To celebrate the release of its action-RPG, Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion, Square Enix revealed that it has commissioned the creation of a Buster Sword Christmas tree. With the iconic Final Fantasy 7 weapon at the center of the work of art, the wooden sculpture is a great way to mark the launch of the prequel and to kick off the holiday season.

Many Final Fantasy 7 fans seem to have a fascination with the Buster Sword, so it is not a wonder that Square Enix put the weapon at the center of the recently revealed wooden sculpture. The company even recognizes this love for the weapon, with Square Enix producing several official merchandise and products such as clocks, metal rulers, and ice trays themed after the Buster Sword. Fans also found ways to pay homage to the iconic blade, with some fans producing real-life versions of the Buster Sword, and even implementing the weapon as playable items in other video games.

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On YouTube, Square Enix dropped a video showing off the Buster Sword Christmas tree that was produced to celebrate the release of Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion. However, details about the wooden sculpture's production and its artist can be found on the official blog post. A well-known tree sculptor from the United Kingdom named Simon O’Rourke was the one tasked with producing the wooden statue of the Final Fantasy 7 weapon. According to O'Rourke, it took him around four days to plan and sculpt the work of art from out of a Blue Atlantic Cedar.

Fans will likely find the blog post interesting as it shares a lot of details about O'Rourke and the process of carving out the Buster Sword Christmas tree. For those concerned about the environment, the Blue Atlantic Cedar used had already been cut down by a tree surgeon due to it suffering from a condition called dieback. O'Rourke also gave insights on how he thought up the sculpture's design. He shared his inspiration from the circuit lines on the Final Fantasy 7 Buster Sword, using it as the basis of the straight branch lines of the unconventional Christmas tree.

Overall, fans of Final Fantasy 7 are likely amazed at the way O'Rourke incorporated the Buster Sword into the work of art. Not only did he make it size-accurate and proportional, he also made the weapon stand out through the use of an ebony wood stain. Hopefully Square Enix will let fans know if they can actually visit and see the sculpture in person.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion will release on December 13 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Square Enix