Star Wars has had a mixed reception when it comes to the movies, but the shows are where it's currently shining. One movie that was received well was the one written by Colin Trevorrow, who also directed the recent Jurassic World Dominion However, Trevorrow's Star Wars film was ultimately never made.

Star Wars is currently streaming all of its content on Disney Plus. The animated shows, live-action movies and live-action television shows can be watched in their entirety on the streaming platform. Obi-Wan Kenobi is streaming ahead of the highly anticipated Ahsoka television series. Obi-Wan Kenobi takes place right before Star Wars: Episode IV and also has some things in place that help line up to the most recent trilogy, which has been divisive for a lot of viewers.

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Trevorrow had a Star Wars: Episode IX script that unfortunately got leaked after the release of The Rise of Skywalker, which was bad timing because many found the director's script and concept art to be much better than the film that fans actually got. "Honestly, I mean, since we’re talking now in 2022, I can say honestly I’m very grateful to Kathy for recognizing that she and I were never going to make a movie that we were both proud of together," the director said to Uproxx. "And she’s been doing this for so long and she cares about me and I care about her and her family. And Frank and I are partners still. I’m a part of this group of incredible filmmakers, so it was a complicated moment." Making sure to honor what could've been and not being bitter is what helps creatives continue to move forward with positivty, which isn't always easy.

Rey's Jedi training in The Rise of Skywalker

The Star Wars film that people got tried to please many fans as well as critics, which never goes the right way. When creators try to make a film for everyone it ends up being a poorly received film. Instead, it's a good idea to make a film that they know fans will love and trust in the initial vision rather than try to cater and bend to the vocal few. "Now, having been able to do this and really feeling like this is what...I’m glad I did this," Trevorrow said. "I’m deeply, deeply satisfied for having done this. I appreciate that she had the wisdom to see something that, honestly, I’m not sure I could’ve seen because I was so dialed in to the story I wanted to tell."

RIght now, Star Wars has been telling stories that either take place during or around the first six movies. They have yet to time skip up to the sequel trilogy timeline. Hopefully one creator will be brave enough to venture forward into that area of the Star Wars timeline, and maybe fans will get more out of the lore.

On one hand, it would be nice to eventually bring back the characters from those films like Rey or Finn. However, the sequel trilogy didn't come out the way the creators wanted and it's unfortunate because Star Wars fans can be very toxic, so hopefully moving forward this changes.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is now available on Disney Plus.

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Source: Uproxx