
  • Mastering pistols in Counter-Strike 2 is crucial for getting better weapons and gaining an early advantage over enemies. Even late-game situations may call for a pistol.
  • The R8 Revolver is cheaper than the Desert Eagle but is overshadowed by its raw power and distance. Players on a tight budget could consider it.
  • The CZ75-Auto has high damage output and rapid-fire rate, making it lethal in close-quarters combat. However, its limited magazine size and low kill award make it less sustainable in multiple rounds compared to other pistols.

Pistols are much more important than one might initially think in Counter-Strike 2. Sure, the shiny rifles and submachine guns usually take the spotlight, but one still has to earn enough cash to get them, and to get there they will inevitably have to go through pistols.

The Best Tactical Shooters Of All Time, Ranked

Tactical shooters are different from your run-of-the-mill FPS. These titles stand out as the best the genre has to offer.

A player that has mastered the pistols will have a much easier time getting to bigger weapons, and can even get an early advantage over their enemies. On top of that, even certain late-game situations call for a pistol, such as an eco round, or as an example of the notorious line: "Switching to your secondary is faster than reloading."

1 R8 Revolver

Price: $600

R8 Revolver
  • Damage per shot - 86
  • Magazine Capacity - 8/8
  • Kill Award - $300

The gun was first introduced in the Winter 2015 update and caused quite a controversy at the time. Since then, the pistol was reworked and rebalanced several times, to where it currently stands today.

While the gun itself isn’t necessarily that bad, it is ultimately overshadowed by the Desert Eagle, with a similar raw power and distance. The revolver is cheaper though, so players could go for it on a tight budget. However, with the new Loadout system, players will need to pick and choose exactly what weapons they want to have in a game.

2 Dual Berettas

Price: $300

Dual Berettas
  • Damage per shot - 38
  • Magazine Capacity - 30/120
  • Kill Award - $300

They look really cool, no doubt about that. Their large magazine capacity and relatively fast-paced shooting are also great to have, but when it comes to actual shootouts, they will almost always be inferior to most pistols.

15 Great First-Person Shooters On Steam That Deserve More Attention

The first-person shooter genre is a very popular one, so it's no surprise that some amazing games go unnoticed, like these underrated steam FPS games.

If one is in a pinch, it might be worth it to get it as they are fairly cheap, especially when defending on the CT side, as the large magazine gives players more room to spray down the flood of rushing opponents.


Price: $500

  • Damage per shot - 31
  • Magazine Capacity - 12/12
  • Kill Award - $100

The CZ75-Auto is appreciated for its high damage output and rapid-fire rate, making it lethal in close-quarters combat. Its fairly low price adds tactical flexibility, allowing players to buy armor or grenades alongside the pistol.

However, its limited magazine size and slower reload time compared to other pistols, like the Five-SeveN or Tec-9, can be a drawback. But the hardest pill to swallow when it comes to this gun is the terrible $100 awards for kills, making it highly unsustainable across several rounds.

4 Glock-18/USP-S

Price: $200

Glock, USP S
  • Damage per shot - 30(Glock - 18), 35(USP-S)
  • Magazine Capacity - 12/120(Glock - 18), 12/24(USP-S)
  • Kill Award - $300

These are the default guns for T and CT sides respectively, and they are as reliable as they are available. In most cases, players are perfectly fine with not buying another sidearm during the first rounds, as they are more than capable of taking down enemies, especially before they get proper armor.

10 Shooter Games That Bombed At Launch But Turned It Around

Despite a more than rocky launch, these shooter games managed to pull through and now enjoy a cult or huge following.

As the game progresses, these should be replaced by better options if players can afford them, but they are still more than usable at any stage in the game, with good aim and a little game sense.

5 P250

Price: $300

  • Damage per shot - 38
  • Magazine Capacity - 13/26
  • Kill Award - $300

The P250 is a great choice at pretty much any point in the game. The low price allows players to grab it as soon as the first round, and have enough left for two flashbangs or some other utility item.

The damage is good enough to use even during later rounds, even though the range isn’t the best. The magazine is just big enough to last most situations, and the fire rate is good enough to hold back a push, making it an overall fantastic option to have.

6 Desert Eagle

Price: $700

Desert Eagle
  • Damage per shot - 53
  • Magazine Capacity - 7/35
  • Kill Award - $300

The “Deagle” is one of the most popular guns across games and movies alike, and its importance for the Counter-Strike series cannot be understated as well. Renowned for its sheer stopping power, it stands out with its one-shot kill potential even at longer distances. Its high damage and armor-piercing capabilities make it a favorite for those who love their precision headshots.

7 Best Shooter Games Set In Space

These stellar shooters let players battle it out among the stars, in space stations, and on other planets.

The slow firing rate and significant recoil demand a calculated and accurate approach, leaving little room for error. However, the weapon is good enough to actually carry a player without any “main” weapons if they are proficient enough with it.

7 Tec-9

Price: $500

  • Damage per shot - 33
  • Magazine Capacity - 18/90
  • Kill Award - $300

The Tec-9 is one of the best options for T-side for many reasons. It is more than affordable, yet packs a powerful punch and has loads of ammo to go around. On top of that, it is great for mobility, allowing for good pushing potential.

All of that makes it a solid choice at any point in the game, and an amazing option for an ECO round. Whether players prefer the Tec-9 or the similarly graded Five-SeveN is a matter of preference, and both options are an absolute menace in the right player's hands.

8 Five-SeveN

Price: $500

  • Damage per shot - 32
  • Magazine Capacity - 20/100
  • Kill Award - $300

The Five-SeveN is a great pistol all around, with barely any downsides. It has great damage and one of the best armor-penetration among pistols, a sizable amount of ammunition, and a great firing rate. Its cost is great for what it is, and it is worth upgrading to this pistol once players have a bit of extra cash to spare.

8 Best Verified Shooters On The Steam Deck

These are the very best of the verified shooters on Steam Deck.

While it might not pack the punch of a Desert Eagle, its reliability is what sets it just a little above, as it doesn’t punish the player too hard should they misplace a shot in the heat of a fight.

counter-strike 2
Counter-Strike 2

September 27, 2023