As the final game in the trilogy, Crysis 3 had huge shoes to fill thanks to its stellar predecessors. For the most part, the game succeeds in all departments and has managed to produce the most refined and dynamic shooter action in the series. Crysis 3 is just about the closest any gamer can get into playing as the Predator from the Predator franchise at full power.

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Then again, channeling the Predator's powers is no walk in the park. Crysis 3, with its competent AI and varied enemies, can prove quite challenging when compared to its contemporaries in the shooter genre. That's why those who come in blind need to heed some helpful tips so that they can truly become act like the Predator instead of ending up as prey or squid show for the Ceph.

9 Tag All The Enemies First

crysis 3 nanovision

First up, players need to remember that Crysis 3 isn't a typical run-and-gun FPS. While there are sections in the game where they're allowed to go gung-ho with the machine guns and other military hardware, most encounters need tactical wisdom.

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The bare minimum for that is knowing where the enemies are located. Thankfully, players are given a highly unfair telescopic Nanovision that can tag and keep track of enemies. This not only makes stealth easier but also lets players calculate their assaults better.

8 Get The Perk For Extended Cloak

crysis 3 cloak

Speaking of stealth, it's one of the preferred ways to play or even speedrun the game, especially on higher difficulties. The problem is, stealth can get rather clunky for first-time players who expect invisibility to be generous upon first seeing the suit ability.

Invisibility time is actually quite short if players move fast. They can crouch but then they'd be wasting a lot of time getting to their targets. A better solution would be grabbing the Extended Cloak module which does what it says and also eliminates any movement sound while cloaked. After all, staying clocked is also a good way to conserve ammo.

7 Prioritize Stealth & Armor Upgrades

crysis 3 pose

Then again, there are sequences in the game where players are forced out of the shadows and into the firefights. This is true for the game's boss battles and some tricky encounters. Since Crysis 3 doesn't allow quicksaves, players need to prepare for their stealth runs going awry.

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That's why getting the Armor modules is a must after maxing out the Stealth modules. These two modules or perks are the most crucial at keeping the players alive and even letting them manage energy more efficiently. Besides, no one wants to see that loading screen after failing stealth or dying.

6 Don't Shoot To Uncloak

crysis 3 first level

One might think that maxing out both the Stealth and Armor modules is a free pass to be reckless in encounters or exploration but that's a good way to waste time and ammo. Shooting while cloaked is one of the worst offenses in this category and such an action is a bad way to get killed.

That's because the Nanosuit also draws on the energy bar for its armor needs. It just so happens that shooting while cloaked will fully drain the energy bar. After that, the players will be left visible and vulnerable since they've no armor. A better precaution would be to uncloak first before opening fire.

5 Hack All Minefields & Turrets Before An Assault

crysis 3 hacking

While on the topic of safety, human and organic enemies are actually some of the least threatening threats in the game. The more immediate dangers are turrets since they have no other instinct but to open fire. They don't have to call their comrades or maneuver. They're also tougher to destroy.

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That's why it's a more cost-effective tactic to just hack every electronic enemy (including mines) before charging in. Turrets, for one, can help thin out the herd if players manage to successfully control them from afar. As for mines, they're mandatory since players don't want to accidentally step on one while fleeing or repositioning.

4 Always Use The Bow


One of the best additions to Crysis 3 is the aptly named Predator Bow. At that point, the developers weren't masking the inspirations anymore. What makes it the best weapon in the game is its versatility. The Predator Bow can use different types of ammo for any enemy type.

Moreover, shots are usually one-hit-kill for grunt enemies. Plus, players can retrieve the arrows if ever they're low on ammo or are just misers. The only drawback to this bow is the low firing rate but that's an easy compromise as players can use it even in stealth mode without breaking the stealth.

3 Use A Suppressor While Cloaked

crysis 3 hammer

That isn't to say that the Predator Bow is the only weapon worth using while cloaked. Sometimes, the low firing rate can get troublesome if one needs to quickly take down two or even three adjacent enemies. For that, something like suppressed SCAR rifle would work better.

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Suppressed weapons do drain the energy upon firing but they do so slowly. Pistols that are suppressed can also do the same. In any case, suppressors on guns can prove to be good alternatives in case the bow runs low on arrows.

2 Use Electricity Against The Scorchers

crysis 3 scorcher

As for the more problematic enemies? Well, players can switch to more clever tools. Ceph Scorchers are probably the most troublesome non-grunt enemies but it can still be easy to take them down. All players have to do is bring out their Electric Arrows and fire away.

Grenades that do the same effect also work against Scorchers. In some instances, it might only shut the Scorchers down for mere moments but that leaves their weapons available for taking. Their flamethrowers are rather valuable and powerful special weapons so don't sleep on those.

1 Take It Slow

crysis 3 cover

With all that's been said and done, players need not rush through Crysis 3's campaign mode. It's Call of Duty-levels of short with not much replay value. However, it can be more difficult. As mentioned before, there's no quicksave, and being arrogant can make players pay via loading screens.

Hence, taking it slow and being methodical about their approach and takedowns is key to smooth gameplay. Entering frontal firefights can be a sure way to make a quick trip back to the last checkpoint since the chance of failure is higher compared to going Predator.

Crysis 3 Remastered was released on October 15, 2021, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

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