover, run when their health is low, and look for situations where they can get the upper hand on the player. It’s exciting to fight these revamped AI enemies and to see why the gangs of Night City are such a threat to ways of life.

11 Vehicle Combat

v shooting a gun on a motorcycle

There were a few instances in the original release of Cyberpunk 2077 where players would be forced to shoot from the passenger seat of a vehicle. However, when players were actually driving, they could not use weapons and instead had to resort to bumper car tactics of crashing into opposing vehicles. Yet, with Update 2.0, vehicle combat is in full force, and players can use pistols, assault rifles, and SMGs to blast at other vehicles.

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Not only can players use weapons, but vehicle combat also extends to cyberware. Players can use their cyberware to hack enemy vehicles, forcing them to spin out and malfunction, depending on what RAM and quickhacks they have available.

10 The Infamous River Ward Picture

river ward and family picture in Cyberpunk 2077

Despite being renowned as one of the best quests in Cyberpunk 2077, the conclusion of the River Ward story has an alarming image in which River and his sister’s family all sit in a hospital to show that River’s nephew Randy is alive and well after being kidnapped by Peter Pan. The image is one instance of ‘the longer you look, the worse it gets’, but everything has changed with Update 2.0.

The new image seen above is what River Ward sends V after the conclusion of the storyline. The fact that CD Projekt RED truly went out of its way to fix every minor issue that players had with the game just shows how much they care about the game and the fans.

9 Edgerunners Memorial

edgerunners memorial

After the release of Cyberpunk 2077, there was a Netflix anime limited series called Cyberpunk Edgerunners that followed a crew of mercs in CD Projekt RED’s rendition of Night City. Edgerunners was a beloved series that brought new life to Cyberpunk 2077 and its world, and CD Projekt RED has honored these characters with featured memorials in the Columbarium.

Players can find new characters to pay their respects to here, as the collection of the dead continues to rise as players progress through their Night City story. The Edgerunners memorial is a great way to honor these characters and their cause of death.

8 Quest Dialogue

cyberpunk 2077 delamain

There have been some reported instances that quest dialogue has been altered to better fit with the story. One of the most common instances of this comes from the Human Nature quest, in which V first enters their car after The Heist mission, and they have returned home. In the original game, players are hit by a Delamain vehicle, and they have a casual conversation with Johnny Silverhand as if the man hadn’t just threatened to kill them the night prior.

Now with Update 2.0, the dialogue has been revised to better fit the relationship of the characters, and Johnny and V seem none too happy about the Delamain attack, and the fact that they are still talking to each other.

7 New Cyberware System

update 2.0 cyberware screen

The Cyberware has been completely overhauled in Cyberpunk 2077, and players can expect different results from the Cyberware system than what they had in the original. In the original release, Cyberware was endless, and players could fill themselves with the best chrome without becoming a Cyberpsycho.

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Update 2.0 changes that, and players now have an overhauled Cyberware system that directly affects their health, damage, stamina, mobility, and other desired actions that would make them a true weapon in Night City. However, they can’t just throw the best chrome into themselves at a Ripperdoc, as they will risk becoming a Cyberpsycho.

6 V’s Phone Overhaul

update 2.0 phone screen

V’s phone was an uncomfortable addition to Cyberpunk 2077 and was rather difficult to navigate through. Players could respond to various text messages to the Night City characters in their phone contacts, and also call them to ask some questions, but it was rather difficult to navigate through these phone screens.

The phone receives an overhaul in Update 2.0, and players can easily navigate through new and old text messages between characters, with better responses from both the character and the player. The revised phone system makes it more engaging to have these conversations.

5 Outfits And Armor

clothing options in update 2.0

Now with Update 2.0, clothing no longer affects armor. Armor is a direct result of the players' Cyberware, and players can now wear what they want and express themselves to any degree that they like without having to sacrifice looks for defense. Players won’t be gunned down easily just for wearing a crop top or a hat.

The fact that players can wear their clothing of choice regardless of the armor that they have makes the game feel more alive, and the lack of limitation on clothing allows players to look and feel their best, rather than looking like they picked up anything they found in a trash can.

4 Purchasing Vehicles

purchasing vehicles on the net

In the original release, players could purchase all vehicles in Cyberpunk 2077 by growing their Street Cred and getting texts from Fixers. They would then have to look for these vehicles in the open world of Night City, which could often be hard to navigate and find. Luckily, that’s now changed in Update 2.0.

Players can now find and purchase vehicles from the Autofixer netpage, and they can discover where they are on the map and the price tag associated with it. Purchasing vehicles is far easier, meaning players can treat themselves to a new ride in Night City with little hassle.

3 Healing And Grenades

combat gadgets in Cyberpunk 2077

Players used to be able to stock up on grenades and healing to keep themselves fully healed in a fight and to throw an infinite amount of grenades to explode their enemies without a care in the world. Yet, these systems have changed in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0, and the healing and grenades are now tied to Combat Gadgets.

With these Combat Gadgets, players can select a healing item and a grenade of their choice from their inventory, where they will have 2 of each. However, these 2 items do not need to be looted or crafted, as they will regenerate after use, meaning players need to be more careful.

2 New Stamina Mechanics

Cyberpunk 2077 - Using Double Jump To Jump A Long Distance

Stamina works differently in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0. It used to be tied to jumping and running, but now stamina is tied directly to the shooting and dash mechanics. Every time a player fires their weapon, uses a melee attack or dash, they are going to consume stamina, meaning that investing in stamina abilities is probably a good idea.

These new stamina mechanics leave more room for versatility in terms of combat, and players can’t just run around shooting everything in sight. If their stamina depletes, they cannot dash or hit until it regenerates, but they can still shoot. However, the shooting mechanics will see more recoil and a lack of accuracy due to the player character being exhausted.

1 Dogtown

entrance to dogtown

Another addition to Update 2.0 is the inclusion of Dogtown, the entirely new district in Cyberpunk 2077 that will be available to Phantom Liberty DLC owners. In Dogtown, players can expect all-new threats, a riveting spy campaign, and excitingly mysterious characters. Yet, Dogtown arrives in Update 2.0 as a place where players cannot visit just yet.

Outside of Dogtown are some guards that players can attack if they wish. However, no matter how many they kill, there is simply no way to access Dogtown without the DLC. Yet, players can locate the entrance by heading to Pacifica, where they will find Dogtown just opposite the Coastview area.

Cyberpunk 2077 update 2.0 is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

Phantom Liberty releases on September 26 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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