Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is one of the most ambitious games in a very long time. The Nintendo-exclusive fighting game boasts one of the most expansive character rosters in the history of the genre, and each of those characters comes from almost every single corner of video game history. From Nintendo's most recognizable mascots, to characters that were unthinkable for the franchise years ago, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is as zany as it is groundbreaking. The game's DLC characters have been where some of the most unlikely characters have come from, and the one that many fans are clamoring for is Crash Bandicoot.

The wacky marsupial is an icon of 90s video game culture, and he's recently been going through a bit of a resurgence. After going more than twenty years without a mainline Crash Bandicoot game, Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time brought Crash back on to the scene in grand fashion. This return has renewed interest in the character, and as a result there are many fans campaigning to have Crash appear in Smash Bros. He certainly wouldn't be the oddest addition yet, and he has the reputation to back it up.

RELATED: Crash Bandicoot Devs Are Still Hoping for a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Invite

Adding Another Mascot To Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate full roster poster

One of the biggest themes of the Super Smash Bros. character list is how it focuses on some of the most recognizable mascots in gaming. Mario and Luigi are obvious inclusions, but Sonic the Hedgehog, Pac-Man, and Mega Man also make up some of the most identifiable characters in the game. Even Banjo & Kazooie, a pair who hasn't had a new game since 2008, are represented as a DLC character. Crash Bandicoot stands as one of the most memorable mascots to come from the 90s, when he was known as the face of PlayStation's rise to fame. Putting him in Smash would give him the recognition many fans believe he deserves.

Crash Bandicoot's Moveset Potential

Crash Bandicoot rail grinding in a jungle

When it comes to deciding whether or not a character should be added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, one of the biggest points of contention is whether or not a good moveset can be made out of them. Crash would have the potential to fit perfectly into the Super Smash Bros. moveset formula, as there are over a dozen games to take inspiration from. His signature spin move would be an obvious inclusion, and he could even throw Wumpa fruit as some kind of ranged attack. Crash could be one of the most dynamic characters in the game based on his personality alone.

Celebrating Crash's 25 Anniversary

Crash Bandicoot Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a celebration of the best that gaming has had to offer over its long history, and it would be remiss if it didn't bring Crash Bandicoot into the mix. The timing couldn't be any better either, as Crash himself is celebrating his 25 anniversary. Not much has been announced for the celebration of Crash's 25th birthday, but putting him in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate would be one of the best possible outcomes for many fans of the character. There are few parties like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and it would be one party that Crash Bandicoot is uniquely situated for.

With two spots still left in the second fighter pack for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, there's really no telling what new characters will be introduced. The range of fighters that have already been introduced means that there are really no limits to which characters might make an appearance, and if Crash fans are lucky enough the bandicoot might just be one of them. This is all wishful thinking of course, but Crash Bandicoot makes a very good case for being one of the next DLC fighters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: What Fighter Could Nintendo Possibly Want to Save for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's Rumored Secret DLC