Coral Island allows players to design a farm in multiple ways. Besides growing crops each season, it's also possible for a player to build barns and coops to keep a variety of animals in the tropical farming simulator.

Coral Island: 11 Tips For Beginners

Players new to Coral Island may want to keep these beginner tips in mind before starting their journey.

While players are sure to have their usual farm animals such as chickens, goats, and cows, Coral Island also has plenty of other options that players can purchase. These are a nod to the South Asian culture Coral Island is based on. With this in mind, this is every animal ranked in Coral Island, so players can figure out what animals they should be looking after and why.

10 Sheep

Wool With Few Uses In Profit

A sheep in Coral Isand

Town Rank

What it produces


Wool & Large Wool

Once players have hit a Town Rank of E, players will be able to purchase sheep from the ranch. These animals will require players to purchase a pair of shears if they hope to shave the wool off the sheep every two days.

Depending on the mood and heart level of the sheep, it will either produce wool or large wool when the animal is sheared. While this can be sold for a decent amount of money, players will benefit more by using a loom. However, wool isn't really a profit maker and the game tends to push players to make it for quests and crafting instead.

9 Quail

Promising Price But Only Every Four Days

Quail in Coral Island

Town Rank

What it produces


Quail Egg & Large Quail Egg

At Town Rank D if the player has built a Deluxe Coop, they will then be able to purchase and keep quails. These adorable little birds can lay some expensive eggs, but due to players needing to wait four days for a single one, it may be better to focus on cheaper birds.

However, it cannot be denied that if players are willing to wait four days and maybe even an extra bit of time, Quail Eggs can be made into Quail Mayonnaise which will sell for even more than a simple egg ever would.

8 Duck

Unreliable Chickens

Duck in Coral Island

Town Rank

What it produces


Duck Egg & Large Duck Egg

Ducks can be purchased sooner than quails and don't need to live in an upgraded coop. Therefore, players may find themselves favoring ducks instead. Alongside needing a lower ranking, duck eggs are produced every two days instead of every four and, therefore, players are likely to sell more of them quicker, and for a better profit.

Coral Island: Where to Find Wasabi

Discover the best spots to find the rare and spicy vegetable ‘Wasabi’ in Coral Island.

These eggs can also be turned into mayonnaise or salted eggs, though they will sell for less than the ones made by quails. Thankfully, due to players receiving these eggs quicker, it is still a better investment overall.

7 Peafowl

Purely A Money-Maker

Peafowl in Coral Island

Town Rank

What it produces


Feather & Large Feather

While the most expensive bird a player can purchase while also requiring a Town Rank B and a Deluxe Coop, the peafowl doesn't produce more peafowl eggs. Instead, it drops feathers every four days. While these feathers can't be turned into anything, they sell for more than the majority of the produce or artisan goods that can be made.

While each peafowl may cost 20,000 to purchase. Players will quickly find this investment worthwhile as they befriend their peafowl until it drops larger feathers at a higher ranking. Naturally, players will want to focus on this animal in the late game due to how expensive they are, but they are sure to be worth it.

6 Goat

Needed To Finish Offerings

Goat in Coral Island

Town Rank

What it produces


Goat Milk & Large Goat Milk

Like the Coop, the Barn is a building that will also receive better-ranked animals, which will require an improved barn. One early example of this is the goat, which players will unlock at a Town Rank of D. This horned friend will need the player to build a Deluxe Barn.

Once players have purchased their goat, they will then need to purchase a milk pail, although players are likely to already have this if they have already purchased cows. Then, every two days, players will be able to milk their goat to either receive regular or large goat milk. Like other animal products, players can then create goat butter or even goat cheese whether they use the mason jar or cheese press.

5 Chicken

Sometimes The Cheapest Is The Most Reliable

Chicken in Coral Island

Town Rank

What it produces


Egg & Large Egg (Golden Egg & Golden Large Egg if they win the Chicken Competition)

While chickens are something players can purchase the second they have built a coop, this doesn't make them poor animals to own. Instead, chickens are likely to be a player's money-maker for a large majority of the game. Due to owning them the longest, chickens will always have the highest number of hearts if a player remembers to interact with them every day and feed them.

Coral Island: Harvest Festival Best Items

Wondering which items to take to the Harvest Festival? Here’s a list of the best items to impress the legendary farmer, Jeff Smith.

Players should always be earning large chicken eggs every single day, as unlike many of the other animals available later on, chickens lay daily. Players can even get golden eggs if the chicken wins the chicken competition during the Pet Festival, turning them into a Golden Chicken.

4 Llama

Always Comes In Pairs

Llama in Coral Island

Town Rank

What it produces


Llama Wool & Large Llama Wool

Llamas are the only other animal in Coral Island that require the player to use shears. While the sheep may not be as useful due to wool only being used to craft things, players may argue that llamas are just as useless as their wool can only be put on the loom and also has no other purpose. The wool even takes longer to grow, with the animal being free to shear once every four days.

With all this in mind, a player may be wondering why they bother buying a llama. Unlike the other animals in Coral Island, llamas get sad when they are alone and that's why the ranch is selling them in pairs. This means players will pay 15,000 for two llamas. This gives them two animals to shear every four days, with one being put directly into the selling bin and the other being turned into yarn.

3 Cow

A Reliable Source Of Income

Cow in Coral Island

Town Rank

What it produces


Milk & Large Milk (Golden Milk & Large Golden Milk if they win the Cow Competition)

Like chickens, cows are the animals that players can purchase straight away once they have built a barn. With this in mind, the same logic can be applied to keeping the animal. Since players will have them for longer, they are guaranteed a large milk every single day, that can then be turned into butter or cheese.

Cows are also able to create golden milk if they win the Cow Competition at the Pet Festival. This milk sells for three times the price of regular milk, making it a goal every player should be reaching for.

2 Pig

Valuable Though They Take Days To Produce

Pig in Coral Island

Town Rank

What it produces


Black Truffle & White Truffle

Pigs may require a Town Rank C and a Deluxe Barn, but both of these goals are worth it to own pigs in Coral Island. Like in Stardew Valley, pigs aren't needed for bacon but are instead great animals to keep to search for truffles. They won't require any tools for players to find these truffles either, as long as the player provides a large area of grass for the pigs to rummage through.

Coral Island: Best Masteries

With eight masteries in Coral Island, which among them is the best?

Truffles can be difficult for pigs to find and, therefore, players should expect a pig to provide either a black or white truffle every three days. These truffles can either be sold as they are or turned into truffle oil by using an oil press. This will naturally allow them to be sold for more.

1 Luwak

Expensive Goods And They Only Take 2 Days

Luwak in Coral Island

Town Rank

What it produces


Gesha Coffee Bean & Large Gesha Coffee Bean

Lupak is a never-before-seen farm animal in the farming simulator title, though Coral Island makes them one of the greatest farm animal options available. Like pigs, these animals require no tools to look after them, but instead, the player needs to have a large field of grass for them to work with.

Every two days, these adorable animals will find the player either a Gesha Coffee Bean or a Large Gesha Coffee Bean. These beans can already be sold for a decent amount of gold. However, it is much better to place these beans into a keg to create Gesha coffee. Players should note that they can only have a total of four on a farm.

coral island
Coral Island

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 14, 2023
Stairway Games
Farming , Simulation