Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion's release has given fans old and new the chance to dive into events preceding Final Fantasy 7 in much more detail. The game, which walks a fine line between remaster and remake, has impressively updated the gameplay and visuals to bring them much more in line with modern standards. For the most part, this allows what is essentially a 15-year-old PSP game to hold up incredibly well. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion tells the story of SOLDIER Zack Fair, as he meets and interacts with various characters from the original game including Cloud, Sephiroth, and the Turks, an antagonistic task force who work on special assignments for the evil Shinra corporation.

The Turks will perform all manner of activities for Shinra including kidnappings, assassinations, and from time to time, scouting potential SOLDIER candidates too. While they are usually portrayed as villains, as with most Final Fantasy 7 characters it isn't quite as clear-cut as that, and several pieces of extended media have shown different sides to the Turks, painting them in a more favorable light. Crisis Core introduces the Turks as allies to Zack's SOLDIER faction, with both working for Shinra on separate assignments before their paths inevitably become entwined.

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Final Fantasy 7 Fans Should Know the Turks Well

The Turks from Final Fantasy 7

The Turks have had several notable members in their ranks over the years, including Vincent Valentine for a short while, a playable character in Final Fantasy 7 who also starred in his own spin-off game titled Dirge of Cerberus. The leader of the group is Tseng, a stern, calculated, and intelligent man who is loyal to his cause. Each member of the Turks dresses sharply, exudes confidence, and specializes in a specific form of combat, making them an extremely adaptable and formidable group.

Reno and Rude are two of the most well-known members of the group, thanks to their striking appearances and their repeated run-ins with Cloud and the mercenary group AVALANCHE. Reno, with fierce red hair, is cocky and arrogant, with a youthful naivety that can sometimes work against him. Despite being Tseng's second in command, he does not share his leader's sense of work ethic and will often look for the quickest and easiest way of getting the job done. He is, however, a formidable fighter, and uses an electromagnetic rod in battle to perform various electrically-charged attacks.

Rude looks the opposite of Reno, with a shaved head, and sunglasses which he constantly wears, covering his small, narrow eyes. Rude is the ultimate professional, and values doing a good job above all else. His physical prowess in battle means he uses nothing but his bare fists to beat his opponents down, able to perform a series of throws and takedowns to compliment his punching prowess. The Turks also count Cissnei among their ranks, a female character who fights with a large, boomerang-like shuriken, which returns to her each time it's thrown. A strong, quiet, and caring member of the group, Cissnei was raised by the Turks and is extremely loyal to them as a result.

Given the events in Final Fantasy 7 Remake's epic climax, it would be reasonable to assume the Turks will have a part to play in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the second part of the Remake trilogy. Many are also expecting Zack Fair to play a significant role in the game too. With this in mind, Crisis Core presents the perfect opportunity for fans to learn more about the Turks, and their relationships with Zack, SOLDIER and Shinra.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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