The main highlight of Crusader Kings 3's Legends of the Dead DLC is, of course, the Legends themselves, which, unlike plagues, spread across the map for good reasons. Legends come in many different forms, spawning from dozens of unique Legend Seeds and, through a hefty maintenance fee, are pushed around the realm and beyond.

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Once Legends have spread to enough baronies and with another injection of cash, players can increase the quality of their Legend up to two times, taking it from Famed to Illustrious and finally Mythical. When players choose to complete their Legend, they will receive an abundance of rewards based on the Legend type and quality.

Legend Seeds In Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Legend Seeds

To start a Legend, players will need a Legend Seed, and like Legends themselves, these come in three different forms: Legitimizing, Holy, and Heroic.

There are many ways to acquire Legend Seeds, such as performing great deeds or assigning the Chronicler to search for them, but many characters start with at least one Seed relating to the region they are from or their dynasty. Some of the best starting rulers for Legends of the Dead have multiple unique Seeds.

How To Start A Legend In Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 How To Start A Legend

With a Legend Seed ready to plant, players will need a hefty sum of gold and sometimes a small amount of Prestige or Piety. The ruler is also often required to have a certain level of fame or devotion. Some Legends even have their own unique conditions that must be first met. All of this is displayed in the Legends tab, found in the bottom left corner of the screen. Pressing L also brings up the Legend tab.

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On top of the base sum of gold required to get started, players must also be prepared to pay a considerable monthly maintenance fee for as long as the Legend is being promoted. Thankfully, there are many benefits given to the player while promoting a Legend, with these bonuses once again depending on the Legend type.

If players want to get more fun out of Legends without having to financially cripple themselves, there is a Game Rule option to lower these costs.

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After clicking on the plus icon of the chosen Legend Seed, players will be presented with a choice to choose a Legend Protagonist - either themselves or a family member, including long-dead ancestors. In this pop-up menu, they will also be able to see the rewards for completing the three levels of the Legend.

How To Spread A Legend In Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Spreading a Legend

Once players have got their Legend up and running, it is time to start spreading it across the map, and this is achieved by increasing the Legend Spread Chance and convincing other rulers to become promoters. The main way to do this is through random events, but there are many other ways, too.

Legend Events & Choices

The main interaction with Legends is through random events, which will pop up fairly frequently. In these Legend events, players will be presented with multiple options, all of which have a determined chance to go in the player's favor or not. Some choices may allow the Legend Spread Chance to increase or even decrease, while other options are about convincing neighboring rulers to become owners and subsequent promoters. There are even chances to get a discount on improving the quality of the Legend.

A Chronicler with high Aptitude will increase the chances of success, as they are a key part of these events.

Extol Domestic Legend - Chronicler, Musician, & Poet

The Court Positions of Chronicler, Musician, and Poet now have their own tasks, including Extol Domestic Legend. For a small monthly fee, these members of the court will increase the Legend Spread Chance. How big of a boost they give depends on their Aptitude. This option will also cost quite a bit per month.

Commend Legend Abroad - Chronicler, Musician, & Poet

Another assignment for Chroniclers, Musicians, and Poets is to Commend Legend Abroad. With this chosen, every year there is a chance for one vassal or neighboring ruler to become an owner of the Legend, and from there, they can choose to promote it.

Once again, a higher Aptitude increases the chances of success. While there is also a monthly fee for this task, it is much less than the Extol Domestic Legend option.

Spread Legend Intent At Activities

One of the more interesting ways to spread Legends, especially for roleplay value in Crusader Kings 3, is to choose the Spread Legend intent while attending activities. Whether taking a grand tour or participating in a tournament, players have a chance to tell others about their legend or perhaps display feats that would lend credence to their desired legendary status.

Convince Other Rulers To Become Promoters

As mentioned previously, neighboring rulers and vassals can become Legend promoters in a number of ways, but players can also just click on the character and ask them outright. While this is unlikely to succeed in most cases, players can use hooks to twist a few arms or instead use bribes. A character's opinion of the player's ruler also factors into the likelihood of acceptance.

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How To Upgrade & Complete Legends In Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Increase Quality of Legend

Once a Legend has spread to a required number of baronies, players can choose to increase the quality of their Legend, which will in turn grant larger rewards. To upgrade their Legend, players will once again need to pay up, as spreading Legends is no cheap task. Prestige is often required, too. The levels of quality are as follows:

  • Famed
  • Illustrious
  • Mythical

When players are happy with the quality of the legend they have created, they can click complete to bring home all the rewards. Players can even complete a Legend while it is at the first level, Famed, if they don't believe they can spread it to enough baronies or no longer have the financial means. However, this can only be done 5 years after the creation of a Legend. Depending on the success of the Legend, certain modifiers will continue for decades to come.

Crusader Kings 3

PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
September 1, 2020
Paradox Interactive
RPG , Grand Strategy