Mid-May saw the announcement of Crusader Kings 3's release date. The sequel to one of the most popular 4x games on PC was announced in October in 2019, but it only just started feeling real to fans. That's because Crusader Kings 2 was released in 2012 (and the original Crusader Kings 8 years before that). To prove just how real Crusader Kings 3 is, Paradox is releasing routine developer update videos, with the latest video having been released on Friday.

In Paradox's Crusader Kings 3 update going over developer diaries published in April and May, the team details 9 different features included in the game. These features include big features like Religion and Faith, Map Features and Map Modes, as well as more nuanced details like Pagan Reformation and Map Scope. To say this video and the 9 developer diaries it covers are barely scratching the surface of Crusader Kings 3 would be an understatement.

RELATED: Crusader Kings 3 Release Date Announced

Just for example, the Religion system in Crusader Kings 3 has been completely rebuilt from the ground up. Now religions are defined by a mix of both sins and virtues, its originating religious family, doctrines, and tenets. And that's just the mechanics of the Religion system. The other half of it is Faith, with faiths being a subset of a religion which individuals and counties will follow.

As another example, in a separate developer diary Paradox details Crusader Kings 3's new map. They broke down the game's different types of terrain, of which there are over a dozen, from drylands to taiga. Needless to say, Crusader Kings 3 will have the most intuitive and robust map system of the franchise.

These are just examples of some of the systems and features that Paradox breaks down in its new video update. The video extends past 33 minutes, so it'll require viewers take some time to watch it entirely. Of course, Crusader Kings players are well familiar with making time for the game.

Even with a 33-minute video, Paradox has so much more to share about Crusader Kings 3. The studio is putting out weekly developer diaries breaking down major facets of the game, plus videos recapping the diaries visually. With several months left until September, there's a lot of news to come.

Crusader Kings 3 releases September 1 on PC.

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