Coral Island is a brand-new simulation game with a strong, environmental message. In order to bring the island back to life and fill the place with vigor again, players need to clean up trash and the oil left from an oil spill. In order to do this, a local scientist named Ling asks players to help clean up the garbage underwater and find coral sites to heal.

With a bit of magic and a lot of time, players can help clean up the ocean for themselves, the island, and the mermaids that live under the sea by the coast of the Kickstarter success called Coral Island.

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Getting Started Diving Off of Coral Island

In order to get going, players will need to talk to Ling. She is a local researcher, and she has found that coral sites can be healed by activating coral orbs and cleaning up trash. She will send a letter calling the player to meet her at the pier. She will give the special item called the Diving Suit to help out. To dive, just head to the end of the pier by the Coral Island Inn.


Players of this farming simulation game will need to clean out sections of the ocean and heal 20 coral sites. This also includes bribing turtles with foods to get by and get closer to the source of the underwater spill. Once the quest called Explore The Ocean is complete, a cutscene will play where the player meets merefolk for the first time. Then, the quest called Root of the Problem will begin. Here is its description in the game: "Large infected roots have retreated deeper into the ocean, Healing a large number of sick coral might have triggered it. A deeper dive might reveal the root of the problem."


Completing the Explore The Ocean Quest Line

Sadly, there is currently no way to finish the Explore The Ocean quest line in Coral Island. Since the game is still in Early Access, players won't be able to finish many of the quests or get all the items they will need. There is still quite a bit missing from what will be the completed content of Coral Island, including several mines, Osmium ore and bars, several mini games, and most of the goddess' altars.


In spite of its Early Access status, there is still plenty to do, including romancing Coral Island locals, making friends, farming, upgrading, and making a variety of crafting stations.

Coral Island is available for PC, PC Game Pass, and coming soon to Nintendo Switch.

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Source: Kickstarter, Coral Island Official, Wiki, Official Art Tumbler