The world of Crime Boss: Rockay City is as violent and murderous as it is rich with lucrative prospects. Competing against several rival gangs, as well as heavily armored police and SWAT teams, players will need to be suitably armed.

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Fortunately, there is a lengthy catalog of weapons from which to choose and arm companions as well. From melee blades to fully automatic machine guns, there is a weapon for every occasion in Crime Boss: Rockay City, and it will be up to players to decide which weapon will be best for the job.

10 Machete

Crime Boss Rockay City Machete

Quiet, quick, and efficient, this classic blade is commonly used for cutting through dense forests in jungle regions around the world; however, it can just as easily slice through assailants in Crime Boss: Rockay City as well.

With a decent range compared to the shorter knives on offer, as well as substantial one-hit damage when striking from stealth, the Machete makes for the best choice when it comes to melee weapons in the game. Using stealth is key in many heists, so this tool should be the preferred choice of anyone seeking some discretion during robberies.

9 Micro SMG E

Crime Boss Rockay City Micro SMG E

The Micro SMG E is a modified Uzi with a stock. Boasting an incredibly high rate of fire, this submachine gun excels at close range and in close-quarts combat, a situation players will frequently find themselves in throughout Crime Boss: Rockay City's various level designs.

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Though perhaps not as powerful as some other choices, this gun is easily capable of mowing down small groups of enemies and taking out lesser-armored opponents in little more than a short burst.

8 Chase's Rifle

Crime Boss Rockay City Chases Rifle

This single-shot close-to-mid-range rifle is both accurate and deadly. With a unique design, this weapon is based on an old lever-action Winchester and is the preferred choice of gun-happy cowboys.

Due to its bonus in firing distance, Chase's rifle often makes for a more versatile choice than many shotguns in Crime Boss: Rockay City, even if it may lack quite the same amount of devastating close-range power.


Crime Boss Rockay City SLR

The SLR is a mid-to-long-range assault rifle based on the British Army Lee Enfield SLR L1A1. This powerful weapon has a relatively slow rate of fire, but it can be fired automatically; however, the SLR is best used as a single-shot weapon due its accuracy and power.

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Having said that, the weapon does not suffer excessively from recoil, so unloading a magazine into a group of enemies is certainly still possible, albeit slow.

6 Chopper E

Crime Boss Rockay City Chopper E

The Chopper E is based upon a Vietnam-era M16 Assault Rifle. It also contains a large drum magazine allowing for much more ammunition to be fired before reloading. This loud and powerful rifle boasts a decent rate of fire and shoots in bursts, ensuring that any targets on the end of its barrel will be bet with a swarm of bullets rather than just a single shot.

5 Sting

Crime Boss Rockay City Sting

The Sting is a short, close-quarters submachine gun based on the MP7. Its size and weight make it very maneuverable, enabling targets to be changed very quickly, and there is very little defense against its high rate of fire.

It can be fired either as a single-shot or fully automatic weapon, so depending on the needs of the user, it can be a very versatile tool in the player's arsenal. Equally capable of fighting single opponents or larger groups, this is certainly one of the best weapons in Crime Boss: Rockay City from among the selection of other SMGs.

4 Desert Eagle .44

Crime Boss Rockay City Desert Eagle

The "DE .44" or Desert Eagle is a highly powerful mag-fed pistol that is both stylish and effective. Capable of taking down most enemies in a single shot, this pistol is more like a hand-held shotgun than it is like an ordinary handgun.

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As a result, however, users should be wary and plan in advance for the recoil. Arming this in combination with a high rate-of-fire SMG, for example, will provide a great balance between power and range.

3 357 BOA

Crime Boss Rockay City Boa

Another highly powerful pistol is the 357 Boa revolver. This hand-engraved work of art is a throwback to the times of the Wild West and should feel appropriate for bank robbers and thieves looking to hold up virtually any kind of business.

The pistol is extremely devastating from close range, but it can be also used effectively at medium to long distances. Players also need not fear a slow reload time, as all bullets are simply inserted back into the revolver as a group, giving users maximum power and reload speed.


Crime Boss Rockay City SMG

The SMG 9mm is based upon the favorite submachine gun of the British SAS forces: the MP5. Perhaps one of the most effective and well-known guns in the world, this weapon offers a range of fire modes and a perfect balance between range-effectiveness, rate of fire, and damage.

The iron sights are also particularly easy to use on this machine gun, and it does not always suffer from recoil as badly as some other submachine guns in the game. For most heists and events, this weapon is an ideal choice.

1 Machinegun (LMG)

Crime Boss Rockay City LMG

Simply named the "Machinegun" this giant LMG is based upon the classic M40, and is especially effective when faced, as players often will be in Crime Boss: Rockay City, with wave upon wave of enemies. The weapon will excel in turf wars or once a mission has been somewhat scuppered and SWAT teams are on the case.

With a huge magazine capacity and a decent balance between power and rate of fire, there is not much that this weapon cannot handle.

Crime Boss: Rockay City is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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