Remedy Entertainment's latest paranormal third-person shooter Control is out now for PC, Xbox One and PS4. It's getting pretty high marks, but has some noticeable performance issues on both consoles. The PS4 in particular has been noted as having framerates dipping to unreasonable levels.

Control is the latest from the team behind Max Payne and Quantum Break. According to our review of Control, it's one of the best games of the year and "quite possibly Remedy's best game yet." But that experience is only limited to the ones that have the hardware to pull off.

RELATED: What is Control?

According to the Digital Foundry analysis of Control, the game runs much differently depending on what console you have. Every console version of the game does have impressive visuals, however not nearly as impressive as playing the game on a PC with Ray Tracing turned on. On PC, the game is a visual masterpiece. On consoles, it still manages to be one of the better looking games on the market.

It's the performance that suffers on some console versions. The best console version of Control by far is the Xbox One X. This makes sense given that Quantum Break also ran well on the One X. The action on the X is by and large very smooth, but does run into some hitching now and then.

Following the One X is the PS4 Pro, which only hits  1080p, but it runs noticeably worse than the X. More frequent stuttering interrupts a version of the game that is clearly a downgrade from the One X. At the bottom of the barrel are the base PS4 and Xbox One versions. During major action sequences the game will dip to as low as 10 frames per second on both consoles. The PS4 version looks to be the worst, as it's where these drops are the longest and the hardest.  The One S version of Control runs at a slightly more consistent framerate than its base counterparts, but still dips quite a bit.

This performance issue is a big deal in such an action-focused game where the powers and weapons are a highlight. Control seems like a great game, but it may be hard to recommend unless you own a beefed up PC or the enhanced editions of the current consoles.

MORE: Control: How to Get to Pump Station