Glitches are far and few these days, as most modern game developers have significantly more tools and resources available to them. This, for the most part, allows many companies to refine and polish their titles for the satisfaction of video game lovers everywhere.

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Though, there was a time when glitches ran rampant! Lacking certain quality control aspects left many older games plagued with a variety of bizarre occurrences. Be they game-breaking ones that were tedious and unfortunate to encounter or exploitable discoveries that could give a player God-like powers, the Nintendo 64 had some of the craziest glitches.

10 Climbing Endless Stairs In Super Mario 64

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Super Mario 64 Peach's Castle

One of the Nintendo 64's most glitch-infested games is Super Mario 64. By holding the control stick backward while initiating a long jump and repeatedly pressing the A button, the player can essentially hop in place. When applied to the endless stairs barring the player's way up to higher levels of the castle, it results in rapid acceleration that bypasses the descending escalator-like barrier normally stopping the player from progressing.

9 Infinite Continues In Pokémon Stadium 2

Rattata in Pokemon Stadium

Tournaments players can enter award 'extra continues' if they defeat all of their opponent's Pokémon without allowing any of their own to faint. Usually, this is good for one extra shot at a battle, but can be much more. To abuse this mechanic, a player needs an extra continue and then must save and quit the tournament they are in by selecting 'suspend' after a battle. One then needs to enter a new tournament. Resuming the suspended data will make it impossible to use the glitch. Following this, if at any point they lose a match, they can try to suspend their progress again, but the game will remind them of their previous save data. By then selecting 'continue without suspending', the player can rematch the trainer they just lost to, however with no continue being lost. Rinse and repeat as needed for certain victory.

8 Body Swapping During A Mini-Game In Mario Party 3

Mario Party 3 mini-game

During the mini-game Coconut Conk, when victory is achieved by the attacking side, a player can lose control of their character and gain control of another while the game gets stuck somewhere between the end of the mini-game and the victory screen.

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Things soon return to normal, but no one yet has been able to figure out why or how this happens. Though, this may mean there are secret ways to control NPCs.

7 Secret Egg Throwing Technique In Yoshi's Story

Yoshi's Story Gameplay red Yoshi aiming egg at enemy holding hand sign

Everyone's favorite video game dinosaur has sometimes appeared as an unlockable part of various Super Mario games in the past, but they have secrets in their own games as well. One such hidden bit of knowledge is the ability to freeze Yoshi's animation while throwing an egg. To do this, a player needs to try throwing an egg during a certain frame. Which frame this is has not been determined, but what results is Yoshi's appearance being stuck in a mid-throw pose. It looks a bit like Yoshi is charging a Dragon Ball-tier energy attack, but only really achieves a game crash and little else.

6 Phasing Through Space With Time As Your Ally In Diddy Kong Racing

Diddy Kong Racing Boss Race Octopus in Water Level

T.T. the sentient timer is usually encountered by the player within various areas of the overworld. He normally assists by allowing them to complete a number of crucial races. T.T. will always come towards the player when honked at, in order to allow them to initiate a race. His vigor to do so allows him to be easily lured to the exits of each area, causing the game's physics to freak out, resulting in T.T.'s hitbox colliding with the player's and sending them outside the game's map, allowing for a huge number of illegal shortcuts.

5 Bullying Your Opponent Into Oblivion In Mario Kart's Block Fort

Mario Kart N64 Battle Red Shell Peach Luigi

Much like itsrival racing game, Mario Kart has a fair share of wall-breaking glitches. One that is useful can be done on the battle map called Block Fort. In the beginning, battlers are placed in long paths between the four colorful fortresses of this map, in the shape of a large cross. This can lead to opponents bull-rushing each other for head-on collisions. If one gets knocked back, it is possible to push them not only against the wall behind their starting area but through it to certain death.

4 How To Make Your High Score Soar Like A Dragon In 1080 Snowboarding

1080 Snowboarding Split Screen multiplayer down slopes

Jumping off a cliff usually means doom. But in the Dragon Cave course, there is a way to use the deadly kiss of gravity for huge gains. Around the hairpin turn with the pink neon signs, all one needs to do it leap over the edge, unleash a series of tricks, and collide with enough force to trigger the game into sending the player back to the checkpoint.

RELATED: 10 Craziest Glitches Of Playstation 2 Games (& What They Do)

If the collision happens when performing a trick, the player takes no damage. Furthermore, when the player gets transported back to the course, their combo multiplier does not get reset, allowing for a massive amount of points to be racked up.

3 Destroy The Laws Of Physics With Bombs In The Legend Of Zelda: Orcarina Of Time

Game Theory shows how strong Link would need to be to lift the boulder in Ocarina of Time

Those who have played newer additions to The Legend of Zelda series, like Breath of the Wild, are probably familiar with tales of hilarious happenings. This franchise has many across all of its games, but some of the most ridiculous can be found in Orcarina of Time. Put simply, players can use bombs to unleash large amounts of energy. They can also harness and direct this energy with well-timed shield usage, which can allow them to jump great distances or perform overpowered attacks.

2 Cartridge Tilting Turns A Cute Adventure Into A Horrific Acid Trip In Hey You, Pikachu!

Hey You, Pikachu! Picnic Bulbasaur Squirtle Charmander have a Meal

What is supposed to be a charming and heartwarming game can be twisted by the video game dark art of "cartridge tilting". By inserting the game cartridge diagonally into the console, one could cause the graphics of the game to mutate. The most notable occurrence was that Pikachu's face would sometimes warp into black and red shapes not unlike what one would see in a horror game.

1 Things Don't Happen Unless You Look At Them In Pokemon Snap

Pokemon Snap Mew Sparkling Perfect Photo

While playing this unique game, the player needs to perform certain events in order to progress to the next area. This usually involves throwing an apple or a pester ball at something. Normally at the end of the Tunnel course, the photographer would have to throw something at an Electrode in order to make it explode and knock a few rocks out of the way. This is not difficult to do, but if the player throws an object at Electrode and triggers the beginning of the explosion, but turns away, it will cancel Electrode out of this action and not open the path. Sometimes seeing is believing!

NEXT: 10 Most Hilarious Video Game Glitches Of All Time