In the fun new farming sim, Coral Island, players can experience growing crops, tending to animals, and exploring areas like the Caverns, all while meeting new friends. With over 50 characters to befriend, and 25 characters to romance, players of Coral Island are never too bored. Even during rainy days, or in the winter, there are so many options of activities to do. Once players optimize their farming experience with sprinklers and other new technology, and have explored the depths of the Earth and Water Caverns, gamers might have trouble finding out what more can be done. Thankfully, an additional activity is available for players early in the game that is unique to other farming sims out there.

Related: Coral Island: Tips For The Mines

Scuba diving is an added activity that is available early Spring on the first year that players join the Island. Diving not only helps the ocean floor get clean, but it also provides extra resources and stories that players otherwise will miss out if they don't experience it, as well increase the town rating. But it isn't an easy journey through the maze of the ocean, and several things are in the way of opening new areas. As players find solar orbs and activate beacons to clear the way, they will soon find themselves face to face with certain sea creatures that will prevent them from moving, making it frustrating to get to the next area, but this is how players can get around them.

How To Get Past The Turtles


There are three sea creatures as of now that players will stumble across. Please note that the game is currently in Early Access, and the chance of more sea creatures or puzzles being added in the future is a possibility. But for now, players will only need to worry about the ones available to them.

While there is no way to scoot or cheat around the turtles, getting past them is not a hard objective. Thankfully, all the turtles need are certain items to let the players through. These item requests will change by the season, so players will not have to wait a whole year to get an item. However, for those that like to stock up on their supplies and keep an item on hand at all times will find this an easy task.

The chart below indicates what each turtle needs, depending on the season. As for the last turtle, players should work towards getting a barn as quickly as they can if they want to complete as much of the ocean as possible, as Milk is the only option for the last sea creature.





First Turtle




Large Egg

Second Turtle



Sweet Potato

Tea Leaf

Third Turtle

Large Milk

Large Milk

Large Milk

Large Milk

All items, except for the Large Egg, need to be at least Bronze Quality or Higher . The sea creatures won't accept anything less

Coral Island is available on Early Access on PC

More: Coral Island: Tips For Diving