The Crysis franchise was one of the most impactful titles in PC gaming. The first game pushed the limits of what was possible in graphics hardware at the time. Crysis 2 continued the trend and also delivered stunning visuals, but with better accessibility since it came out at the time when arcade shooters like Call of Duty were all the rage. As such, it's an easy game, especially compared to its predecessor.

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However, that doesn't mean players can slack off when running and gunning in the remaster. Crysis 2 sets itself apart by giving players more tools, letting them feel like superheroes prowling the battlefield. With how cool Nanosuits are, gamers don't want to be seen blundering about in war-torn New York under an alien invasion. Thus, some tips are in order to help beginners acclimatize.

9 Mind The HUD Indicators

crysis 2 hud

Crysis 2's HUD, or heads-up display, can be quite busy at times since players are literally controlling a super-soldier outfitted with bleeding-edge technology. At times, the Nanosuit even gives players some paths and options on how they might want to go about their assaults.

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Players can tag their enemies and scan for every moving thing in the area to monitor their movement. This makes it easy to carry out some tactics, as the game can become frantic and difficult at times. Before an encounter, players ought to scan for vantage points, enemies, and even environmental hazards.

8 Use Throwables As Weapons To Conserve Ammo

crysis 2 art

The beauty in Crysis 2's physics engine is that it's highly faithful to the first one. Back then, players could pick up anything from coconuts to animals and then throw them at their enemies to disorient or even incapacitate them. The same thing is possible in the sequel.

Throwables are still quite ubiquitous in Crysis 2. Anything from briefcases to rocks, or even gas canisters are available for weaponization. Players can even use these to distract enemies and perform some elite takedowns. It doesn't work as well against the alien enemies, sadly.

7 Pick The Perk That Lets You See Bullet Paths

crysis 2 tracer perk

One awesome addition that the sequel included is the light RPG elements such as perks, which turn the characters into better super soldiers. Still, it can be rather confusing for players to know which perks to prioritize in order to become optimal in firefights.

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It's hard to go wrong with the Threat Tracer perk in the Armor Module. It lets players see the origin of incoming bullets, making it easier for them to isolate and pick out targets. It's easy enough to obtain and works wonders in firefights, which will inevitably happen even if the players are careful.

6 Focus On Skills That Help Conserve Energy


The common problem with the Nanosuit is that its energy runs out too fast. Players needn't aggravate that drawback by picking the most energy-consuming abilities such as Air Stomp or the like.

Instead, players might want to focus instead on perks that help energy recharge fastersuch as Nano Recharge, or reduce the cost of Nanosuit ability usagesuch as Armor Enhance. Mobility Enhance in the Power Module and Stealth Enhance in the Stealth Module also help in energy conservation.

5 Attack The Ceph From Behind

Crysis 2 Ceph Grunt

Just when players think they have the game's enemies pinned down, out come the Ceph, or Cephalopods, to provide more challenge. They're smarter and tougher than the usual marine grunt and it's more difficult to toy with them using Nanosuit abilities.

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One weakness they do have compared to the human enemies is that they're not too liberal with their ranged weapon usage. Hence, it's almost as if the shotgun was against them. For best results, players will want to run behind Ceph grunts and then shoot the "scalp" part, or the area underneath the tentacles. This almost always brings them down, and helps in conserving ammo.

4 Never Fire To Come Out Of Stealth

crysis 2 stealth

Early in the game, some players might want to opt for a mixed style of combat tactics where they'll sneak up close all invisible and then surprise an enemy by firing at them at point-blank range. This is a good way to repeatedly die. That's because the Nanosuit energy bar also functions as armor.

Coming out of invisibility using gunfire will drain the energy bar. This leaves the players with no armor after coming out of stealth mode. If there are many other enemies in the proximity, they'll easily kill the players, and might even squeeze in some headshots in higher difficulties.

3 Use The Suppressed Pistol For Distant Stealth Kills

crysis 2 hammer

If players do want to be able to use guns even while invisible, then they can do so while firing with suppressors. That's where the Hammer pistol comes in. Its suppressed mode will still drain energy with each shot, but not as fast compared to suppressed rifles or bigger weapons.

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As such, it's advisable to use pistols for suppressed gunplay. This way, players can make takedowns more convenient since they can snipe their enemies with well-placed headshots using the suppressed Hammer while invisible. That's one good reason to keep it in the holster.

2 Use The Revolver Against The Ceph

crysis 2 majestic

Later on, players might find that the Hammer will start falling off in terms of damage once the Ceph start popping up. They can't be cheesed with suppressed stealth potshots; players will have to be brave and fight them head-on. Apart from shotgunning the back of their heads, players can also opt for the Majestic — the revolver.

Its low rate of fire and poor magazine count is offset by it being a literal hand cannon. In fact, players can use it to kill Ceph grunts in one shot if they're precise enough. It's strong enough to penetrate their helmets or even armor. Paired with the shotgun, players won't even have to use up their rifle ammo too much.

1 Don't Experiment Too Much

Prophet taking the fight to the aliens in Manhatten

Those who came from Crysis were probably disappointed by how little freedom Crysis 2 allows compared to its predecessor. It's a smaller game when it comes to environments and the levels are more linear. Truth be told, the level design is a far cry compared to the first Crysis.

It also doesn't help that Crysis 2 uses checkpoint saving. That means no quicksaves or manual saves. In case a stealth run goes haywire, there's no choice but to clinch it and wing it. If anything, players should take the obvious, easiest route if they want to avoid frustrations.

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