Building an island is a far-fetched dream unless you have the right tools. In Coral Island, these are the very basic items of a farmer: axe, pickaxe, scythe, hoe, and watering can. However, don’t underestimate their power; with proper upgrades, they become formidable gears. This guide explains everything you need to know about Enchantment, which is how Coral Island refers to its tool upgrading system.

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How to Enchant a Tool in Coral Island

how to enchant tools in coral island.

Go to the Giant Village and interact with the Enchantment Shrine. Once it’s activated, select your desired tool, place offerings in the shrine — gems, fossils, or artifacts — and click “Enchant Tool.” The enchantment process is random, and your tool will receive one of the seven available buffs.

  • Mighty Hit: Breaking debris in one hit.
  • No Energy Drain: Using tools without spending Energy.
  • Swift Swing: Less charge/tool use speed.
  • Extra Drop: More items.
  • No Water Drain: Water preservation.
  • Rare Drop: More rare items.
  • Hit Drop: item drops on hit.

If you want to level up an Enchantment, go to the “Upgrade” tab of the Shrine. You will still need offerings to activate the process. However, Upgrades require more valuables, and their prices go up as you reach a new level.

Note that you must be carrying your offerings. Before visiting the Giant Village, grab as many precious items as you can so that you don’t have to go back.

How to Unlock Tool Enchanting

the tool enchantment location in coral island.

You will need to complete the Giant Village mission. During this Coral Island quest, you get to know Grog, who teaches you how to enchant tools. After this mission, you can visit the Giant Village, interact with the Enchantment Shrine, and improve your tools’ performance.

The best buffs you can get from the Shrine are Rare Drop and Extra Drop. These two items increase your chances of getting valuable loot and level up faster.

How Many Enchantments Can You Have?

coral island upgrade tools

Each tool can accept up to three Enchantments. The number of buffs you can add depends on the tool’s quality. If it’s a Basic or Bronze tool, you can add only one Enchantment. If it is Silver or Gold, you can add two. And if it is Osmium, you can apply three simultaneous Enchantments.

Visit Sanchez’s Blacksmith shop to upgrade your tools . This way, you can increase their Enchantment slots in advance.