There's no denying that money and military power are both extremely important in Crusader Kings 3. A character's reputation, however, proves to be just as important in the medieval world. As such, players should never discount Prestige when formulating their calculations. A ruler who fails to generate sufficient Prestige is doomed to the dustbin of history in Crusader Kings 3.

As with gold, garnering large amounts of Prestige relatively quickly is the ultimate strategy. Nevertheless, pulling it off can often be easier said than done. Characters who are already well-equipped to lead their country should find that accumulating substantial Prestige in their lifetime is a highly achievable goal. Just use the following strategies to accomplish the task.

Updated March 15, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: In Crusader Kings 3, players must try their hardest to make their dynasty as affluent as possible by any means necessary. There are several metrics players need to keep track of to ensure this. One way players can ensure that they enjoy a great rule is by increasing their Prestige as much as possible. This measure of renown helps elevate their dynasty, and also lets players carry out certain acts that require a certain amount of Prestige.

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

Some pro tips exist for grand strategy fans to have the most fun with their Crusader Kings 3 experience.

13 Marry As Many Affluent Women As Possible

Empires That Support Polygamy Are Great For Increasing Prestige

Crusader Kings 3 marriage

Marriage is a crucial part of Crusader Kings 3. These bonds help forge alliances that can help players if the going gets tough. Another benefit of marriage is directly related to Prestige, something that will excite most players.

If an alliance isn't of the utmost importance, then players in polygamous societies can take multiple wives who have a better standing. This leads to a steady inflow of Prestige that players can cash in with ease.

A Simple, Easy Way To Net Prestige

Head of St. Edmund artifact in Crusader Kings 3

Players can display lots of artifacts in the Royal Court as status symbols. Finding these artifacts can take some gold and resources, but it's made all the more worthwhile if expeditions to find artifacts end up bearing fruit.

A ruler can attain a steady flow of prestige with the right artifacts and relics, making it important to sponsor the acquirement of as many as possible. It's a simple and aesthetic way to earn prestige in Crusader Kings 3.

11 Don't Shy Away From A Duel

Winning Duels Does Wonders For Prestige

A duel in Crusader Kings 3

Duels have become pretty commonplace in Crusader Kings 3, and rulers with a high Martial stat shouldn't shy away from these confrontations. If worst comes to worst, players can engage in the act of savescumming and pretend that their ruler never initiated a duel that they were destined to lose.

Crusader Kings 3: 13 Fun Playthrough Ideas

A playthrough of Crusader Kings 3 is never the same as the next. These interesting ideas can help spice up your next medieval adventure.

Winning duels is a matter of both skill and luck, and the increase to the winner's Prestige is impressive. As long as players are willing to take the risk, their ruler will be able to get a one-up over their rival and become more renowned in the process.

10 Create New Titles

With Enough Gold, It's Easy To Create Titles And Gain Prestige

Empire Of Britannia From Crusader Kings 3

Depending on the player character's starting position, creating new titles can be done quite early in a game. Adding new titles to a ruler's resume guarantees a significant increase in Prestige. It will cost some gold, but a new title is well worth the price.

Loftier titles grant more Prestige to the person creating them. Obviously, kingdom and empire-tier titles are more prestigious than counties and duchies. Players should amass as many titles as are within their means. A word of warning, though. Be sure to grant some titles to one's vassals, in order to avoid penalties and general resentment. Keeping the vassals happy is important.

9 Call Hunts & Hold Feasts

Wealthy Players Can Organize These Expensive Events

Holding A Feast From Crusader Kings 3

One of the most straightforward ways of garnering Prestige is through Decisions. Once players have a bit of gold saved up, they should get into the habit of enacting regular Hunts and Feasts. Doing so will fire some event chains, after which the player stands to gain easy Prestige.

It's worth noting, however, that these events don't guarantee success every time. Players can actually lose Prestige if things don't pan out well. The cooldown period for both these events is 5 years, so a little bit of patience is required for this method.

8 Winning Wars & Raiding Lands

Raids Are Useful For Tribes, While Wars Are Expensive But Worth It

Siege Engines Icons From Crusader Kings 3

Unsurprisingly, winning wars can do a lot for a ruler's public image. Whether offensive or defensive, emerging victorious from a conflict is a great way to boost Prestige and potentially expand the realm at the same time. By a similar token, coming to the aid of an ally in their war will also boost Prestige, assuming the player character actually contributes something to the war effort.

Crusader Kings 3: How To Raid

Gamers enjoying Crusader Kings 3 have a few different ways that they can perform raids. Here's all of them and how to plunder efficiently!

For cultures that are allowed to do it, raiding also offers a simple method of gaining Prestige. The best part is that players can raid foreign lands without having to resort to full-scale war. Besiege a holding, plunder the loot, and skedaddle before the enemy knows what hit him. Not only does this boost Prestige, but nets riches as well.

7 Join & Win Crusades

A Justified Reason To Join Holy Wars

Crusade For Jerusalem

The name of the game is Crusader Kings after all! Although secular wars represent the ideal way to expand one's realm and increase Prestige at the same time, it's important not to forget about holy wars. Players who start their game in 1066 don't have to wait long before Crusades become available. The Pope typically calls a Crusade for Jerusalem in the late 1090s/early 1100s, which represents an ideal opportunity to net some Prestige (and money).

Catholic rulers are heavily encouraged to join a Crusade. Every ruler who decides to join contributes to a War Chest, which is comprised of both gold and Prestige. If a Crusade is successful, all the participants get a share of the War Chest based on their contribution to the war. Rulers who prove themselves decisive in the outcome of the Crusade are entitled to a larger share of the booty.

As such, players should seriously consider applying significant effort in a Crusade, especially if they already rule a powerful realm. Being a worthwhile contributor guarantees a greater reward than opposed to being a passive participant. Players may even win the contested title for themselves or their designated benefactor. Hundreds of Prestige points can potentially be netted if players execute an active campaign, assuming the Crusade ends successfully.

6 Romance Prospective Love Interests

Romancing Above The Player Character's Station Nets Prestige

Romance Scheme

In a world where one's social standing counts for a lot, romancing the right people can be a great way to earn Prestige through the ages. However, not every character is necessarily cut out for it! Romancing a character is one of the game's many Schemes, and thus tied to a character's attributes, specifically Diplomacy. Traits also play a role, as certain characters are considered more attractive than others. If one's character has the requisite attributes/traits, why not put those skills to good us?

The Romance scheme is all about falling in love with another character. If successful, one of the rewards is a nice chunk of Prestige, though the value varies depending on the ranks of the characters involved. Romancing someone above one's player character's station is always worth more. Of course, these endeavors can always fail, so there's some risk involved. Both characters must also be compatible with each other first. Nevertheless, a successful Cassanova can experience a nice windfall in terms of Prestige if their endeavors bear fruit.

It's also worth mentioning that the "Gallant" branch of the Martial Lifestyle contains perks that can substantially increase the success of a Romance scheme. Specifically, the "Courtship" perk can really come in handy.

5 Focus On Fashion At The Royal Court

At The Highest Level, Prestige Gain Is Boosted By 8%

Court Grandeur in the Royal Court DLC for Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3's Royal Court DLC, as its name suggests, overhauls a king/emperor's court. Along with it come new opportunities to increase one's Prestige. A Royal Court can be customized in several ways, one of which is through various Amenities.

Focusing on Fashion at the court grants a bonus to Monthly Prestige gain. At Level 5, this buff translates into a +8% Monthly Prestige gain! Granted, fans will have to put some work into achieving this outcome, but the rewards can be worth it for players hungry for ever more Prestige.

4 Construct Buildings That Grant Prestige

Focus On Lands The Player Owns, and Construct Buildings Here

CK3 Buildings

Players who prove thrifty with their finances will have plenty of extra gold for construction projects. Upgrading a county's structures, as well as building brand-new ones at regular intervals, is highly recommended. Prioritizing buildings that grant further increases to Monthly Prestige gain is a sound strategy in this regard.

Many buildings grant Monthly Prestige bonuses. A player's options will often depend on researched Innovations, Culture, Religion, and other relevant metrics. However, if fans are willing to make the requisite investments in time and gold, they will find that every little bonus to Monthly Prestige quickly adds up.

3 Arrange Beneficial Marriages

Marrying Above One's Status Nets A Hefty Prestige Bonus

Marriage Arrangment From Crusader Kings 3

It's difficult to overemphasize the importance of marriage in Crusader Kings 3. If players wish to gain a hefty amount of Prestige for their character or their heirs, then arranging a beneficial marriage is highly recommended. This strategy typically involves marrying above one's current station in some manner.

For example, if the player's dynasty is relatively obscure, try marrying into one that's already famous. Marry a member of the Carolingian or Salian dynasties. Or, if one's character is a lowly count or duke, try arranging a marriage with the relative of a king or emperor. Not every offer will be accepted, but there's plenty to gain from the Prestige and the promise of future title claims.

2 Focus On Diplomacy

Choosing Diplomacy As A Lifestyle Focus Is Great For A Ruler's Prestige

Diplomacy Lifestyle Perk Tree From Crusader Kings 3

Out of all the five core attributes, Diplomacy is the most important if choosing to prioritize Prestige. When selecting a Lifestyle Focus, it's beneficial to select Majesty, which imparts an extra +1 Monthly Prestige. This Focus can easily start paying dividends in a short time and works well with the other strategies outlined above.

Crusader Kings 3: Everything You Need To Know About Your Character

To best plan a successful playthrough in Crusader Kings 3, players should consider the traits, appearance, and opinions of their character.

In addition, the August Perk Tree provides some useful bonuses for Prestige accruement. Firm Hand grants +1 Monthly Prestige per dread. Praetorian Guard also gives +2% Monthly Prestige per Knight in the ruler's service. Consider giving one's primary heirs a Diplomatic education, to set them on the right path early.

Spouses & Chancellors

When seeking to maximize Prestige through the Diplomacy skill, it's best not to forget about one's spouse. A spouse with a high Diplomacy stat can contribute 50% of their skill for the player character's benefit. In the case of Diplomacy, this can be done through the Court Politics task. A higher overall Diplomacy stat for the player character means more Monthly Prestige.

By the same token, a player's Chancellor can also help with Prestige accruement. Through the Foreign Affairs task, a Chancellor generates +0.05 Prestige per Councilor Skill. In other words, a Chancellor with above-average Diplomacy can garner more Prestige for the player while this task is active. Rulers shouldn't be afraid to rely on those closest to them!

1 Become The Chancellor For Your Liege

Securing This Seat At The Council Is Great For Prestige

King's Council

Depending on the setup, a player may not always be an independent ruler. Nevertheless, answering to a higher authority isn't always a bad thing. One surefire way to gain a nice chunk of Prestige regularly is by becoming the Chancellor for the player character's liege. Player characters who are proficient in Diplomacy are likely to get an offer for this post.

Alternatively, even if a character isn't very good at Diplomacy, overlords may still offer someone a Council position if the player character is a Powerful Vassal. Either way, becoming a Chancellor nets a steady stream of Monthly Prestige. Being a Chancellor for a Count results in +0.5 Monthly Prestige, a Duke +1 Monthly Prestige, a King +2 Monthly Prestige, and an Emperor +3 Monthly Prestige.

Crusader Kings 3

PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
September 1, 2020
Paradox Interactive
RPG , Grand Strategy