Resident Evil fans remain eager for the next chapter in Capcom's seminal horror franchise, but in the interim, they're in luck. Modern horror gaming is arguably enjoying a golden age, especially when it comes to the indie scene, which has been host to several high-quality, inventive masterpieces over the past few years.

Many of these indie games seem to adhere to certain tropes and stylistic trappings. Creative choices like a retro art style, survival horror gameplay, and psychologically challenging stories ala Silent Hill are all at the forefront of contemporary indie horror. Resident Evil, which played a major role in popularizing survival horror in the wake of titles like Alone In the Dark, appears to serve as an inspiration for a number of horror developers, as its approach to combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving shines through in a number of independent titles. The upcoming Conscript follows all the aforementioned conventions, but it appears to be wildly original as well, promising to stand out in a sea of such RE-inspired games.

2024 is Shaping Up to Be a Great Year for Fans of Resident Evil-Likes

While Resident Evil fans await more news about the next entry in the series, they can enjoy a number of similar horror experiences in 2024.

Conscript Looks Like a Mix of Resident Evil and Historical Action Games

Based on the little information available about Conscript, it's safe to say that it's taking a refreshing approach to traditional horror game concepts. Like other recent horror indies like Signalis and Crow Country, Conscript leverages PS1-era graphics to achieve an aesthetic that is at once unsettling and strikingly nostalgic. Beyond visuals, design choices like a fixed-camera perspective, intentionally clunky combat, and limited storage space are important building blocks of the game, and highly reminiscent of old-school titles like Resident Evil and Silent Hill.

Conscript Isn't Just Another Resident Evil Clone

Perhaps the most important part of Conscript is its setting. The game takes place during WW1's Battle of Verdun and is seemingly bereft of the horror genre's consistent focus on science-fiction and the supernatural. Unlike an at-times over-the-top series like Resident Evil, Conscript leans into brutal realism, evoking horror from the very real conflict of warfare rather than demonic entities or the spawn of mad scientists.

Players will assume the role of a young French soldier seeking out his brother on the battlefield. Their enemies: fellow soldiers, young men thrust into the crush of war—not inhuman monsters. It's clear that Conscript's protagonist won't be like other horror game heroes, standing tall against the bitter influence of evil. Rather, this character will just be trying to survive and save his loved one in a terrifying and unfair situation.

Conscript Is Doing New Things with Historical Action, Not Just Horror

For better or worse, franchises like Battlefield and Call of Duty aren't overly concerned with critiquing war. Even if games like Battlefield V and Call of Duty: World War 2 make attempts to humanize those fighting in war, shining a light on their struggles, the battles they find themselves embroiled in are ultimately seen as good, honorable, and heroic. War in these games is about overcoming personal hardship, standing up for what's right, and realizing one's potential as an honorable, upstanding citizen; these stories aren't about how war is inherently horrifying and traumatic.

It's not clear how explicit Conscript will be with its commentary on warfare, but its genre already suggests that it will be offering a different take on the subject. Unlike typical shooters, survival horror is all about feeling powerless.

Of course, this doesn't preclude a sense of enjoyment, but the high-octane action of a series like Battlefield informs a decidedly different take on war: it suggests that war is, in a way, fun and frivolous; getting shot at is no big deal in these games, and the death of both friendly and enemy characters is a given, not something that's meant to be pondered or analyzed. But if Conscript uses war as a way to evoke feelings of terror and discomfort, then it may offer a more nuanced take. It could be less Saving Private Ryan and more Come and See, more Spec Ops: The Line than Call of Duty.

There is currently a demo available for Conscript on Steam and GOG, with a release date planned for 2024.

Resident Evil

Resident Evil is a long-running survival horror franchise developed by Capcom. Spread across numerous mainline and spin-off entries, the series is known for it’s third and first-person action horror, zombie-related monsters and references, and challenging puzzles.

Creation Year


Capcom's survival horror franchise.