Content Warning has many interesting and useful items that you can bring with you to the old world. Some of them are just for fun, others will help you survive, but most of them are needed to increase the number of views on your video. The Boom Mic is one of those items, but it can still be used for a variety of purposes, and you might not even realize that it can be used in this way at first. Next, we'll explain how to get and use Boom Mic in Content Warning, as well as a few features you might not know about.

Can You Play Content Warning Solo?

If you're wondering if you can play Content Warning solo, you've come to the right place. This guide will tell you if it's possible or not.

How to Get Boom Mic In Content Warning

Boom Mic In Content Warning

Like other items that you can take with you to the old world, the Boom Mic can be purchased using a terminal at your base. The price of this device is $100, which is not a lot, and after publishing your first video on spook-tube, you should definitely have enough money. Once you have the money, head to the terminal, which can be found to the left of the building exit, on the way to the shuttle.

When you get to the terminal, interact with it and go to the Gadgets tab. Now, click on the card with the Boom Mic to add it to your cart. Then, click on the Order button at the bottom of the terminal and wait for the drone to deliver your package. When the drone drops the box, go to the pickup area and pick up your Boom Mic.

Content Warning: How to Charge Flashlight

If you survived and returned to the new world, you probably wondered how to charge flashlights in Content Warning. Here's how to do so.

How to Use Boom Mic In Content Warning

Content Warning monster

As you might have understood from the name, this device is used to enhance sound, so you can make your video better and get more views. Holding it in your hands and pointing it at the sound source, you will not only make the audio in the video louder, but you will also hear better. Thus, the Boom Mic serves not only as a microphone but also as a loudspeaker, which in turn means it has its pros and cons. The advantage is that your teammates will be able to find you by sound, and the disadvantage is that monsters will be able to do the same. It is worth noting that the Boom Mic is a rather large object, and it is difficult to move around with it, especially indoors, so pick it up only when you hear scary sounds or if there are monsters nearby.

You can also use the Boom Mic as a monster bait, similar to the decoy grenade in shooters. If you drop the Boom Mic on the ground, especially from a great height, it will make a very loud sound that will definitely attract the attention of monsters that are nearby. So, if all your teammates are dead, and you're alone with the camera and have a Boom Mic, it's best to sacrifice it to lure all the enemies with a loud sound and run away in the other direction while they're gathering.

content warning image
Content Warning

April 1, 2024
Skog, Zorro, Wilnyl, Philip, thePetHen
Landfall Publishing