
  • Pokemon like Larvitar may look cute, but their destructive power can be a significant threat to humans, capable of toppling mountains with ease.
  • Litwick may seem harmless, but its bright colors and sweet smile are used to lure unaware trainers into the Ghost World, where it slowly sucks away their life energy.
  • Beware of Ditto's deceptive appearance - this squishy pink-purple blob can shapeshift into any other Pokemon or object, making it a strategic and potentially devastating opponent.

Appearances can be deceiving in the enchanting realm of Pokemon. Although the franchise is majorly considered kid-friendly and wholesome, there are plenty of creatures in the game that could easily kill any humans they encounter. Many trainers have been captivated by the charming and endearing qualities of hundreds of Pokemon, including their playful antics and adorable features only to be fooled by its concealed power.

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Fan favorites such as Ditto and Jigglypuff are soon to be exposed for using their cuteness factors for evil. Dig into the lore of the most bizarre and aggressive Pokedex entries as well as numerous Pokemon who have mastered the art of luring their enemies to their deaths.

12 Larvitar

The pokemon Larvitar is cute but its powers could likely kill a human

This little green reptilian Pokemon looks adorable with its stout body and its small, chubby arms and legs. Even with a grumpy face and menacing eye markings, it is still one of the cutest Pokemon in the franchise. Larvitar is born underground and consumes soil to emerge to the surface.

According to its Pokedex, it is said that Larvitar can consume an entire mountain's worth of dirt. Larvitar's powerful evolutions, Pupitar and Tyranitar, are also capable of toppling mountains with their pure strength and rocky core. If a Larvitar got loose in the city, who is to say it would hesitate to snack on an apartment building or skyscraper? A creature, especially one that looks harmless and cute, but can destroy even the toughest geological formations, poses a significant threat to humans.

11 Litwick

The pokemon Litwick may look cute but it is extremely dangerous and could easily kill a human

What could a tiny white candle-like Pokemon possibly do to harm a human being? A lot, apparently. Litwick's bright colors and sweet smile are instruments used to carry out its evil plans. The flame on the top of this wicked ghost-type Pokemon's head guides trainers down dark and mysterious paths that unknowingly lead to their demise in The Ghost World. Meanwhile, Litwick is at work slowly sucking away at their life energies.

Over several different games, Litwick's Pokedex even hints that it prefers manipulating children by taking them by the hand and leading them into the Spirit World. The purplish flame burns brighter as it absorbs the life energy of younger individuals. Its eerie high-pitched cry makes it all the more terrifying.

10 Mew

The pokemon Mew looks adorable but could likely kill a human

There's no doubt that the rare Pokemon Mew is incredibly adorable. Its bright pink coat, long thin tail, and pointy little ears make it look like a kitten embryo. Be cautious not to let its cute looks fool anyone into thinking it is too innocent, though.

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What makes this cute little thing capable of killing a human are its psychic powers and abilities. Mew is said to contain the genetics of every Pokemon, which leads many to consider it the ancestor of all Pokemon. Due to its genetics, it can learn any and all moves but is mainly known for its invisibility, telepathy, and mind-control powers. Mewtwo, Mew's clone, is largely considered an antagonist in Pokemon games and has spared few humans in its wake.

9 Ditto

The pokemon Ditto is adorable but could easily kill a human

This cute squishy pink-purple blob with tiny black eyes and a long smiley mouth may lure trainers into a false sense of security when facing it in battle. It's easy to underestimate a Pokemon such as Ditto. However, after shedding its deceptive facade, this elusive Pokemon possesses a deadly ability.

It can shapeshift by rearranging its cell structure and transforming into any other Pokemon or object that it sees, mimicking not only its appearance but also its abilities and defenses. If a Ditto transformed into a human, there's a good chance it could pass undetected. Ditto is incredibly strategic in battle and holds true potential for ultimate devastation.

8 Joltik

The pokemon Joltik is super cute but could probably kill a human

Even those with arachnophobia can agree that Joltik is endearing. This unconventional bug and electric-type Pokemon resembling a fuzzy yellow spider may be tiny, but it sure is mighty. It is entirely plausible that a significant bite from Joltik can bring a human down. Joltik's small size is advantageous for navigating new environments and sneaking up on unsuspecting victims.

What gives it the upper hand over an average spider is its formidable ability to generate and discharge deadly electric shocks. Joltik can attach itself to other stronger Pokemon to absorb static electricity. With enough electricity, this pint-sized Pokemon could surprise, paralyze, and incapacitate a human.

7 Bewear

The pokemon Bewear is all kinds of cute but could easily crush a human to death

This evolution of Stufful is probably the most lovable Pokemon based on its appearance alone. Bewear is basically a giant teddy bear with pink and black fur and fluffy white ears, making it a great candidate for Build-A-Bear's Pokemon collection. Its undeniable charm makes it appear as an innocent, gentle giant type, but it holds the perfect paradox of cuteness and lethal power.

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Beneath its cuddly exterior is so much brute strength that Bewear can effortlessly shatter bones and squash spines. It can even snap full-size trees in half. As alluded to in its Pokedex, Bewear has killed many of its trainers because it could not restrain itself from its deadly hugs.

6 Shuppet

The pokemon Shuppet looks cute and harmless but could easily kill a human

This Pokemon is essentially a sentient purple sheet with big colorful eyes and a big, stretched smile. The pointy horn on top of its head does more than just add to its cuteness factor. Shuppet is a ghostly puppet-like Pokemon that appears in swarms with the ability to detect and harness negative sentiments from humans such as fear, anger, and jealousy using their horns.

Shuppet can cause their enemies emotional damage by learning to manipulate and curse human emotions in battle, which allows them to become stronger in the face of adversity. Like many other ghost-type Pokemon, it can phase through objects and buildings and blend into shadows. Its evolution, Banette, is one of the most creepy-looking Pokemon whose sheer presence would strike fear in the hearts of many.

5 Mimikyu

The pokemon Mimikyu is designed to look cute but under the disguise it could easily kill a human

Mimikyu has a hauntingly adorable appearance with a hidden sinister potential. To make friends and beat its loneliness, this rare Pokemon wears a disguise to look like the beloved icon, Pikachu. Mimikyu is cute in the same way that DoodbleBob, the living drawing from SpongeBob Squarepants, is cute. Its scribbled eyes and mouth and crooked head are oddly endearing.

Those whose curiosity gets the best of them and attempt to look under Mimikyu's disguise will be met with painful demise. Mimikyu's true form is a black mass with glowing eyes. Viewing this Pokemon without its disguise will cause catatonic shock, can consume the soul, and kill anyone with its ugliness. In its Pokedex, several scientists and trainers studying Mimikyu have died from pure shock, got brutally murdered with a broken neck, and caught mysterious diseases.

4 Rockruff

The pokemon Rockruff is a cute little puppy but could likely kill a human

Rockruff is a Pokemon based on extinct Japanese wolf puppies and the Spitz dog breed. From its floppy ears and bushy tail to its nimble paws, it is easy for anyone to fall in love with this little guy. Much like puppies in real life, Rockruff is a handful to take care of and could easily - yet accidentally - kill a human.

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This Pokemon shows its affection by pelting its trainers with rocks, which obviously isn't as nice of a gesture as intended. Although they are known to be very loyal and hold strong bonds with their trainers, Rockruff has puppy-like habits of showing territorial and aggressive behavior and rough biting. As it grows closer to evolving into Lycanroc, Rockruff only becomes more volatile to the point where many trainers decide the challenge is too much for them and abandon them. If angered, Rockruff could intimidate and kill any enemy with powerful rock attacks.

3 Cyndaquil

The pokemon Cyndaquil looks cute but could easily kill a human if provoked

Resembling an echidna, this Pokemon's size and timid, yet curious demeanor instantly win the hearts of many trainers. It is often described as very cheerful and playful. Beneath its cuddly appearance and sweet personality, Cyndaquil harbors fiery determination and tremendous power.

When a Cyndaquil is cornered or provoked, it feels threatened and unleashes a flaming inferno from its back with the potential to burn all of its victims and their surrounding environment. Humans and trainers alike should not be fooled by its looks, Cyndaquil is a force to be reckoned with.

2 Wailmer

The pokemon Wailmer is cute but could easily swallow up and kill a human

A large Pokemon with a rotund body and silly smile like Wailmer can be instantly classified as cute. As it swallows more water, its belly grows in size to become a big bouncy ball. Its jovial appearance and playful disposition mask its reputation as a colossal force of nature.

If not intimidated by its massive size, Wailmer has immense strength and can deliver powerful aquatic attacks. Wailmer is known to purposefully startle fishermen and frequenters of the beach by snorting water out of its nostrils. This Pokemon consumes lots of plankton and smaller water-type Pokemon, but could easily swallow an entire classroom's worth of humans at once. In the wrong trainer's hands, Wailmer's mischievous personality and power can be used for evil.

1 Jigglypuff

The pokemon Jigglypuff is the cutest pokemon but could easily kill a human if provoked

Jigglypuff has all the makings of an adorable Pokemon. With its cute and enormous eyes, pointy cat-like ears, small round body, and bright pink colorings, Jigglypuff is easily a fan favorite. This Pokemon epitomizes the cute but deadly concept.

When angered, this Fairy-type Pokemon can inflate itself to increase its size. Jigglypuff utilizes its cuteness to lull its opponents into a sense of warmth and affection before putting them into a trance with its soothing voice. After gaining the upper hand and knocking adversaries unconscious, Jigglypuff is free to unleash a whirlwind of attacks like Body Slam, Play Rough, and Pound. Jigglypuff is even a powerful featured character in Super Smash Bros with an overpowering Final Move called "Puff Up."

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