
  • Control's story will continue with a multiplayer game, expanding the Remedy Connected Universe.
  • Control 2 will coexist with the multiplayer game, which may have ties to the sequel's subject matter.
  • The upcoming multiplayer game may explore Alan Wake's abilities and his connection to the FBC.

Over the years, Remedy has made a name for itself through its eccentric games that make use of live action and music in creative ways. Though it has many franchises under its belt, it's Alan Wake and Control that have melted together to become the expansive Remedy Connected Universe. The result is a whole lot of paranormal activity and crossovers between realms.

Control's story is far from over. Rather, it feels like it is just beginning, with Jesse Faden taking on the role of director of the Federal Bureau of Control. With a multiplayer Control game coming up, there's a chance for players to learn more about the Remedy Connected Universe and how the affairs of the FBC intertwine with Alan Wake's life.

Remedy Has Good News for Alan Wake and Control Fans

With the impressive success of both Control and Alan Wake 2, recent comments from Remedy's CEO confirm big plans for the franchises.

A Control Multiplayer Game is in Development

Released in 2019, Control follows Jesse Faden who discovers the Federal Bureau of Control in her search for her brother. The FBC is an organization that investigates and protects the masses from paranatural phenomena. Although the franchise started with a single-player title, Remedy has announced that a multiplayer game is on the way.

The FBC is styled after the fictional SCP Foundation whose world is expanded by interwoven contributions from fans.

Codenamed Condor, it is a co-op PvE game currently in development. As part of the Control franchise, the co-op game will be another piece of the Remedy Connected Universe which includes the Alan Wake franchise. Though it has no release date, it has been revealed that it is being developed for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

Is it the End of Control Single-Player Games?

The co-op game is not replacing the Control sequel. Control 2 is also in the works, and according to Remedy, it is going to be a "bigger-budget" title than before. It appears the Finnish studio is throwing all its weight behind the franchise, which has sold over 4 million copies, motivating the studio to acquire full rights to it.

How the Control Multiplayer Game Can Expand the Remedy Connected Universe


Since Control's AWE DLC, the worlds of Alan Wake and Jesse Faden have intertwined. This continued in Alan Wake 2 where the FBC gets involved in Saga Anderson's quest to save her daughter. This isn't the end of the Remedy Connected Universe, as there are still several unanswered questions.

Perhaps the most pressing matter which should be addressed by the upcoming multiplayer game is Wake's potential status as a parautilitarian. His writing has the ability to change reality, yet it's not quite clear how much of it is a product of the Dark Place or of his own powers. The existence of individuals like Alex Casey, who happens to be identical to a character in Alan's crime novels, further complicates matters.

Is the FBC Powerful Enough to Solve the Mysteries of Alan Wake and the Dark Place?

Then there's the case of Alan's dark doppelganger Scratch who is powerful enough to break through the FBC's containment unit, making him one of the greatest dangers the organization has faced. Clearly, the FBC has a lot to study when it comes to the novelist and the Dark Place. The upcoming co-op game should explore all these questions surrounding the writer, and just maybe, provide a few answers as well. It's clear that Wake is caught up in paranatural problems, and the FBC may be the only ones that can save him.

Though some of these questions may seem urgent, there are still plenty of opportunities ahead for some of them to be answered. This includes the two DLCs for Alan Wake 2 scheduled for this year, as well as Control's sequel which has yet to receive a release date.