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Splatoon 3 is the third game in the Splatoon series, a multiplayer franchise all about taking control of humanoid squid people and fighting against other factions of squid people. However, there is one thing that makes it unique - everyone is spraying one another with bright, colorful ink.

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There are a lot of people clamoring for Splatoon 3, and some players may be able to pick it up and play much easier than others. Of course, there are some easy mistakes that anyone can end up falling into; whether a player is immediately familiar with the game or struggling to learn, there are some common blunders that players should avoid.

7 Forgetting to Recover HP

Splatoon 3 - Promo Art

It is inevitable - no matter how quick a player can run or how good they are at dodging, there will come a time when a player gets sprayed with enemy ink, lowering their HP. This is normal and a much-accepted part of Splatoon 3.

However, some newer players may not realize that they can actually fix themselves up real quick after getting sprayed by enemy ink. All a player has to do is simply submerge themselves in their own color of ink to wash it off. A player will be able to heal and keep themselves from being splashed.

6 Not Knowing Which Buttons Do What

Splatoon 3 - Spraying

The controls of Splatoon 3 are going to be something quite a few players struggle to get used to, as there are many for a player to memorize and figure out. Nearly every button is assigned to something that will be whipped out at some point during the match (versus some games, which only use a few buttons per gameplay loop).

However, a player will need to learn about the button controls as quickly as possible, as it is very important (such as knowing the button to shoot ink). A player can usually have a risk-free way to learn the button choices, via the single-player mode.

5 Brushing Off Motion Controls

Splatoon 3 - Three People

There are a lot of people who do not like motion controls in any way, shape, or form. As it turns out, Splatoon 3actually does have motion controls that are enabled by default; many players may want to automatically turn these off, but it actually can help a few players in the long run.

Motion controls can be used to aim the player's choice of weapon and shoot with them. While a player does not have to keep motion controls enabled, it can help to make more precise aiming for some players.

4 Swimming in Enemy Ink

Splatoon 3 - Controlling

While the best way for a player to heal their health is to swim in their team color's ink, this can backfire very quickly if a player were to swim within the enemy's ink colors. It is one of the quickest ways to actually hurt the player in the long run.

This is because, though a player will not be downright hurt by swimming or moving through enemy ink, it will end up greatly slowing them down in terms of walking speed. This, in turn, will make it easier for a player to be shot and picked off.

3 Always Trying to Shoot the Enemies

Splatoon 3 - Yellow Squid

It is a good idea to shoot down some enemies every now and then. It is a good way for a player to get themselves out of a jam real quick, but the problem is that they should not be making their main priority to shoot down the enemies.

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It can be rather satisfying at times, but a player should remember that their main priority is to spray as much of the area with their team's ink color. Shooting an enemy player will make them respawn, but the main objective is to douse the place in the player's color.

2 Forgetting the Minimap

Splatoon 3 - Bow and Arrow

It is no secret that all of the maps are large and sprawling. This can allow for a bunch of places where a player can spray as much ink as they can, while the enemy has no idea that there are unmarked spots until it is too late.

Because of the map's size, though, it is very easy for a player to end up getting themselves hopelessly lost in one. This, however, is something that can easily be avoided by remembering that the X button pulls up the map; not only is this where the player can find themselves but also see how much of the map has been inked.

1 Not Realizing There is a Choice on Spawning

Splatoon 3 - Four People

One of the newest and most interesting features about Splatoon 3 is that the player can choose wherever they want to spawn or respawn on the map. While this may not seem like much at first, at second glance, it can be seriously useful for a player.

Because a player can choose to spawn just about anywhere on the map, they will not need to waste time lugging themselves from one point to another. If a player dies in the middle of spraying ink on a building, they can just pop back into where they were and be good to go.

Splatoon 3 is available on Nintendo Switch.

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