Code Vein, Bandai Namco's anime-inspired, action-RPG foray into the Soulslike sub-genre, launched on the 26th of September. The game, set in a world where humanity has been punished for their hubris by a mysterious disaster, follows a group of vampiric Revenants as they attempt to endure in the post-apocalyptic ruins of Code Vein's setting.

These Revenants survive in their harsh, vampire-infested world with the aid of Gifts, which are supernatural powers that are organized into themed Blood Codes in Code Vein. These Gifts aren't free, however, and gaining them comes with a need to drink blood. Additionally, many of them require power taken from blood, known as Ichor, to activate.

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In order to refresh their Ichor in combat, Revenants use Blood Veils. These a specially-modified armor pieces can drain blood from an opponent and siphon it directly into the Revenant's mouths. It's a charming concept, and here are the best Blood Veils in Code Vein.

Updated June 23rd, 2021 by John Higgs: Code Vein continues to see a healthy player base well past its release, thanks to its engaging gameplay, unique mechanics, and Souls-like experience. A lot of new players are popping up thanks to the title's inclusion on Xbox Game Pass. Many gamers are finding the release at a discount, allowing them to jump into the adventure with everyone else. One of the most important mechanics in the game comes from Blood Veils, specialized items that characters can find and equip to become stronger. In order to better help the new influx of players just now entering the game, this list has been updated to include even more veils and information for better clarity.

Best Early-Game Blood Veils in Code Vein

code vein key art

GXH Assault

An all-rounder with solid stats for both melee and caster characters, the GXH Assault is a Veil that's all about using Gifts to their full potential. As an Ivy-style Veil, players can use the GXH to drain enemies from long range with a precision-targeted attack. This versatility, coupled with its high physical protection and mobility, makes it an attractive Veil to use. It's handy both in the thick of the action with a sword, or slinging spells from the back-lines. It also looks pretty impressive, which is an added bonus for those playing co-op in Code Vein.

The GXH Assault can be found early in the game. Players simply head out the fire escape door from the Parking Garage Mistle, climb the stairs, and break the boxes at the top.

Venous Claw

It's a little awkward to have to include the Venous Claw in this guide, given that it's only available to those who pre-ordered Code Vein. Even so, the Ogre-type Veil's sheer power makes it hard to ignore.

For caster-style or hybrid characters who focus on Dark Gifts, like those found in the Isis Blood Code, there is no better choice than the Venous Claw. Its Willpower scaling is slightly lower than some competitors; however, it more than makes up for it with a huge boost to Dark Gift damage. It also allows for mobility by weighing practically nothing — a concept that will be familiar to fans of Soulslike games.

player using a blood veil attack

Night Claw

The Night Claw is a fantastic Dexterity-scaling Ogre-type Code Vein Blood Veil, perfect for fighters focusing on a single one-handed weapon. It combines some of the highest Drain damage in the game with decent protection and a relatively low weight, allowing players to stay agile. It's also got a great style, which is why it's worn by the default player character in Code Vein's trailers and in the cover art.

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Night Claw is found early-on in Code Vein's story, in the Ruined City Center. Once players have unlocked the door near the Parking Garage Mistle, they should head across the nearby thorn bridge to defeat a Stone-Crusher Lost. Keep following the path, defeating more of Code Vein's Lost along the way. Players will eventually find the chest containing Night Claw in an area with a few Shielded Lost.

Best Late-Game Blood Veils in Code Vein

Blood veil attack in Code Vein

Night Spear

This Stinger-type Veil fashioned from a trenchcoat fits well in the anime-inspired Code Vein. In terms of gameplay, the Night Spear balances lower stat-scaling with a powerful drain effect. Like all Stinger-type Veils, it boasts a long range, piercing attack. Players who use a lot of Ichor will most benefit from its accelerated draining. Compared to other Veils, its stats are a little lackluster. However, with a strong boost to Light Gifts and the speed of its Stinger, it can be a powerhouse in the right build.

The Night Spear is located in the Dried-up Trenches. Players can find it by making a right from the rotten Mistle, then another right. There, players will find a ledge that they should drop down to, and following the path and making a left will lead them to the chest. The route isn't clear of enemies, so players and their Code Vein Partners should be ready for a fight.

Ivory Grace

Widely regarded as the best caster Veil in Code Vein, Ivory Grace is a Ivy-Type with incredible versatility. The main advantages of Ivory Grace include its incredibly low weight, which is the lightest in the game, as well as its scaling. Ivory Grace has the best scaling in Code Vein for both Light and Dark Gifts, allowing players to combine the two into a devastating mixed-build caster.

Players can easily find Ivory Grace in the Provisional Government Outskirts, as the chest is in view from the first Mistle of that area. Players will have to defeat a pair of Bayonet Lost as well as a Stone-Crusher. Finally, open the chest near the Rotten Mistle.

Battle in Code Vein

GXL Defender

For the players that prefer a more defensive playstyle, there's no tougher Veil than the GXL Defender. Hound-types are the tankiest Code Vein Blood Veils, and the GXL Defender is the best Hound there is. It combines an incredible physical defense with high resistances across the board. All this comes at the cost of the GXL Defender being the heaviest Veil; however, that's less of a problem with such huge defense.

Unfortunately, players won't be able to acquire the GXL Defender until the very end of the game, meaning that it's best used in Code Vein's New Game Plus. It can be found near the end of the provisional Government Center, behind a locked door to the right of the elevator. Players will have to take a ladder to the side in order to reach the chest containing the GXL Defender.

Code Vein is out now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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