
  • Mass Effect 3 DLC tried to fix the unsatisfying ending that left fans disappointed in the conclusion of the trilogy.
  • Assassin's Creed 3 fell flat due to a clunky storyline and loss of character growth, disappointing long-standing fans of the series.
  • Fallout 76 started off rocky but managed to attract a fanbase with fixes and classic Fallout features, overcoming its initial issues.

Every few years, a very special game will come out, and it's either universally or nearly universally loved by gamers of all kinds. These are games that tend to either be a never-before-seen IP with fresh ideas, or innovative revitalizations of existing IP. Good examples of both are games like The Last of Us and Wolfenstein: The New Order. Both games, however, received sequels that were not quite as universally praised by fans.

8 Western RPGs That Desperately Need A Remake

Though fans enjoyed these games at their release, they're starting to show their age. It's time for remakes to bring them into the modern era.

In fact, many critically acclaimed games have seen the release of controversial sequels for one reason or another. Perhaps the story went in an unexpected direction, the developers changing the gameplay too drastically, etc. Whatever the case may be, here is a list of some of the most controversial sequels to otherwise beloved games in recent memory.

8 Mass Effect 3

An Ending That Did Not Satisfy Loyal Fans, Resulting In DLC Epilogues

Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3

PC , Xbox 360 , Nintendo Wii U , PS3
March 6, 2012
Action , Adventure

While many have praised Mass Effect 3 for its gameplay improvements over its predecessor, the game was and has remained controversial for one glaring reason; its ending. Many longtime fans of the series felt as though the ending was not nearly as satisfying as it should've been for a concluding chapter in a trilogy, and took too much choice away from the player.

Ultimately, the outcry became so widespread that Bioware would release DLC in an attempt to "fix" the ending, though it could only do so much. Some fans have attempted to explain all of this away via the Indoctrination Theory.

7 Assassin's Creed 3

A Present-Day Storyline That Takes Away The Growth Of The Past 4 Games

Assassins Creed 3 Connor running in the middle of a battle
Assassin's Creed 3

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Switch , Nintendo Wii U , PC , Stadia
October 30, 2012
Ubisoft Montreal
Action , Open-World

The Ezio trilogy of Assassin's Creed is widely praised to this day, with many considering the character himself to be one of the best from that era of gaming. It's a shame then, that Assassin's Creed 3 could not meaningfully advance the series for many longtime fans. If anything, the game chooses to simplify many of the series' staple mechanics while delivering a rather clunky and unsatisfying story that wastes its admittedly ambitious setting's potential.

All 13 Major Assassin's Creed Games, Ranked By Storyline

Though the series has shifted from a stealth game to an RPG-style title, Assassin's Creed games can still tell amazing stories to players.

The present-day storyline is also almost universally maligned by fans due to its choice to unceremoniously kill off its main character for no other reason than to deny the series from having a dignified ending.

6 Halo 4

The Halo Series Received Too Many Changes For Fans To Accept

Halo 4 Cover
Halo 4

November 6, 2012
343 Industries

As far as anyone knew, Halo 3 would be the last time Master Chief would ever be seen again in a video game. Neither Halo: ODST nor Halo Reach would feature him as a character, and with Bungie stepping away from the franchise, not everyone knew what was in store for the franchise. The series was over, and it was generally seen as having gone out with a bang with Halo: Reach. Then, two years later, Halo 4 happened, which would resurrect Master Chief and continue the story after Halo 3.

Developed by 343 Industries, the sequel would change virtually everything about the series, from its storytelling, art style, and music to its core gameplay philosophy, which would lift much from the Call of Duty franchise. Longtime Halo fans would often proclaim that they'd been alienated for the sake of a newer audience as a result. Halo 4 sold well initially but proved to be problematic in the long term, and is widely regarded as having taken the steam out of what was, at the time, a major industry juggernaut.

5 Fallout 76

A Once Dishonest Multiplayer Experience With Microtransactions Galore

Fallout 76

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
November 14, 2018
Action , RPG

The issues Fallout 76 faced at launch are well documented at this point. The game was virtually nonfunctional to a comical degree, or at least it would've been comical if Bethesda hadn't been so dishonest about the game's status before launch. More than this, however, the idea of a multiplayer Fallout title wasn't something people were very excited about, to begin with, even less so when the game came out and ended up not being very fun.

6 Ways To Prepare For The Fallout TV Show

With Amazon's Fallout series rapidly approaching, here's how fans of the franchise can ready themselves to enjoy the show as much as possible.

This, however, is only half the story. Since then, the game has received numerous updates and patches that have both fixed issues and added new content. In some cases, the game brought back classic Fallout features that Fallout 4 had controversially done away with beforehand. Fallout 76 was thus able to garner a certain fanbase despite its early issues that others won't be forgetting any time soon.

4 Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

A Sequel With Tonal Whiplash & On-The-Nose Satire

Wolfenstein The New Colossus Firefight
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC
October 27, 2017

Wolfenstein made a rather impressive comeback with The New Order, so it was understandable that a sequel would soon follow and build on what it'd begun. The New Colossus, however, proved to be much less of a universal hit and more of an acquired taste at best.

The game attempts to follow the narrative of its predecessor but suffers from serious tonal whiplash in the process. Many also found the combat and level design to be clunky, bloated, and at times unfairly balanced. While it's not bad, it's certainly a disappointing game for some coming off The New Order.

3 Modern Warfare 3 (2011)

A Serviceable Yet Underwhelming Finish To A Beloved Trilogy

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Cover
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011)

PS3 , Xbox 360 , Wii , PC
November 8, 2011

Anyone who was around for the days of Modern Warfare 2 can attest to the amount of hype that surrounded the franchise by that point. COD 4 was a smash hit, but MW2 brought the series to preeminence with its novel and ambitious gameplay, as well as its memorable campaign, which remains a franchise highlight.

8 Infamous Balancing Mishaps In COD Multiplayer

Players of COD multiplayer will forever remember these iconic balancing mishaps.

MW3 doesn't really have any of this, and compared to its predecessors, the story wasn't cooked properly, especially when it sought emotional highs through the deaths of fan-favorite characters, and the multiplayer aspect lacked the addictive nature of MW2.

2 Resident Evil 5

A Co-op Action Game That Forgets To Be Scary

resident evil 5 co-op chris redfield sheva alomar re5 re6 gameplay
Resident Evil 5

PS3 , PS4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
March 5, 2009
Survival Horror

Resident Evil 5 is somewhat of a weird direction to follow after the enormously successful and beloved Resident Evil 4. A game that created the blueprint for third-person horror was followed up with a third-person shooter action co-op game. RE5 is still the highest-selling game in the franchise, and yet it is almost never taken into consideration when discussing the best RE games.

Sure, its focus on co-op was innovative and even praised at the time. However, its lack of any real survival horror and absurd storytelling holds it back in the eyes of quite a few fans. RE5's African setting also sparked conversations over racial insensitivity, particularly surrounding the imagery of the White Chris Redfield surrounded entirely by Black enemies.

1 The Last of Us Part 2

Sacrificing The Protagonist To Play As His Killer

the last of us part 2 update 110
The Last of Us Part 2

June 19, 2020
Naughty Dog
Action , Adventure

It's hard to think of a game that has divided people more than The Last of Us Part 2. Many people found its gameplay to be a marked improvement over the first game, while others simply couldn't get past the story Naughty Dog wanted to tell.

The game's commitment to brutality and consequences was both praised and criticized, as were many of the principal characters, most notably Abby. Its central messaging regarding revenge and redemption became the subject of endless internet debates between fans of the franchise, which may see a resurgence once the game is eventually adapted by the HBO series.

6 Underrated Survival Horror Protagonists

Despite there being a plethora of iconic survival horror protagonists, these heroes below unfortunately often get criminally overlooked.