Fans of FPS who want a more straightforward action experience always enjoy a good round of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. After all, this hallmark iteration of OG Counter-Strike retains the same FPS fun with a more multiplayer-oriented setup. In turn, CS:GO provides just the same level of tactical and fast-paced shooter fun as its original counterpart.

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Unfortunately, newcomers to CS:GO might feel a bit overwhelmed with the kind of fast-paced combat other players might be demonstrating in the game. Beginners might commit some rookie mistakes that could cost them and their team the match. In turn, just what mistakes should new operatives avoid? Moreover, how can they solve these hiccups?

10 Don't Neglect Practice

Map study - Counter Strike Global Offensive Mistakes

The old saying "practice makes perfect" can become a bit stale when heard for the nth time. However, in CS:GO, the right kind of practice can separate professionals from beginners. Interestingly, "practice" doesn't just mean playing a couple thousand hours in ranked or other game modes. Rather, players need to find the best ways to practice specific gameplay mechanics and technicalities to maximize their combat output.

For instance, players should try to participate in matches with special settings such as deathmatches with pistols or knives only. Likewise, players should use their matches as opportunities to practice executions and trying out different weapons.

9 Don't Forget To Change Settings

Make aiming convenient - Counter Strike Global Offensive Mistakes

Professional players often separate themselves from newcomers by virtue of their settings alone. Any FPS fan should remember that sometimes changing sensitivity settings can make or break someone's performance in a match. Essentially, players need to take note of their mouse sensitivity and see how it works with other aspects of their weapon control. Sometimes, players forget that elements such as recoil control, crosshair placement, and tracking aim can help them perform better in a match.

To capitalize on this opportunity, players should always try to find the best settings depending on the weapons they use. Essentially, players should stay with lower sensitivity to handle weapons with stronger recoil. Meanwhile, more maneuverable weapons can get a huge boost in accuracy with higher sensitivity.

8 Don't Neglect Map Study

Counter Strike Global Offensive

Despite the rather simple nature of this tip, it's actually important to know the intricacies of popular maps to familiarize with blind spots, quick vertical points, and shortcuts. This isn't necessarily cheating either, as remember even real-life soldiers and police officers study a location before getting there.

Pro players often get clear shots not because they're cheating or using hacks. Rather, they know maps very well to the point of predicting where people potentially hide or travel quicker through shortcuts. This is an advantage teams can capitalize on to boost their movement and catch enemies by surprise.

7 Avoid Any Unnecessary Exposure

Dont get exposed - Counter Strike Global Offensive Mistakes

Do players need to see each other when they partake in gunfights? In a way, yes, but CS:GO's fast-paced gameplay does make room for some technical tips when it comes to avoiding unnecessary exposure. Especially, those few split-seconds of being seen running to cover, throwing a grenade, or reloading a weapon can give enemies more than enough time to react and prepare.

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Instead of giving away these cues, players should learn the more technical aspects of common movements.  For example, players should have grenades bounce off surfaces instead of directly pointing towards the target. Likewise, players should reload away from the enemy's sight to avoid goading them to approach.

6 Don't Get Too Aggressive

Not much aggro for Terrorists - Counter Strike Global Offensive Mistakes

Granted, CS:GO is a fast and loose game. However, fast-paced gunfights don't necessarily mean players should go for the most aggressive approach. Remember, pro players tend to put false pressure on the enemy team with fakes and backtracking, so try to stay within the objective. This is especially the case for Counter-Terrorists who get pressured by the clock to eliminate the enemy team to avoid the timing concerns with bomb defusal.

However, Terrorists already know this. Chances are, Terrorists will bait CTs out of position by slamming a particular point (say, Site A) to grab the CTs attention. This strategy almost always gives Terrorists free reign to grab the alternate objective with enough time to hide or pick off the remaining CTs.

5 Don't Neglect Patience

Patience for Counter Terrorists - Counter Strike Global Offensive Mistakes

Despite the time pressure, Terrorists shouldn't feel rushed to aim for just one site to plant their bomb. Terrorists should try to "feel" movement on the map and take note of first interactions. Chances are, the gunfire exchange will almost always lead the rest of the CTs to the gunfight's current position.

Likewise, the bomb-holder shouldn't go rush to their site by then, as chances are a CT will be trying to make their way via a backdoor to ambush incoming Terrorists.

4 Don't Obsess Over Rotation

Rotation is sometimes important - Counter Strike Global Offensive Mistakes

In fast-paced matches, such as those in CS:GO, players should want to eliminate the enemy team as fast as possible. However, rotating might be the very reason why teams get team-wiped in a single confrontation. In turn, players should be more mindful of the way they react to things happening to their rotation. For instance, if a teammate or two has successfully killed enemies on their position without any deaths, they probably won't need any help soon.

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Players should be careful whenever they decide to leave their rotation or their post. If their allies are getting ganked on one side, players should decide whether to stay within the objective or try to retaliate. As a rule of thumb, if the enemy kills all teammates in a certain area, it's best to stay on target. Killing the enemy at this point won't bring allies back.

3 Don't Neglect Specialized Movement

Advanced Movement - Counter Strike Global OFfensive Mistakes

As a more modernized version of the classic Counter-Strike game, CS:GO also applies some of the more fast-paced aspects that made CS a landmark FPS game. Unlike the more technical Rainbow Six: Siege, CS:GO loves its high-intensity battles. In turn, players need to maximize their movement by training technical movement patterns. These include bunny hopping, surfing, or even using KZ Maps.

Essentially, KZ Maps give players maps with a lot of platforms and raised surfaces. While unideal for most matches, these maps serve as the perfect terrain to practice jumping and crouching, as well as fast climbing strategies. Likewise, bunny hopping enables players to jump to distances quickly while avoiding fire. Meanwhile, surfing capitalizes on looking away from the target direction during strafes to gain more speed. Players in most matches appear "speedy" thanks to these strategies.

2 Don't Forget To Cut Bad Habits

Cut habits - Counter Strike Global Offensive Mistakes

Perhaps most importantly, a lot of beginners often lose their matches not necessarily because of their "lack of skill." Rather, players often develop habits in FPS games that make their moves predictable and easy to read. Essentially, players should cut a gameplay style that they're simply doing out of habit and not because of its strategic worth. For instance, players who rely too much on an angle become easy targets. Additionally, players who automatically go in the direction of a grenade get faked easily.

Players should actively avoid things they do right before they die. For instance, players should avoid repeeking if this causes their deaths a lot. The same advice goes for when players have a habit of strafe-firing, shoulder-peeking, or crouching all the time. Players who also try to win a long-distance duel with a short-range weapon should stop trying to make it work.

1 Don't Stick To One Style

Dont stick to one style - Counter Strike Global Offensive Mistakes

Players should avoid using the same "winning strategy" more than twice in the same row. Given how long a single match could get, it's likely for players to stick to the same tactics over the next few rounds. However, pros can slowly pick up on a team's preferred strategy and use that against them. This is where the advice of practicing multiple weapon loadouts and strategies come in.

Essentially, players should always practice a rotating set of strategies to accommodate changes every round. For instance, players who showed reliance on a close-quarters loadout can surprise enemies after a few rounds by switching to a sniper. Disorienting the opponent this way can easily cost them the round.

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