Coral Island is a life sim about a small town on a tropical island. This island is home to just 69 residents, but it is still a lively town with several festivals and events each year to help gather the town together. The local calendar also features the birthdays of each of its citizens, so players can get on the villagers' good side by bringing them presents on their special days.

In order to keep track of the birthdays and fests that happen every year, players will want a layout of the whole of Coral Island's yearly calendar so they know what they have to look forward to.

RELATED: Animal Crossing: New Horizons Player Shows Off Stunning Coral Reef Area

Time on Coral Island

The years on the island are split into four months, and each of those months has 28 total days. While there will be spontaneous events like tree plantings and things, players can expect to find two festivals or events each month in the Stardew Valley-like game called Coral Island.

  • Spring 10 - Cherry Blossom Potluck - In celebration of the pink blooms on the cherry trees, every gathers together to share food.
  • Spring 21 - Earth Celebration Festival
  • Summer 12 - Disco In Color Day
  • Summer 27 - Beach Clean up - Beach clean up day features games like tug of war on the beach while everyone does their part to keep the island clean.
  • Fall 15 - Mooncake Festival - Players will want to expand their Coral Island inventory to make room for all these delicious desserts.
  • Fall 28 - Pet Day - Celebrate with a video game pet at this fuzzy festival.
  • Winter 21 - Winter Festival - Similar to a Christmas Party.
  • Winter 28 - New Year's Eve Festival - Bring in the New Year by staying up late and watching the sun rise.

List of All Birthdays in Coral Island

Spring Townie Birthdays

  • 4 Joko
  • 7 Paul
  • 9 Kenny
  • 12 Oliver, Scott
  • 17 Ling
  • 20 Walter
  • 22 Ben
  • 25 Macy
  • 27 Pablo

Summer Townie Birthdays

  • 3 Valentina
  • 5 Connor
  • 8 Sam
  • 13 Emma, Eva
  • 16 Frank, Zarah
  • 21 Dinda
  • 24 Anne. Leah
  • 28 Yuri

Fall Townie Birthdays

  • 4 Rafael
  • 6 Jim
  • 11 Theo
  • 14 Bree
  • 16 Luke
  • 19 Randy
  • 25 Dippa, Surya
  • 26 Sunny

Winter Townie Birthdays

  • 3 Millie
  • 4 Charles
  • 8 Erika, Zoe
  • 10 Noah
  • 13 Betty
  • 16 Emily
  • 19 Lily
  • 24 Archie, Nina
  • 27 Alice, Suki who are the twins that are dateable on Coral Island.

Coral Island is available for PC, PC Game Pass, and coming soon to Nintendo Switch.

MORE: The Legacy of Stardew Valley: My Time at Portia, Coral Island, and More

Source: Kickstarter, Coral Island Official, Wiki, Official Art Tumbler