The Aldecaldo family is one of the more notable Nomadic gangs during the events of Cyberpunk 2077. These Nomads help V with various issues and play an important role during the main questline. It’s not hard to make the case that things wouldn’t have worked out the way they did if t wasn’t for these Nomads.

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While the player gains some insight into the family during the game there’s a lot players may not know about them. For those that dig into the backstory and lore, there is a lot about this Nomadic family that gives greater insight into their current state and explains their origins. Here are some of the things players may not know about the Aldecaldos.

9 Founder Was A Defense Engineer

Cyberpunk 2077 Nomad Start

Juan Aldecaldo was the son of immigrants in Los Angeles. He worked hard to get into college, the first of his family to do so, and graduated with a degree in Engineering. He obtained work as an Engineer in the defense industry working on various classified projects.

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Unfortunately, the Collapse in 1994 brought the US economy to its knees, and Juan found himself without a job. He went from being a well-paid defense engineer to doing whatever work he could find just to put food on the table.

8 Second Largest Nation

Cyberpunk 2077 Nomad Car

The Aldecaldos have grown to become the second-largest Nation of the Seven Nation alliance. They are a large family in the deserts outside of Night City and are only surpassed by the large Snake Nation.

These numbers have contributed to the family’s success. With so many people united under one banner, they’ve been able to thrive in everything they do. Everyone operates under the same traditions, guidance, and goals which has done wonders for the Aldecaldos.

7 Make Money Smuggling

Cyberpunk 2077 US Border

The Aldecaldos do everything from scavenging to working as farmhands to make a living. But the lion’s share of their earnings come from large-scale smuggling operations across the US border. Dealing in everything from stolen goods to people the Aldecaldos funnel everything back and forth from the US to Mexico.

Operating in large heavily guarded caravans of modified cars and bikes they are really good at what they do. Many organizations and factions with Night City have come to rely upon the Aldecaldos to get what they need in and out of the country.

6 Current Leader Was Once An Outcast

Cyberpunk 2077 Santiago

The current leader of the family, Santiago, was once an outcast from the Aldecaldo family. At nineteen, after a rough childhood, he made a difficult decision to break away from the family for a time to form his own path doing side jobs. He worked as a soldier, bodyguard, hired gun, and a roadie for several bands.

It was during this time he came to know several edgerunners. His efforts to help and protect them earned him the respect of the Aldecaldo family. When he came to them for help in protecting some of the edgerunners he met, they not only whole heartedly welcomed him back, they recognized the leader he would one day become.

5 Kept Johnny Silverhand Safe

Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand

One of the edgerunners that Santiago, and later the Aldecaldo family as a whole, kept safe was Johnny Silverhand himself. Santiago met him while working as a roadie and came to learn of Silverhand’s efforts as a mercenary.

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For some time Silverhand and other edgerunners hid amongst the Aldecaldos after the Arasaka riots in 2012. It was there that Silverhand gained the respect and relationships from the Aldecaldos he needed during the events of the game.

4 At War With The Wraiths

Cyberpunk 2077 Wraith

Aldecaldos tend to get along with other gangs and Nomads, but they have a deep hostility towards the Wraiths. Where Aldecaldos seek to help others in a morally grey area, the Wraiths exploit others in a morally black area.

It’s not hard to imagine the Aldecaldos would clash with a clan whose leader is said to wear clothing made of human skin. As a result, Aldecaldos are constantly defending their caravans, settlements, and allies from the nightmarish actions of the Wraiths.

3 Rarely Use Cyberware

Cyberpunk 2077 Bob With Implant

With all the benefits and advancement of Cyberware, it’s uncommon to see people in Cyberpunk 2077 not using it. The Aldecaldos are one of the few groups in the game that seem utterly opposed to utilizing the technology.

This isn’t to say they don’t have members with Cyberware. The most common are artificial organs and the occasional prosthetic limb. Whether it’s due to financial constraints, or a more traditional view on technology, Aldecaldos tend to avoid Cyberware unless absolutely necessary.

2 Use Heavily Modified Vehicles

Cyberpunk 2077 Coyote Javelina

Considering Aldecaldos live on the road, and often on the run, it’s no surprise that their vehicles are heavily modified. Armor plating, better acceleration, greater traction, and blazing speed are among the most common upgrades.

A perfect example of their mechanical ingenuity is the Quadra Type-66 “Javelina” and the Mizutani Shion “Coyote”. Both cars were created by Aldecaldo mechanic, Dakota Smith, and are incredible vehicles. The Javelina is the fourth fastest car in the game and the Coyote is only surpassed by the Rayfield Caliburn.

1 On The Brink Of Collapse

Cyberpunk 2077 Nomad Car

Unfortunately, the Aldecaldo family is on the brink of splintering off into different factions. Many members still cling to traditions and continue making a living on the fringes as smugglers. But others within the family are looking to take things in a new direction.

Saul Bright is an example of this break away from tradition. He seeks to establish more corporate-based connections and operations to provide for the family’s needs. This had the effect of providing greater financial support and much-needed connections that happened to benefit the smuggling operations. But it also opened up the family to infiltration and outside influence.

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