If there's one thing the video game modding community likes more than adding Thomas the Tank Engine to everything, it's making nude mods. Games with female characters are often the target of nude mods, though some don't discriminate, like the Code Vein nude mods that have now been released by the modding community.

For those who care to search for them on NexusMods, Code Vein nude mods are now available to download. As is to be expected, the Code Vein nude mods make both the male and female characters completely naked, for anyone into that sort of thing. There are also Code Vein mods available that don't offer full-blown nudity, but still strip characters down to their underwear, just in case someone is looking for something in-between.

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Nude mods are definitely not going anywhere, and considering Code Vein's sexualized characters, it's not surprising that these kinds of mods are already available for the game. However, there are plenty of other Code Vein mods for players to try out as well, many of which let the characters keep all of their clothes on.

Coco the blacksmith.

Code Vein itself seems to have been a sleeper hit for Bandai Namco Entertainment. Exact sales figures are unavailable, but an active modding community is always a good sign. Whether or not Code Vein mods will keep the game's playerbase engaged for the long-term remains to be seen, however.

Described as anime Dark Souls, Code Vein isn't necessarily designed to be played indefinitely. It's a linear experience with a beginning, middle, and end; it's not a live-service style game that will be updated constantly. Even so, Code Vein does have a season pass, which will add new bosses, new character creation options, and new weapons for players to master as well. Between the game's post-launch DLC and the support from the modding community, it seems like a safe bet that Code Vein will have a decent shelf life.

Exact plans for the Code Vein DLC has yet to be revealed by Bandai Namco, but more information on that front should come to light sooner rather than later. Code Vein fans will just need to sit tight until Bandai Namco is ready to share its plans.

Code Vein is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: How Code Vein Gameplay Compares to Dark Souls