It's no secret that Remedy Entertainment has big plans for the Control franchise. Not only does it have plans to make a Control sequel and a multiplayer spinoff of the original game, but confirmation that Control takes place in the same universe as Alan Wake means that the game's world is far bigger than it seemed at a glance. That's saying something, considering the scope of the original Control's storytelling and lore. Remedy is clearly looking toward Control's future with a lot of enthusiasm, but as the IP grows, it would also be interesting to look toward Control's past in a future game.

A prequel to Control seems completely plausible, considering the wealth of personality and lore that the Federal Bureau of Control is built on. Remedy Entertainment could get a lot out of a Control prequel that focuses on Zachariah Trench, the Bureau Director who died shortly before Jesse's arrival. That's not just because it would be a good chance to get to know Trench. Such a prequel would also be an excellent opportunity to get to know Control's Bureau better, as well as the characters that worked there before the Hiss struck and the other threats that the Bureau has faced over the years.

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Why a Control Prequel Would Be Great


Throughout Control, Jesse has visions of her predecessor, Zachariah Trench, many of which shed light on the Bureau, the Oldest House, and the threat of the Hiss. Trench himself is never properly encountered, though, since Jesse finds him dead in the first few minutes of the game. Trench's legacy as a stern, aloof, and paranoid Director is felt throughout Control, but Remedy also builds a lot of empathy for him through the information that he transmits after death in otherworldly visions and whispers. Trench's complicated place at the Bureau and in the Control world seems worth capturing in a prequel that examines his youth, his rise to the seat of Director, and the looming Hiss invasion.

Trench would be a great lens to learn about other parts of the Control world too. He's only one of many named Bureau characters whom Jesse never meets, since they die to the Hiss; a Trench-focused story would give these characters their day in the sun. A Trench-based game could also add a lot of lore to the Control world through confrontations with monsters, alternate planes, and Objects of Power that the Bureau grappled with before Jesse's arrival. Trench's difficult tenure as the Director would also shed light on the Service Weapon; seeing this artifact in someone else's hands would likely shed a lot of light on its relationship with humanity. Any and all of these contributions could set up compelling stories in future Control games while making the whole IP richer.

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The Direction of Control 2's Narrative

Jesse Faden talking to her imprisoned brother Dylan in Control

Whether Remedy will make a Control prequel depends heavily on Control 2. If the upcoming Control sequel heavily focuses on Jesse using her new position as Director to study the Bureau's past employees, enemies, and investigations, then it'll already take up the space that a prequel would want to occupy. However, Control 2 seems more likely to focus on Jesse's future. Now that the Hiss has been thwarted and Jesse is reunited with her brother, Control 2 will probably have a lot to do with rebuilding the Bureau, preparing to face other cosmic threats, and Jesse building new relationships. If that's the case, then there's good cause for a prequel.

No matter what Control 2 is about, Remedy probably won't get around to a Control prequel for quite some time. Aside from the two Control games that it's working on, Remedy is also working on two Max Payne remakes, as well as a proper sequel to Alan Wake. These various projects already risk stretching Remedy a little too thin, so the studio will likely wait until some of these games are done before it looks into a Control prequel. Once that day comes, though, hopefully Remedy turns to Trench as a lens through which to study Control's past.

Control is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Control 2 Might Keep Jesse Inside the Oldest House