Engaging in bug-catching on Coral Island may not initially appear crucial. However, seasoned players know that there will come a day when pursuing peculiar creatures becomes a necessity. In this guide, you will learn how the bug-catching mechanics work, how to catch insects without leaving the farm, and how to maximize your catches.

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How Bug Catching Works

how to catch bugs in coral island.

While equipping the Bug Net, hold the X button to aim and release it to catch a bug. (It’s left-click on PC.) When approaching a critter, a question mark shows up above its head. Release the aim button as soon as this image changes to an exclamation mark.

Bugs that become aware of your presence will flee. Their ability to perceive their surroundings is influenced by how uncommon they are. The less common the bug, the more adept it is at detecting you. However, their awareness is unrelated to their eyesight, so approaching from behind doesn’t provide an advantage.

Tips for Catching More Bugs

insects in coral island.

If you want to triple your catch, use these tools, tips, and tricks:

  • Eat Insect Scents. These items will turn you into bug bait for a few minutes, attracting nearby critters.
  • Use Insect Traps. At level three in Catching Mastery, players will unlock bug traps. Place them on the Island to hook more creatures passively. (The flying insect traps unlock later, at level six.)
  • Predict the bug’s movement. Because Coral Island critters lack eyesight, it’s recommended to approach them from the front. This encourages them to move towards you, simplifying the hunt.

How to Breed Bugs

insect house in coral island.

To breed bugs on your farm, build an Insect House. You earn this blueprint when you reach Catching Mastery level eight. Once a critter is placed in the house, it can generate up to nine bugs. The process yields normal bugs in two days, and legendary ones in four.

If you put two different types of bugs in the Insect House, it won’t work. Also, the breeding process stops once ten bugs are in the house. So, to continue production, empty the house regularly.

Best Skills for Catching Bugs

coral island skill points

If you want to become better at catching bugs, get these skills:

  • Light Feet facilitates inconspicuous approaches to bugs, minimizing the risk of detection.
  • Balanced Body boosts your aiming speed with the Bug Net.
  • Scent Duration extends the Insect Scents’ effect.