
  • Players can choose from a variety of historical rulers spanning Europe, North Africa, and Asia in Crusader Kings 3 .
  • Not limited to suggested starts, players can choose powerful or challenging rulers, each offering different gameplay experiences.
  • Enjoy the grand strategy goodness of controlling unique rulers in the game, with varying levels of difficulty and exciting challenges.

Crusader Kings 3 offers players hundreds of unique rulers they can choose from when starting a game, spanning Europe, North Africa, and Asia. The game presents a number of suggested interesting starts for both of these dates based on historical rulers at the time, many of which are excellent for beginners, but players are not limited to these.

22 Best Games That Allow You To Create A Family Dynasty

Want to create a powerful family dynasty that will rule for decades? These video games let players do just that, and more.

Players can choose from almost any ruler on the map, and while some of these are quite powerful and give the player an easy head start, others can be quite challenging and prove as exciting tests of a player's skill.

Updated on March 14, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: Crusader Kings 3 is a game that doesn't take too long to sink its claws into players who will be hopelessly trapped by its grand strategy goodness. The immense fun players can enjoy from controlling one of the many rulers in either 867 or 1066 AD makes for a great time, and there are many of these rulers that players can check out if they want to enjoy a playthrough that's a bit unusual and different from the usual flow of the game.

13 Edouarzh Mab Jafrez De Penthievre, Count Of Penthievre

Starting Date: 1066

Edouarzh Mab Jafrez De Penthievre, Count Of Penthievre from Crusader Kings 3

Featuring a massive family that makes it easy to come to grips with th game, Edouarzh mab Jafrez de Penthievre is a fun ruler to control if players want to make things easy for their dynasty. However, they won't have too long, with a natural death fast approaching this character.

This makes it important for players to try and press their claims on the Duchy of Brittany while marrying their children off to worthy spouses. As long as players are wary of the passage of time, the fun that they can enjoy from this playthrough is limitless.

12 Eadgar Eadwardson Wessex, Earl (Count) Of Warwickshire

Starting Date: 1066

Eadgar Eadwardson Wessex, Earl (Count) Of Warwickshire in Crusader Kings 3

Becoming the King of England is no mean feat, and this is even more challenging as a teenager with limited resources. Players will face tough opposition in their quest to become the rightful king, which can be ridiculously challenging in these circumstances.

Having good allies and making wise moves is key to victory. This is easier said than done, but skilled players with the grit to persevere will help this hapless teenager rise from the shadows to become the uncontested ruler of England.

11 Robert 'Curthose' De Normandie, Count Of Maine

Starting Date: 1066

A scene from the Royal Court in Crusader Kings 3

Controlling a 12-year-old count who just so happens to be the eldest son and heir of William the Bastard (also known as William the Conquerer) can be pretty interesting. In real life, Robert wasn't the most effective ruler, and preferred the life of a soldier.

So, if players want to change his reputation in this virtual simulation, then it's important for players to be smart about their alliances. With his brothers also vying for the throne, it's easy to see why controlling this ruler will make for an interesting challenge, if nothing else.

10 Petty King Aella Oswulfson Of Northumbria

Starting Date: 867

Crusader Kings 3 Aella start with map

During the Viking Age in 867, England finds itself in turmoil. A vast army of Norsemen has invaded and seized territory for themselves from the Kingdom of Northumbria, and Ælla struggles to fight back and reclaim what was once his.

Crusader Kings 3: 13 Fun Playthrough Ideas

A playthrough of Crusader Kings 3 is never the same as the next. These interesting ideas can help spice up your next medieval adventure.

But, the Vikings and their huge armies are not content with a small slice of England - they want it all, and will rapidly conquer the divided Anglo-Saxon kingdoms until they have it. Players start off with a little less than a thousand troops in a war against Halfdan "Whiteshirt" and his brother, whose combined force exceeds 10,000 soldiers. If Ælla fails to defeat his enemies in this initial war, he will lose his kingdom...but with the help of his allies, it may be possible.

9 Sheikh Rostam Karenzade Of Mazandaran

Starting Date: 867

Crusader Kings 3 Sheikh Rostam start with map

One of the few Zoroastrian rulers available in Crusader Kings 3, Rostam is a vassal of the ruler of the Hashimid Emirate, a small country sandwiched between three powerful realms. Rostam's ruler would have little chance against one of the larger realms when they inevitably turn their attention to the Hashimid Emirate, so players would quickly find themselves subject to a powerful ruler with a faith hostile to Rostam's.

Players may find it easier to simply convert, but those who wish for the extra challenge of retaining the Zoroastrian faith would need to build a strong position - and fast.

8 Chieftess Audr "The Deep-Minded" Of Vestrland

Starting Date: 867

Crusader Kings 3 Chieftess Audr start with map

In 867, Iceland is ruled by two chiefs: Auðr and Garðar. Auðr is a Catholic, where her neighbor - and her realm - follow the Ásatrú faith. Thus, Auðr finds herself stuck on an island surrounded by enemies. She does have a decent chance at defeating her neighbor and ruling the whole island, but he is just as likely to be able to defeat her.

One wrong move, one lost battle, and all Iceland could be Garðar's. Auðr must stop him: for herself, and her faith.

7 King Harold II Godwineson Of England

Starting Date: 1066

Crusader Kings 3 Harold Godwineson start with map

This start is one suggested by the game and is ranked as hard. This is because Harold Godwineson starts at war with not one, but two other rulers - both claiming his title as King of England.

Crusader Kings 3: 16 Best Dynasty Legacies

In Crusader Kings 3, Dynasty Legacies can impart several useful benefits to the player. These examples are some of the very best.

Harold's initial position is weak, with his enemies holding a numerical advantage. He has to fight on two fronts, against two challenging foes...but if the player can turn the tide of history and defeat both William and Harald, they will find themselves reigning supreme over a powerful kingdom.

6 King Sancho Remiriz Of Aragon

Starting Date: 1066

Crusader Kings 3 Sancho Remirez start with map

In 1066, Iberia was splintered. The region is divided up between numerous Christian and Muslim rulers, all vying for dominance over the peninsula. King Sancho, however, just needs to survive. He rules a tiny realm at the foot of the Pyrenees, surrounded by kings and sultans who want his rich lands for themselves.

His neighbors will only grow stronger, so to keep up with them and remain independent, Sancho must find allies and strengthen his realm - but the player will have to do that fast.

5 Raja Vijayabahu Of The Vijayabahu Raj

Starting Date: 1066

Crusader Kings 3 Vijayabahu start with map

Vijayabahu begins as the ruler of four counties in the south of what is now Sri Lanka and starts off embroiled in a rebellion against his powerful liege, contesting the entirety of the island. The player starts with a large army, outnumbering his liege greatly, so winning the rebellion is easy enough.

However, about 80% of the player's army is made up of special soldiers, meaning they won't reinforce. The country's actual manpower is relatively low, and after gaining independence further expansion can be a difficult challenge. The initial strength will quickly wane, and that hard-won freedom may only last a few years.

4 Chief Ragnarr Olafrsson Of Medelpad

Starting Date: 867

Crusader Kings 3 Ragnarr of Medelpad start with map

Ragnarr is the humble chief of a single county in Sweden. Without much wealth or manpower, Ragnarr's start will be slow - and challenging, since bordering his realm to the south is the Jarldom of Uppland. Eventually, Björn "Ironside" will want to expand north, and that means taking Ragnarr's land.

Fortunately, Björn starts off occupied with a war in England, but that never goes on for long. Players could quickly take Ångermanland to the north to strengthen their position, but after that expansion would be difficult, with another powerful chief to the west and a strong Sami realm to the north. Ragnarr might need to abandon Sweden for lands elsewhere...or players may choose to stick around and rise to be King of Sweden.

3 Petty Magajiya Daurama Of Daura

Starting Date: 867

Crusader Kings 3 Daurama of Daura start with map

Daurama's start is not particularly difficult, but she could end up making some powerful enemies. Daurama of Daura is the start required for the Mother of Us All achievement. Unlocking this achievement is a tremendous challenge, requiring players to unite Africa and convert all of it to a reformed African pagan faith.

7 Things Crusader Kings 3 Can Teach You About Real History

Not only does Crusader Kings 3 provide a fun experience, but it can also teach you some real historical facts to impress your friends.

To unlock this difficult achievement players must constantly deal with internal and external conflicts over religion and land, coming up against great kingdoms and empires. It's doable but takes a great deal of skill and patience.

2 Duke Kasper Of Luticia

Starting Date: 1066

Crusader Kings 3 Duke Kasper start with map

Kasper is not the weakest ruler, but he starts off wedged between some powerful - and hostile - realms. Kasper is of the Slavic faith, and bordering him to the south and west is the vast Holy Roman Empire, which at any time could wage a holy war against Kasper.

To make things worse, to the north, the Christian Kingdom of Denmark also has conquest on its mind, and expansion east is made difficult by the Kingdom of Poland and the Duchy of Pomerania - an alliance with which might be Kasper's only hope for survival.

1 Basileus Konstantinos X Of The Byzantine Empire

Start Date: 1066

Crusader Kings 3 Konstantinos X with map

In this start, players begin as the aging head of the Byzantine Empire. But, far from wielding the historical might of the once-powerful Eastern Roman Empire, Konstantinos finds himself in quite a precarious position. His empire is crumbling, plagued by internal discontent and gradually losing territory to the ever-expanding Seljuk Empire. Konstantinos is the ruler of a weak, decaying empire.

To make matters worse, players start the game already at war with the Seljuks, who are attempting to seize the Kingdom of Armenia. They boast a military force over twice the size of Konstantinos's, so defeating them will be an immense challenge. Defending the empire, solving its internal problems, and restoring it to its former glory would be a true test of skill.

Crusader Kings 3

PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
September 1, 2020
Paradox Interactive
RPG , Grand Strategy