
  • Sony's new live service game, Concord, faces backlash due to lack of originality and heavy influences from other popular titles.
  • Despite initial criticism, Concord's early access beta and fast release date could give it an advantage over competitors like Marvel Rivals.
  • Firewalk Studios must focus on creating engaging gameplay and characters to overcome Concord's current lack of draw and set it up for success.

After over a year of sitting on the sidelines, Sony's Concord is finally out to make an impression. While Firewalk's live-service FPS hasn't seen the best reaction from gamers yet, Concord does have one advantage over other up-and-comers.

Concord released a pair of trailers as part of Sony's State of Play, finally delivering on what the game's announcement promised back in 2023. The game looks to be trying to carve another niche in the hero shooter market with 5v5, FPS gameplay. However, that market is already crowded—something reflected in the widespread disdain for the title. This is evident from just the YouTube comments on the title's trailers, with many berating the game's lack of originality. Indeed, a cursory look at Concord's promotional material will show how Firewalk wears influences like Guardians of the Galaxy and Overwatch on its sleeve.

Concord - Gameplay Trailer

Concord is an upcoming team shooter from Firewalk Studios, and the first gameplay trailer reveals its intense action and strategy.

Concord's Early Access Beta Gives It A Leg Up On Marvel Rivals

On the other hand, it's not all doom and gloom for Sony's new live service. Though Concord may be receiving backlash now, it won't be long before it gets the chance to put up or shut up. Not only will the title release on August 23, a date not too far in the future, but those who preorder the game will be able to take themselves and four friends into Concord's early access beta. Since preorders start June 6th, the beta period will likely start swiftly after—meaning that Concord will be ushering players onboard far faster than a game like Marvel Rivals.

Marvel Rivals has seen smoother sailing when compared to Concord, despite the fact that it's trying to barge into a similar market. Marvel, naturally, has the advantage of characters that have been beloved for decades, as well as some new ideas like destructible environments. Despite this, Marvel Rivals has been a tad slower on the uptake, with a closed alpha in May and a closed beta set for July. Concord having a shorter pipeline from trailers to beta to release could really work out in its favor.

Concord's Beta Can Set It Up For Success, So Long As A Strong Foundation Is Present

The star factor of Marvel Rivals is not insurmountable, especially given the near-immediate failure of a game like Marvel's Avengers. If Concord can reverse its fortunes with genuinely great gameplay and fresh ideas, it could pry open the market in a way Marvel can't. At the moment, Concord is suffering from a lack of any real draw; everything in the game's promotional material reeks of its influences. However, these growing pains can all be thrown aside if Concord is a fun game with engaging characters—and the fact that the title will be playable very soon could stop these woes before they fester.

In the meantime, Concord's saving grace could be in new story content. The blog post following the game's announcement stated that weekly cinematics will be released after launch, but Firewalk should double down on the expedient hype train with character promotion between preorders and release. If Firewalk can prove that Concord's cast is more than an attempt to one-up Guardians of the Galaxy, it will be able to get fans on board for a quick beta period.

Concord Could Still Be Moving Too Fast

On the other hand, there is an advantage to Marvel Rivals' method—that being the ability to receive and implement player feedback. Firewalk is limited in its ability to do this thanks to the release date it's aiming for, but feedback is flying at Concord nonetheless. Those betting on Concord will have to hope that it offers far more than what trailers are presenting.