
  • Minecraft players can hide secret structures and bases using mechanics within the game, with one player impressing the community with their hidden staircase in a sheep farm.
  • Redstone is a crucial feature in Minecraft that allows for more advanced builds and automation, including the construction of massive automatic doors and secret passageways.
  • While mob farms are commonly built in Minecraft to efficiently harvest loot drops, there are many other ways to play the game, such as resource gathering through exploration.

There are many mechanics within Minecraft which allow players to cleverly hide their creations, with one player's questionable sheep farm utilizing such mechanics to hide an unexpected structure which has impressed many in the game's community. The idea of hidden secret bases certainly isn't anything new for the Minecraft community though, with similar projects remaining popular since the earliest days of the sandbox game's life.

Building in Minecraft is and always has been one of the game's core features, with players able to manipulate resources in an endless virtual sandbox to create almost anything imaginable. Redstone is one crucial feature that opens up entirely new possibilities for more advanced builds, and while this mineral resource has countless applications, it's often used to automate block movements. This mechanic alone allows for the construction of massive automatic doors, flying machines, and even secret passageways which unsuspecting players would easily pass by. Secret doorways and hidden bases typically make for a practical use of resources on multiplayer servers, though they're not unpopular on singleplayer worlds either.

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Redstone contraptions open up a whole new world of possibilities in Minecraft, so much so that players are still discovering new ways to exploit the resource in complex projects to this day. Though this example may not be anything particularly complicated, one player named Lil_Giraffe_King on Reddit recently shared a hilarious post on the site featuring their apparently innocent sheep farm project. Though it appears to be nothing more than an ordinary barn on the surface, one of the seemingly decorational stone buttons on the ground is actually connected to a contraption which reveals a hidden staircase. This staircase leads down into an expansive facility constructed with quartz blocks, featuring countless cells each tightly-packed with some really unhappy sheep.

The disturbing, yet surprising nature of this build was found amusing by thousands of players, the post quickly gaining attention within its first few days on the social media site. That said, it represents just one type of mob farm commonly constructed in Minecraft, and, despite its appearance, could even be considered one of the more humane ones. Mob farms are commonly exploited later in the game, with some clever builds processing anything from pigs to iron golems with brutal efficiency, all for the sake of harvesting their loot drops.

While many of these farms can be built with relative ease later on, and they certainly do provide players a quick and easy way of accumulating certain resources, there are many other ways to play the game. Players looking to avoid these farming methods might prefer to gather resources through exploration - another of the game's core aspects which has been expanded upon substantially in recent updates, not least Minecraft's latest Trails and Tales update.

Minecraft is available on mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and most legacy platforms.

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