In Content Warning, your objective is to rise to fame and become an internet sensation through the video platform known as SpookTube. To do this, you've tasked yourself with heading down to the Old World on an influencer adventurer, desperate to find yourself fame through the video sharing platform.

However, these adventures can be much more dangerous than anticipated, as the Old World is full of monsters ready to jump at you when you least expect it. By knowing how to throw items in Content Warning, you may just be able to get out of spooky situations against these monsters and manage to scramble yourself to safety with a video clip that's bound to go viral.

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How to Throw Items in Content Warning

Camera during Content Warning gameplay

Luckily for players who are wondering how to hurt objects at potential threats or fling items across the room to one of their teammates, throwing items in Content Warning is extremely simple. The button used to throw items is the Q button, which can be simply pressed to drop an item, or held down to charge and throw an item - the longer you hold down the button, the further you will throw the item.

Throwing items comes in very handy throughout your mysterious explorations through the Old World, as you can use this action to your advantage to both escape spooky scenarios or create the perfect moment to capture with your camera. This can result in the perfect clip being uploaded to SpookTube to accumulate views and significantly increase your revenue.

Various items, such as skulls, or bones, can be found throughout your exploration. You can throw these items at nearby monsters to gain their attention, or even to give you a brief moment to escape these ghoulish beings and survive an otherwise deadly encounter. Aside from items you find along the ground and pick up during exploration, you can also throw items between yourself and your friends to share tools around or help prevent certain things from being destroyed if one of you gets into trouble with the various monstrosities that lurk in the Old World.

The camera in particular is an item to keep in mind, as growing your audience is the main objective for your character. Because of this, you'll need to ensure your camera remains in one piece if you wish to get your footage back to your computer and successfully uploaded to SpookTube. Throwing can come in handy for this reason, allowing you to toss your camera out of the way of threats, potentially saving your clips from destruction.

content warning image
Content Warning

April 1, 2024
Landfall Publishing