Combat Master is a first-person shooter that is available on any mobile device or PC. The game focuses on fast-paced combat, and it rewards players who can thrive in unrelenting environments as they deal with other players online. While Combat Master can be tough at times, especially for newcomers to the game and genre, there are some helpful tips that keep players alive a bit longer.

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As players spend more time figuring out the first-person shooter mechanics, and learning the maps and weapons, it will become easier to master this game. But learning these great tips for Combat Master is a sure fire way to have an advantage over the other players in the game.

7 Always Remain Mobile

Running around in Combat Master.

Mobility is one of the most important aspects of Combat Master. Those who can master how to remain mobile while also maintaining accuracy can become pros at this game. That being said, while playing this game, the player should be moving around most of the time. Whether they're engaging in enemies or finding them, they must never stop moving, like they were playing a run and gun game.

Practice aiming at enemies while moving left and right, jumping up and down, and while sliding. Players will be able to start mastering the game once they can make successful kills while moving.

6 Master The Maps

The Train Yard map from Combat Master.

There are currently 11 maps in Combat Masters. Those who want to excel at the game should take the time to master every single one of them. A lot of matches are set at random and players may not know beforehand which map they'll end up playing on. The best players of the game can excel regardless of which map they're on.

That being said, players who want to master this game should take the time to play on every single map at least three times, or to the point they're fully familiar with the layout. This one may take some time, but as long as the player pours hours upon hours into this game, they may as well just shuffle between maps instead of focusing on one.

5 Master Each Weapon Type

Using a Pistol in Combat Master.

There are Primary Weapons and Secondary Weapons in Combat Master. Take the time to master every Primary Weapon type first, then learn the Secondary Weapons next. Those can be very useful at key moments as well. When players realize that each weapon is most useful during a specific circumstance, their kill numbers will skyrocket.

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For example, Assault Rifles and SMGs are perfect for mid-range encounters while Shotguns are perfect for killing enemies up close. They can also use Sniper Rifles to perform kills from afar. Players should use and become familiar with each weapon type as they play more matches to become pros at this game.

4 Play Around With The Sensitivity Options

Adjusting the sensitivity option in Combat Master.

Whether the player is playing on PC or Mobile, they should take the time to play around with the sensitivity options. Some players prefer it fast while some are perfectly comfortable with a medium setting. Most Combat Master players will argue that a fast sensitivity setting works best for this game given its pace, but it will still vary from player to player.

Regardless, the player should find which setting works best for them, and they should stick with that. Players will find this setting from the Options on the main menu, under Controls or Gamepad.

3 Use The Melee Attack

Using a knife in Combat Master.

A lot of players don't bother using melee when it comes to shooters, but that would be a massive disservice when it comes to Combat Master. While playing this game, players should perform a melee attack when the opportunity presents itself. For example, when they turn around or turn into a corner and find themselves face-to-face with an enemy.

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A melee attack has a very high chance of killing an enemy, or leaving them open for a clean shot. Those who aren't using melee in this game should start getting used to doing it now. It will make the an overall better player as they play more matches.

2 Wear Headphones While Playing

Facing an enemy in Combat Master.

This is a minor tip but one that can vastly improve a player's experience. Wear headphones and the enemies' footsteps can be heard better. This can prove immensely useful in a lot of situations. This way, the player won't be surprised when they turn a corner and suddenly find themselves facing an enemy or more.

Sound design has been playing a major part in a lot of today's first-person multiplayer shooters. It's a feature every player should take advantage of by simply wearing headphones while playing.

1 Know When To Reload

Reloading in Combat Master.

Knowing when to reload will drastically improve a player's skill. Many players will feel obliged to reload their weapon right after killing an enemy or when it's not at max capacity. This is a mistake players should avoid doing.

The best time to reload in this game is when the player is sure there is no enemy nearby. This way, they can't get caught off guard and can reactively shoot swiftly. Players can think of reloading as a luxury they can only afford when they know their position is perfectly safe.

Combat Master Season 1 is out on PC, Android mobile devices, and iOS mobile devices.

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