Communication is one of the most important aspects of everyday life for everyone. This is especially important during the beloved experiences that are granted by gaming. Seeing, reading, talking, and listening are all components of communication important to the modern-day gamer.

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For many individuals, for varying reasons, access to the typical modes of communication needed to fully appreciate games is not always available. Whether due to physical health issues, having a learning difficulty, or being visually or hearing impaired, people struggle to gain full access to gaming experiences. And, while they’re not "fix all" suggestions, there are a number of communication methods and devices that developers might utilize for a more inclusive experience. Additionally, while opening the gaming world up to countless more people, the technology and theories behind these devices might serve are an inspiration for new developments.

7 Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)


AAC is a general umbrella term that originally refers to any form of alternative communication method. The term is now regularly associated with AAC electronic devices that serve as modes of communication for many individuals who are non-verbal and often have a learning disability. These devices, which come in numerous specialized brands, are often prescribed for an individual’s needs by a Speech and Language Therapist (SALT).

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As these devices come in such varied shapes, sizes, and brands, it might be that game makers look to develop some manner of universal adapter that could allow different models to work as an interface for game consoles.

6 Tablets

Tablet Gaming

Tablets and tablet enthusiasts are no strangers to gaming. Since the dawn of tablets, gaming has been an occupation that they have long supported, with classics like Mario now available as apps. Additionally, since the first tablets hit the market, ingenious individuals have been developing ways to use them for atypical forms of communication i.e. for people with communication impairments.

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In a similar fashion as other AACs, technology could be developed to help use the communication methods on tablets as a controller for playing console games. The ability to use tablet-supported communication programs such as Grid Player on computer games would make for a more inclusive experience for non-verbal individuals.

5 Braille

Kenchi Braille

Having been around since the mid-nineteenth century, Braille is one of the oldest communication devices on the list. A method that uses a form of indented dots on paper, it was developed to assist people who are blind. With reading comes education, knowledge, and two hundred years later, gaming.

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It is possible to buy braille overlays for selected gaming console controllers, but, for the sake of inclusivity, it might be time to make this a regular practice. Braille might be included on controllers, game packages, and actual consoles.

4 Symbols


To some extent, one might argue that the entire visual display of a game is one big symbol communicating to the player. And they would be correct, but, there are some, that for various reasons require a few additional visual cues to help them understand information.

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For many people with learning difficulties from mild to severe, the use of visual pictures, images, and symbols that depict some manner of item or action has long helped facilitate communication. The inclusion of symbols might be an option for developers to use to help people with communicative issues better solve puzzles and follow storylines.

3 Signing


As graphics continue to advance and onscreen hands look much clearer, it might be time that game designers begin adding some better gestures. And, what better gestures to consider than a communicative method such as signing? As sign language is used differently across the world, it might not be as conducive to everybody’s communication needs to use a specific one. As such, it might be an idea for developers to being using simple signs to assist with keywords being spoken by the characters.

The idea of including sign within games may be negated by the ability to include text. But, as text is not always an option in the gaming or real world, the addition of sign can make for a more inclusive and immersive experience for those with hearing impairments and an educational experience for others.

2 Eyegaze

Eye Gaze

The eye-tracking technology that is utilized in the amazing communication aid known as the Eyegaze has opened the world to countless people. The ability to communicate with assistive technology using just eye movement is both a step forward in the world of communication and human needs, and also, in the world of gaming.

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While the utilization of eye recognition is still in its infancy in gaming as a tool to enhance gaming for the average player, it has begun to be used to assist those who are non-verbal and physically restricted and/or wheelchair users. The use of the Eyegaze as a controller for game consoles would undoubtedly make the experience accessible to many more.

1 Switches


Switches, also known as Big Macks, are perhaps the simplest forms of communication for individuals who are non-verbal. Often used to help people with profound and multiple learning disabilities to make choices, they can come in various forms but are often no more than a one or two-button mechanism.

The inclusion of switches may not be one that inspires gaming developers to move onto newer and more exciting technologies, but, it is one of inclusion. No matter the degree of somebody’s disabilities, the choice to play video games seems like a human right at this point in time.

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