The Callisto Protocol is a game in the survival horror genre, and one that has terrified many players. Players will have to arm themselves and keep themselves alive desperately as they either hunt down the monster on their trail, or run from it.

Many players will instantly take to the game, and enjoy all the intricacies of what the game has to offer. However, other players are going to be a little more lost on the details, especially when it comes to combat. Those players may need to know about some common mistakes many players can make, and how to avoid them.

7 Playing Too Aggresively

Callisto Protocol - Standing

The Callisto Protocol is a rather dangerous game. After all, it is survival horror. One thing that makes it dangerous is that the player will only have a limited amount of ammo to use against the beasts hunting them down.

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It may be tempting to rush into the game with guns blazing, and fend off any beast that may come the player's way. But this is exactly how players get killed. Instead, it would be best for players to ease themselves in slowly. Consider hiding behind things while fighting, to conserve ammo and reduce the amount of HP lost in battle.

6 Using Money on Supplies Instead of Weapon Upgrades

Callisto Protocol - Gun

Supplies may be rare in The Callisto Protocol, but money is even rarer. It will not be often that players get the chance to collect in-game currency. This is why they should spend their cash wisely instead of squandering it.

There are multiple weapons that a player will get throughout the game. Each of these can be upgraded to make them more powerful, but these upgrades don't come cheap. It will only benefit players to spend their money on upgrades. As such, although supplies are pretty rare, a player should remember to only focus on buying weapon upgrades.

5 Not Being Stealthy

Callisto Protocol - Blood

Stealth is a huge part ofThe Callisto Protocol, and it's not hard to see why. In fact, if a player is not stealthy enough, they will end up getting picked off and killed by the many beasts that roam the game's world.

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If a player wants to make it far in the game, acting stealthily will be their best option. That includes sneaking around abandoned areas, crouching behind things to hide, and so on and so forth. Stealthing will also enable players to sneak up on enemies to take them down.

4 Not Blocking Acid Spit

Callisto Protocol - Person

There are enemies that spit acid at the player, and it is really not something that they want to deal with. The acid spit is horrible to deal with, considering the damage it can do. Fortunately, the player can actually block and dodge the acid spit.

Moving backwards is a good way to dodge the spit, as it will make the player's character immediately start to defend himself. However, it is also worth noting that a player can use the other enemies as a shield against the acid spit.

3 Healing While Fighting

Callisto Protocl - Monster

The healing consumables that players can gather in The Callisto Protocol are scarce, to say the least. And since money should be spent on upgrades, it's good idea for a player to save their healing items for when it's most important. And it is especially important to know when to use them.

A player should not use their healing items until they are absolutely sure that the fight is over. If players only heal once they ensure that all enemies are gone, they can rest assured that all of their healing will stay for a while. Alternatively, using healing items in the middle of a fight means that players will immediately get hit and lose their HP again.

2 Hoarding Ammo Without Using It

Callisto Protocol - Hallway

It is definitely worth hoarding the ammo that the player will gather throughout the game. After all, ammo is not exactly common, so it is essential to have some on hand whenever a player has the chance to get into a fight.

However, players should be careful to hoard too much ammo. This is mainly because it will take up a bunch of the player's inventory space, but also because it has to be used as some point.

1 Forgetting to Stomp Enemies

Callisto Protocol - Monster

Stomping enemies is one of the best things a player does, and something that not many players realize is necessary in The Callisto Protocol. In fact, it can be very easy to go awhile without realizing that it's possible to stomp enemies.

After killing any enemy, stomp on its head. When a player stomps an enemy, they will gain a random (but useful) item. This also ensures that some enemies can't get back up after they were killed for the first time.

The Callisto Protocol is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Microsoft Windows.

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