One-handed swords don't have the highest damage values. However, their attack speed often makes up for their lack of punch. This makes these light weapons perfect for dexterity builds. This is true for a lot of RPG titles, and it's no different in Code Vein.

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Code Vein offers a handful of one-handed swords for dexterity-build players who prefer speed over power. Make no mistake, though, these weapons may not pack a punch as strong as two-handed weapons, but they can still be powerful in the right hands. If a player fully upgrades these weapons and utilizes their unique attacks, they'll see just how effective these light swords can be for this challenging souls-like game.

10 Queenslayer Blade

The Queenslayer Blade in Code Vein.

The Queenslayer Blade is a straightforward one-handed sword. Its base damage value and Dex scaling are both average, but its fast attack speed and movements are reliable enough. That being said, The Queenslayer Blade is a weapon that's more useful in the early levels.

Players can still use this to get them through the game, granted they keep upgrading the weapon. However, there are other one-handed swords in Code Vein that are much stronger and more reliable than this one. Players can find this sword in the Ruined City Underground, in a chest found past the Natural Cavern Depths mistle.

9 Lost Broadsword

Lost Broadsword from Code Vein.

The Lost Broadsword has high base damage, but its dexterity scaling is terrible. It becomes less effective the higher the player's level goes. However, it can be a reliable weapon during the early stages of the game. This also fits with the fact that this weapon can be picked up very early in the game.

The sword is dropped by Lost enemies that wield it found in the Ruined City Underground. Players who choose to wield this will find that it's a bit faster than other one-handed swords, especially compared to the base version of the Broadsword.

8 Broadsword

Wielding the Broadsword from Code Vein.

The Broadsword has a better dexterity scaling than its Lost variation, but it also has lower base damage. It's also noticeably slower than the Lost Broadsword. Considering all that, the Broadsword can still be a useful one-handed sword if the player's dex stat is high enough.

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Blocking with the Broadsword is very effective because it has the highest weapon defense out of all the one-handed weapons in the game. The player can find this weapon in the Dried-Up Trenches, in a chest guarded by a Snouted Wanderer.

7 Machete

Machete from Code Vein.

The Machete only has a C dex scaling while having a B strength scaling. It's also slower than the other one-handed swords in the game. Considering its stats and attack speed, this weapon is definitely built more toward strength builds.

Despite this, the weapon can still be a decent sword for dex builds because of its high base damage. Players who use a strength/dex hybrid build with the help of certain Blood Veils will certainly find this weapon powerful. This weapon is found in a chest in the Ridge of Frozen Souls, in the icy tunnels just before the boss area.

6 Enduring Crimson

The Enduring Crimson from Code Vein.

Here's a secret a few players may not know about this game, Louis' famed sword can be acquired and wielded. Its base damage is fairly decent, but its dexterity scaling is average, sitting at C. Its moveset is also impressive enough, especially its heavy attack. When the player does a heavy attack with this weapon, the player will swing the sword three times.

The weapon also has an incredible design. This, coupled with its impressive moveset and base damage, can make it worth using. The Enduring Crimson can be acquired from its owner, Louis, for 50 Trading Points.

5 Crimson Longsword

Crimson Longsword from Code Vein.

The Crimson Longsword is one of the coolest-looking weapons in the game. Fans of God Eater will surely find this familiar as it is a reference to Alisa's weapon. Unfortunately, it's only available to those who pre-ordered the deluxe edition of the game.

It's a shame that not every Code Vein player can use this, as it not only looks amazing, but it's also a decent weapon overall. Its scaling is average, but its base damage is high enough at base level. It also has a special heavy attack that fires a sharp wave projectile toward enemies. Those who have the God Eater Weapons Collaboration DLC can buy this weapon from Murasame for only 10 Haze.

4 Executioner

The Executioner from Code Vein.

The Executioner sword is a gorgeous weapon. Many players may find this weapon appealing for its aesthetic alone. However, many may be disappointed in its low base damage. It has one of the lowest base damage of all the one-handed swords in the game.

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Its damage value can still be exponentially increased because of its incredible dexterity scaling, which sits at A. Paired with the proper Blood Code and Blood Veil and this weapon can truly shine. Players can get this from Jack Rutherford for 50 Trading Points.

3 Fulmen Blade

The Fulmen Blade from Code Vein.

The Fulmen Blade is a great weapon for dex builds. It has a high base damage, a high dex scaling that sits comfortably at A+, and it comes with a lightning buff. It is also a fast weapon and has a similar moveset to the Lost Broadsword.

Its high dex stat requirement shouldn't be a problem for those who are going all out on their dexterity stat. Its main downside is its lightning buff, which may be terrible for bosses that have resistance to this. Other than that, it's one of the game's most powerful weapons. This can be acquired by defeating the Lord of Thunder using a one-handed sword in the Lord of Thunder DLC.

2 Argent Wolf Blade

Argent Wolf Blade from Code Vein.

The Argent Wolf Blade is an awesome weapon. Although its dex scaling is only average, it has high base damage and a rapid attack speed that's optimal for dex builds. Its design is also incredibly luxurious and eye-catching.

This weapon is dropped by the Cerberus Soldiers found in the Dried-up Trenches and the Provisional Government Center. The drop rate of the weapon is quite low, but the player should still have a fair chance of obtaining this, especially in the Government Center. There are a lot of Cerberus Soldiers in this level.

1 Hanemukuro

Hanemukuro from Code Vein.

The Hanemukuro is a powerful one-handed sword for dexterity builds. It has high base damage, and it has a B+ dex scaling. It also has a fantastic moveset. Its light combo attack constantly pushes the player forward, which is great for closing onto enemies and the game's bosses, given its limited reach.

Its heavy attack has the player rapidly slash the weapon thrice, and its charged attack can damage enemies from afar. This weapon can be found in a chest past the Bottomless Shore mistle in the Howling Pit. The player will receive a +3 version of the Hanemukuro once they pick it up from the aforementioned chest.

Code Vein was released on September 2019 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It's also available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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