Despite gracing consoles over 25 years ago, iconic PlayStation marsupial Crash Bandicoot is still finding his way into the screens and hearts of gamers both young and young-at-heart. June 2023 sees the release of a fresh look at the popular franchise, with Crash Team Rumble releasing on June 20.

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The game features a cast of familiar characters from the Crash Bandicoot franchise as well as a new one, CatBat, as players go toe-to-toe with other gamers in a 4v4 battle to fill their Wumpa fruit banks first. Crash Team Rumble features 7 different powers that can be unlocked and used to give players a unique advantage on the field. Depending on the role a character plays, these powers can be the difference between victory and defeat.

7 Bounce Crates

The Bounce Crates power from Crash Team Rumble as seen in-game and in the main menu

Getting beaten up by a Blocker or a bunch of opposing players? The Bounce Crate is the ultimate eject button to not only escape further punishment but to deal some right back at them. The Bounce Crate will propel a player high out of reach of attackers, then abruptly explode, causing damage to any in its blast radius.

While this is a great get-out-of-jail-free card, the Bounce Crate is a single-fire perk that is instantaneous and will immediately disappear after use. This is a downside that isn't observed in any of the other available powers, so it is likely that this one won't be as popular, save for those who dedicate the time to turning the ability into a true strategic weapon.

6 Flytrap Spitter

The Flytrap Spitter power from Crash Team Rumble as shown in game and in the main menu

The Flytrap Spitter is a ranged power that can be used to not only cause damage to opposing players but also slow them down. It can be positioned at any spot on the map. However, it can do its best work either situated on a gem that is up for grabs or the opposing team's bank.

While the Spitter hits the nearest enemy from a distance, it is noticeably weaker as an offensive weapon and can be easily dispatched by an opponent without costing too much health. Ideally, since this power can be used twice in one go, both Spitters should be positioned close to one another to provide double the damage to the other team.

5 Garbage Dump

The Garbage Dump power from Crash Team Rumble as seen in-game and in the main menu

The Garbage Dump power is the perfect tool for taking trash-talk to the next level. With this power, players can allocate a position on the map where garbage falls from the sky and causes damage to any enemy players that are in the way.

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Positioning the Garbage Dump over the opposition's bank can deter opponents from stashing their Wumpa, which in the dying stages of a match can be a true difference maker. It's also a great defensive weapon and can get players out of a sticky situation when in a seemingly-inescapable position.

4 Power Drain

The Power Drain power from Crash Team Rumble as shown in game and in the main menu

The Power Drain's name leaves little mystery as to what purpose it serves, but nonetheless, this Epic-level power certainly has more than its share of benefits. As the name implies, the Power Drain has the ability to deprive any opposing players within its reach of their progress with their respective power.

While players may not necessarily actively see the benefits of the Power Drain, this will buy a window of precious time in which the various disadvantages presented by the opposition's powers won't be activated. This boost has the ability to turn the tide of a match, particularly in the later stages when it's too close to call.

3 Gasmoxian Guard

The Gasmoxian Guard power from Crash Team Rumble as seen in-game and in the main menu

The great, hulking presence of the Gasmoxian Guard is without a doubt the best offensive power in Crash Team Rumble which, when positioned at the right place at the right time, can be the difference between winning or losing in close matches. The Guard will stand at any given point with its huge tuning-fork-type weapon that will initiate a large electric blast that will affect all opposing players in a devastating fashion.

The Gasmoxian Guard is a perfect ally to protect the team's bank, prevent the opposition from cashing in on their own bank, or for securing gems to grant team boosts. When situated on a gem, it will secure the position it is in and make it near-impossible for the opposition to claim the advantage. Whether a Booster, Scorer, or Blocker, the Gasmoxian Guard is an ideal tool for any strategy.

2 Healing Fridge

The Healing Fridge power from Crash Team Rumble as shown in game and in the main menu

Whatever secrets lie in the Healing Fridge may very well cure some of the toughest ailments in the real world. As the name would suggest, this power has the ability to recover any lost health to a player simply by standing within its zone of reach. This is particularly handy as it will have a positive effect on not only the player but their teammates as well.

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While the Healing Fridge is one of the most useful powers available in Crash Team Rumble, it is very much defenseless. To make effective use of it, players should anticipate only reaping the Fridge's benefits for a short period to top up their health or stand guard to ensure teammates can make use of it too. Given their tendency for violence and strong armor, this would best be suited for Blockers who need healing and are able to protect the Fridge for their teammates.

1 Wumpa Stash

The Wumpa Stash power from Crash Team Rumble as seen in-game and in the main menu

For the players favoring the scoring characters, the Wumpa Stash is unquestionably the best power to use to maximize on the capacity to bank serious points to boost the chances of winning. With the Wumpa Stash, players can equip a passive supply of Wumpa fruit that will generate as they play until it reaches the maximum capacity of 100.

The Wumpa Stash is perfect for Scorers but will, of course, be an asset for any character role. However, bear in mind that, much like the regular Wumpa supplies, this can be lost when the player is knocked out. To get the most out of the Stash, timing a bank with gem boosts can bump up Wumpa banks to exceed 300 in one go.

Crash Team Rumble is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One.

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