Crackdown 3 debuted on Xbox Game Pass this past Friday, giving players the chance to yet again explore an open world, fight baddies, and collect orbs to power up their playable agent. Past interviews with developers have indicated that Crackdown 3 will have a campaign that's 15 hours plus, which is longer than usual for the series, and some may be wondering if there is truth to that statement.

Game length aggregate site How Long to Beat has had one submission for how long it took to beat Crackdown 3, and that claim is around six hours. This would be more or less in line with past entries in the series, but a more likely scenario would likely be around 10 hours to finish Crackdown 3's campaign, depending on how deep one dives into collectibles and things of that nature.

While some fans may be disappointed that Crackdown 3 is apparently pretty short, it's worth pointing out that there is more to the campaign than just going through the main story, like collecting the orbs dotted around the game world. Additionally, Crackdown 3 has an online multiplayer mode called Wrecking Zone that features highly destructible environments.


The downside to the Wrecking Zone multiplayer mode is that, at the time of writing, it doesn't allow players to play in a party. This means that Crackdown 3 players can only play the multiplayer with strangers instead of their friends, which seems like a weird limitation to have in a game in 2019.

Crackdown 3 has not received the greatest review scores, partly because of limitations like this, but gamers may still want to consider giving it a shot. After all, Crackdown 3 is free for Xbox Game Pass subscribers, meaning players can try the game for themselves at very little cost and come to their own conclusions.

If Crackdown 3 is able to find and maintain an audience, there could be future updates that will add more content to the game and extend its replay value. In the meantime, it seems those looking to beat the campaign will have anywhere from six and a half to 10ish hours of gameplay.

Crackdown 3 is out now for PC and Xbox One.

Source: How Long to Beat