The Cherry Blossom Potluck is Coral Island's first festival. It’s a celebration of Spring and all the beauty it will bring to Starlet Town. During this event, there are all sorts of games to participate in along with many wonderful prizes to earn. This guide will help you learn more details about this Sakura-inspired event and exploit its main and side quests.

Coral Island: Tree Planting Festive Guide

The Tree Planting Festival is the most beautiful Spring event in Coral Island; here’s how you can participate and make the most of it.

Cherry Blossom Festival Details

the location of the cherry blossom potluck festival in coral island.

Each spring, on the 10th of Spring, you can attend the Cherry Blossom Potluck ceremony at Alun-Alun Square. The festival starts at 9:00 and remains open until 14:00. (You will receive an invitation the preceding day informing you of the time and place of the event.)


Alun-Alun Square (Lake Temple Area)


10th of Spring (Each Year)


9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Once you are in the festival area, the in-game time will freeze . However, if you want to end the event early, you just need to talk to Connor and trigger the potluck tasting cutscene.

Cherry Blossom Potluck Main Event

the potluck main event in the cherry blossom event in coral island.

The main event of the Cherry Blossom Festival is the cookout potluck. You are encouraged to bring some delicious and high-quality products to add to the hotpot in order to make it even more tasty.

At the end of the event, Connor will ask Judge Ross to taste the soup and give her honest opinion about it. If she likes the food, you will get points.

Explore all the possible outcomes here:

  • Judge Ross loves the soup = You get 80 points
  • Judge Ross likes the soup = You get 60 points
  • Judge Ross remainsneutral = You get 40 points
  • Judge Ross dislikes the soup = You get 20 points
  • Judge Ross hates the soup = You get 1 point

If you want to guarantee maximum points, add your highest-quality edible to the pot.

The Balap Karung Minigame

the sack race in coral island.

During the Cherry Blossom Potluck event, you can play Balap Karung minigame, a sack race tournament with prizes.

The game has a basic mechanic: You tap the interact button every time the moving bar crosses the green box in the middle. If you hit the button at the right time, your character will leap forward—with the accuracy of your tap determining the length.

The only caveat is that you have limited stamina. If you excessively tap the button, you will run out of breath and fall.

To win the tournament, you must compete in three rounds. Each round, some of your competitors will be disqualified, and you will move to the next level—provided that you’re among the top three racers.

Eat some energy foods before attending the party.

Here’s a breakdown of all the rewards for Balap Karung:





1,000 Coins

5 Candied Seed Tree


500 Coins

5 Candied Seed Tree


250 Coins

5 Candied Seed Tree


50 Coins

3 Candied Seed Tree



1 Candied Seed Tree

The Cherry Blossom Shop

coral island character playing musin in the cherry blossom festival.

You will find a booth in the festival area selling outfits and outdoor decorations. Here’s a list of all the items you can shop for:

  • Cherry blossom plant (680 Coins)
  • Sakura farmer outfit (2,500 Coins)
  • Patterned kotatsu chair (384 Coins)
  • Shoji-style room divider (520 Coins)
  • Wave painting (544 Coins)
  • Ancient-patterned vase (704 Coins)
  • Cherry blossom painting (760 Coins)
  • Shoji-style square window (1,088 Coins)
  • Shoji-style round window (1,088 Coins)
  • Standing lantern lamp (1,360 Coins)
  • Shoji-style paper lamp: ( 1,360 Coins)
  • Pokyo rug (2,040 Coins)
coral island
Coral Island

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 14, 2023
Stairway Games
Farming , Simulation