Creating bases, bolstering military forces, directing armies, unleashing powerful super-weapons - all of these things are synonymous with the iconic Command & Conquer series. Ever since its release in 1995, a slew of amazing games (and some that the fans pretend does not exist) have been released.

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Following this, fans of the series have created their fair share of quality mods that either enhance or transform the base games into something bigger and more ambitious than ever before. It’s easy to get lost in the sea of gameplay modifiers out there, packing in new maps, upgrades to AI, additional factions and campaigns. Ergo, these are but a few of the most popular and beloved ones.

1 OpenRA (Command & Conquer / Command & Conquer: Red Alert)

Supporting the first two entries in the series (plus Dune 2000), OpenRA revitalizes them in countless ways.

A Nod base attacked by GDI troops
Command & Conquer: Red Alert

PlayStation 2 , Microsoft Windows
November 22, 1996
westwood studios
Real-Time Strategy

Easily the most user-friendly mod out there has to be OpenRA, compatible with the first Command & Conquer, and the alternate-universe follow-upCommand & Conquer: Red Alert. This open source mod updates the base game with modern quality-of-life treatments, like production queues for building/training multiple units, better unit controls, ‘fog of war’ that doesn’t hide the entire map within its shroud, and more.

Thanks to its active multiplayer, finding games online is a piece of cake, and there are so many additional maps that will even cater to purists. Improved screen resolutions, additional particle effects and other neat touches are included alongside. It’s still being updated and played to this very day, too.

2 Tiberium Resurrection (Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun)

This mod contains additional units, maps, and a new take on the events following the events of the Firestorm add-on.

A wasteland covered in various types of GDI
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun

PC , PS3 , Xbox 360
August 27, 1999
Westwood Studios
Real-Time Strategy
  • Created by Lucas-SK.
  • Download from ModDB.

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun took the Tiberium timeline of the series in a much darker, more futuristic direction, and near enough everyone loved it for that. Mods like Tiberium Resurrection (originally created by Lucas-SK, and currently worked on by an eager team that has since taken the helm) take the fun factor to new heights with a brand new campaign taking place after the plot of the game’s official expansion pack, Firestorm. This even comes with new cinematics, too.

It contains new maps for single player and multiplayer, additional units, graphical enhancements, more music, and various gameplay re-balances for a fairer experience across the board. Even better, the rag-tag band of mutants known as the Forgotten have their own playable faction as well. There’s content galore packed inside this one to keep fans busy.

3 RenHD (Command & Conquer: Renegade)

Made up of community-created and private assets, this mod gives the title a face lift.

A field of Tiberium in a cave, a Harvester entering from afar, and a GDI soldier
Command & Conquer: Renegade

February 26, 2002
Westwood Studios
Tactical , Shooter
  • Created by Lucas-SK.
  • Download from ModDB.

Westwood Studios probably didn’t think dedicated fans would be modding their ho-hum first/third-person shooter hybrid Command & Conquer: Renegade so many years after its release. Developed by Unstoppable, RenHD gives the dated graphics some serious polish, with sharper visuals and much more eye-catching textures for every level and model.

5 Command & Conquer Games That Hold Up The Best

Command & Conquer is one of the most successful real-time strategy franchises in history, and these are just a few that have held up the best

The mod doesn’t seek to change the base gameplay. Rather, it cleverly uses community assets created privately and released publicly, while mixing in some custom-made additions and HD cutscenes into the final product as well. Even the music is remastered as well. So, for anyone who is keen on trying out the first ever official C&C FPS, or want to revisit the title after so many years, definitely consider downloading this alongside.

4 Rise of the Reds (Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour)

Two factions are added to the mix, while the existing ones have a greatly expanded roster.

Soviet tanks outside a building with logos and a menu on-screen
Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour

September 22, 2003
EA Los Angeles , Aspyr
Real-Time Strategy
  • Created by SWR Productions.
  • Download from ModDB.

It may not be the most popular entry in the series, but Command & Conquer: Generals still has a prominent fanbase of modders. One of the most popular ones is Rise of the Reds, which requires the Zero Hour DLC along with the base game. For starters, it offers visual upgrades, a new multiplayer executable, and even two more factions: the defense-centric European Continental Alliance, and the mad-about-tanks Russian Federation.

Some of the most prominent changes include the remixed roster of units, buildings, and superweapons for each of the original factions. Certain units that specialize in scouting and stealth are more useful than before, while combat between aircraft and anti-air units are overhauled here, too. Thankfully, progress is still ongoing with this one, with more great ideas in the pipeline.

5 Tiberium Essence (Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars)

Many units from Tiberian Sun are lovingly created and implemented in this mod.

A CABAL-owned base with futuristic buildings and tanks
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

Microsoft Windows , Xbox 360 , PC
March 28, 2007
Danger Close Games
Real-Time Strategy , Strategy
  • Created by Carnius.
  • Download from ModDB.

Despite releasing months after Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath, solo developer Carnius worked hard to recreate units from Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun for this mod. Some of them were officially brought back in the aforementioned expansion, yet this modder went above and beyond here.

The Rest of the Command & Conquer Series Needs to be Remastered

The Command & Conquer series was once the biggest name in the RTS genre, and if EA remastered the entire series then it may be able to reclaim that.

Not only are various familiar units back, like the Hover MLRS and Devil’s Tongue, but the AI antagonist hell-bent on mankind’s destruction, CABAL, is a playable faction here. Even better are the visual upgrades, balances, additional music tracks, upgrades for units, support powers, and various other inclusions. Tiberium Essence should prove to be a perfect pick for both single and multiplayer

6 Remix (Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3)

True to its name, new units and abilities are bundled alongside additional maps and more.

Allied and Soviet units fighting near the beach
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

PC , PS3 , Xbox 360
October 28, 2008
EA Los Angeles
Real-Time Strategy

The simply-named Remix mod for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 by KnightVVV overhauls the Top Secret Protocols of the base game - all 45 of them to be exact - and replaces them with brand-new ones. In other words, more powerful abilities and deadly units can be played with here. Ever wanted a triple-cannon spider-tank for the Soviets, or even more frightening aircraft for the Allies? They’re all available here, and they have new voice lines, too.

On top of that, to sweeten the deal, this mod bundles alongside a collection of fresh maps to wage war on. By the way, be sure to check out its cinematic six-minute trailer, as it's an amazing watch, on top of showing much of the cool stuff available.

7 AI Boost (Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection)

This mod improves the enemy AI and implements other quality-of-life changes.

An Allied base being nuked while Soviet troops attack
Command & Conquer Remastered

June 5, 2020
Real-Time Strategy , Tactical
  • Created by Bast75 and xXMini FrankiXx.
  • Download from Steam Workshop.

Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection is an excellent way to relive the first two entries in the series and their respective add-ons and console-exclusive content faithfully, though it’s not flawless. The AI seems to trip over itself at times; it’s understandable why the developers didn’t want to tinker with it too much in case any re-coding would damage anything important.

Thankfully, the AI Boost mod by Bast75 and xXMini FrankiXx helps with this, and more. Not only does it improve pathfinding, but it also introduces various improvements for a more challenging experience, making it perfect for Skirmish mode. The AI enemy will now construct buildings and units it normally wouldn’t use, like boats, spies, commandos, and so on. It also adds other quality-of-life changes, like being able to transport troops in APCs via Chronosphere without killing everyone inside in the process.

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