They say that money is what makes the world go round, and that saying isn't any less true in Crusader Kings 3. Any powerful ruler, no matter how militarily skilled, will need gold. Lots of it, in fact. A healthy economy is one of the characteristics that makes for a mighty realm in this title.

The early game is important in Crusader Kings 3. Regardless of one's location, taking things too slow can limit a player's future expansion. However, achieving early conquest requires a significant cash infusion to avoid going bankrupt. There are plenty of ways to make money in Crusader Kings 3, but doing it quickly takes a little finesse.

Updated March 15, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: Crusader Kings 3 needs no introduction. The title blew everyone's minds with its excellent gameplay loop, which prioritized effective ruling and dynasty building. It's one of the most accessible grand strategy games ever made, opening the floodgates for other people to understand what this style of gaming is all about. In Crusader Kings 3, money makes the world go around, and there are some great ways to increase a ruler's cash flow.

Crusader Kings 3: How To Invade England As William The Conqueror

Taking England is no simple feat in Crusader Kings 3. These tips will help William the Conqueror do just that.

13 Build Farms And Trade Ports

Two Of The Best Structures To Increase The Inflow Of Gold

Ireland in Crusader Kings 3

There are certain structures players can create in Crusader Kings 3 that serve as long-term investments for earning money. Sure, spending resources all at once to create a structure or two may not seem all that engaging, but seasoned players know how important this is.

Farms and trade ports are two of the best structures that players can construct in any holding to increase the gold generated from these areas. It's a simple and great way to ensure that the ruler's coffers will be flowing with gold in no time.

12 Become A Steward For Your Vassal

A Simple, Brilliant Way To Ensure Prosperity

A Feudal court in Crusader Kings 3

While being a king or emperor may sound great, some Crusader Kings 3 players are better off starting small before moving on to bigger and better things. There's no shame in serving as a seat on a liege's council, especially if this position is that of a Steward.

It takes real skills to be a shrewd Steward, and it's easy to see why any character would love to use these powers to bolster their economy. It's an excellent way to ensure that players can easily earn a lot of gold, ensuring that their holdings are running smoothly.

11 Use Hooks To Force Vassals To Pay More Taxes

Maintain Hooks And Use Them To Blackmail Vassals

Some characters in Crusader Kings 3

Blackmail is a crucial part of what makes Crusader Kings 3 such an interesting game to play. Players can use information in the form of Hooks to bend people to their will. These Hooks can be either weak or strong in nature.

Both kinds of Hooks can be used to force Vassals into changing their contracts, allowing rulers to extract more gold from their coffers. This should be done with caution, since it's possible to anger a Vassal to the point where they may rebel against their liege.

10 Raiding, The Pirate's Life

Ransack A Ruler's Coffers And Earn Valuable Gold

Raiding Party From Crusader Kings 3

One of the most straightforward ways to earn some gold quickly is to arrange a raid. Unlike full-scale conflicts, raiding doesn't start a war with the country that's being plundered. If players can spot a weakness in a neighboring county, quickly laying siege to it can result in a nice windfall.

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Some pro tips exist for grand strategy fans to have the most fun with their Crusader Kings 3 experience.

It's worth noting, however, that not every culture/religion has access to raiding. Only rulers with an unreformed Pagan faith, Tribal government, or the Legacy of Piracy dynasty modifier may raid other countries. It's preferable to raid when the other country is distracted by another war. Siege the holding quickly, then take the money and run!

9 Winning Wars

Victory In A Defensive War Guarantees A Payout For The Ruler

Victory In Battle From Crusader Kings 3

This may seem obvious, but consistent victories on the battlefield can be quite lucrative. Winning offensive wars, of course, gives the player access to new lands and sources of taxation. On the flipside, achieving victory in a defensive war results in the player being paid a large indemnity by the loser.

Participating in holy wars, such as Crusades, can also net the player easy money. A country that plays a decisive role in a Crusade is entitled to a significant share of the War Chest. For rulers that pull their weight, the benefits may be worth the long trek.

8 Ransoming Other Characters

A Simple, Easy Way To Get Some Quick Gold

Imprisoned Character From Crusader Kings 3

This strategy actually fits hand-in-glove with the previous entries. Whenever a holding is successfully captured, there's always the chance that its occupants will be taken prisoner. These imprisoned characters can be ransomed back to their liege for a nice little profit.

Better yet, why not try to capture the liege-lord himself? Taking a ruler prisoner, especially a king or emperor, can result in a pretty penny for the player. Higher-tier characters tend to have the gold to make their own ransoms possible. Even feudal, Christian rulers who can't raid can still benefit from this method. Any time a war is declared, aim to capture the big cheese himself.

7 Choosing The "Avaricious" Stewardship Perk Tree

This Perk Tree Will Help Players Get Gold In No Time

Stewardship Perk Tree From Crusader Kings 3

In the pursuit of gold, one need not stop at punishing foreign enemies. A player's subjects can be exploited for increased profits. Selecting the "Avaricious" Stewardship Perk Tree is the first step in this regard.

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The Royal Court DLC offers some new mechanics for Crusader Kings 3 players to explore. Check out these tips to make the most of the expansion.

To see how profitable these rewards can be, here's the full breakdown of some of the most useful perks a character may acquire:

Golden Obligations

This perk allows a ruler to demand payment for Hooks. This essentially allows the player character to blackmail their vassals and courtiers. Whenever a Hook is gained on another character, the player can sell it back to the victim…for a price. Strong Hooks result in bigger payoffs.

In addition, one of the tertiary benefits of Golden Obligations is an increase in ransom costs. Thus, players can earn even more money from ransoming important prisoners, especially the ones who can afford it. It fits perfectly with the previously mentioned strategies discussed above.


Heregeld bestows a +10% Vassal Tax Contribution. If vassals are already geared toward making extra tax contributions through their contracts (which will be discussed later), this perk can pay dividends relatively quickly. Milk vassals for everything they're worth, if gaining money quickly is the goal.

This Is MY Domain

This perk grants the player the ability to extort one's subjects directly through a Decision. When the Extort Subjects Decision is taken, a couple of events will fire that allow players to earn some quick gold. Of course, this comes with some penalties, considering extortion is frowned upon by, well, pretty much everyone.

At Any Cost

In a similar vein to the previous perk, At Any Cost unlocks the Sell Titles Decision. In the best-case scenario, this tactic can result in gold, prestige, and even a Hook. However, this decision can also fail spectacularly, leaving the player with nothing but hurt feelings and angry subjects.

6 Choosing The "Overseer" Martial Perk Tree

Earn Extra Gold If The Ruler Has Significant Martial Prowess

A Martial Lifestyle Skill Tree - Crusader Kings 3 Tips

Of course, not everybody is cut out for the Stewardship Lifestyle. Players will eventually have to control rulers that are just no good with money management. Nevertheless, there is a minor alternative for characters who happen to follow a Martial Lifestyle.

Players who choose to invest in the Overseer Martial Perk Tree will receive a few secondary benefits of an economic nature. More specifically, attaining the "Absolute Control" perk will grant additional taxes and levies for counties that have 100 Control. A player's Martial can be assigned the "Increase Control in County" task to bring certain territories fully under their heel if they aren't already. Obviously, the benefits aren't as lucrative as the previous entry, but it's something worth considering for characters who lack points in Stewardship and need extra ways to make money.

5 Hire A Competent Steward

Ensures That The Player Enjoys A Steady Stream Of Gold

King's Council

Nobody can rule alone. At their court, players can appoint fellow noblemen to perform various jobs, one of which is the Steward. One of the most important jobs of a Steward is to Collect Taxes, which can result in a nice little side income for the player...assuming their Steward is competent!

Whether or not a Steward is good at their job is defined, unsurprisingly, by their Stewardship skill. The higher the skill, the more likely the Steward will periodically present their liege with some extra gold. Finding a worthwhile Steward can be difficult for smaller realms, where the pool of available applicants is often low. Large kingdoms and empires can typically find someone highly qualified for the position. Just assign the Steward to the "Collect Taxes" task to get this extra stream of income going and watch it add up!

4 Modifying Vassal Contracts

Usie Hooks And Favors To Alter Contracts

Feudal Contract From Crusader Kings 3

If done early, modifying the feudal contracts of one's vassals can be highly profitable. This strategy can vary depending on the player character's popularity with his vassals. If well-liked, this process becomes much less painful. A character who starts with plenty of positive traits will unsurprisingly have an easier time with this endeavor.

Crusader Kings 3: Everything You Need To Know About Your Character

To best plan a successful playthrough in Crusader Kings 3, players should consider the traits, appearance, and opinions of their character.

Tweaking a particular vassal's obligations in favor of more taxes is possible. Imposing the harshest form of taxes on a vassal, up to 25%, comes with significant opinion penalties. Making sure one's player character is already popular will help offset the disgruntlement such an action will cause. Special contracts, such as Scutage, also result in a bigger payday.

3 Maintaining High Opinion Among Vassals

No One Wants An Angry Vassal

Vassal Opinions In The Empire Of Ireland From Crusader Kings 3

Maintaining a high opinion among one's vassals is one of the most straightforward ways of earning money quickly and passively. Vassals who possess a high opinion of their liege are more efficient at tax collecting. As such, it's best not to be overly heavy-handed with one's subjects.

This is doubly true for religious vassals. Individuals who don't care for their liege won't send their full tax quota up the chain. To prevent this scenario, be tactful with the clergy in one's realm. That extra income can add up to a lot in a short time.

2 Invest In New Buildings

Some Structures Increase Cash Flow In A Certain Area

CK3 Buildings

Players who are willing to spend money to make money will find that investing in a county's buildings is a worthwhile endeavor. Smart players who are interested in generating gold from the get-go should spend their extra money on a county's structures. Resist the urge to commission a shiny crown or a new sword for the time being!

Several buildings can increase a county's tax income when constructed. Guilds, for example, will do the trick, along with Tax Offices and other buildings. These structures will take a few years to build, so starting sooner rather than later is recommended. In just a few years, though, players can enjoy the fruits of a much more robust economy compared to their neighbors.

1 Borrowing & Asking For Money

Catholic Rulers Can Get Quick Money If They're In The Pope's Good Graces

The Pope From Crusader Kings 3

Lastly, if players are ever in desperate need of gold immediately, they can always ask for it. For Catholic rulers, this means going to the Pope for aid. Assuming the Pope has the necessary funds, and his opinion of the player character is high, he will gift a large sum of money into your coffers, no strings attached.

Loans are also an option, particularly from an established holy order. Players may ask for a loan and, if successful, will receive a quick infusion of cash. Of course, this is a loan, not a gift. The money has to be repaid in the future, so keep that in mind.

Crusader Kings 3

PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
September 1, 2020
Paradox Interactive
RPG , Grand Strategy