With its anime-like style and vampiric, post-apocalyptic theme, Code Vein represents a fresh take on the popular Soulslike sub-genre. As Bandai Namco's first foray into the world of tough-as-nails bosses, limited saving and high-intensity combat, Code Vein has seen a decent amount of success, with players praising its unique style, emotional story, and innovative class-system.

In a city of feral vampires, blood-wars and dark magic, often the only thing standing between a Revenant and certain death is their Blood Code. These skill sets specialize in anything from hammers and heavy armor to guns and magic. Blood Codes are fully flexible and can be swapped out at any time, giving players versatility. However, there's also an overwhelming amount of choices. To help with that, here's our selection of of the best Codes that are available by the mid-game.

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Updated June 25th, 2021 by John Higgs: Code Vein continues to maintain a healthy player base a year and a half after its initial release. The game has now been included in the Xbox Game Pass, attracting new players to jump into the Souls-like action-RPG. In order to help new and veteran players alike, we've expanded this guide to include the best Blood Codes in the early and late-game.

Hunter Code

Code Vein wallpaper

The Hunter is one of the first new Codes that players can discover in the game. It features a strong focus on ranged combat, with a few handy Passives and Gifts that pair well with the Bayonet Rifle weapon-type. This high-damage Code also includes the Passive Gift Dark Sacrifice, which allows players to exchange their own HP for Ichor. Although risky, this technique can melt some of the toughest early-game bosses, just so long as the player can keep themselves out of harm's way as they kite around their target and deal ranged damage.

Players can first discover the Hunter Code Core in the Ruined City's Parking Garage. It then must be fully unlocked by hunting down the 4 Vestige parts in the same area.

Prometheus Code

Code Vein battle

With its low HP pool and focus on dodging and parrying, Prometheus may be the Blood Code most familiar to fans of the Dark Souls series. This high-skill choice is an all-rounder melee Code that encourages good mobility, boosting strength and dexterity. It also contains Gifts to buff dodges, parrying and one-handed weapons.

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The Prometheus Code Core is received from Louis when players first reach the Home Base. Players then fully unlock it through the discovery of the 4 Vestige Parts, the first of which is acquired automatically in a cut-scene.

Atlas Code

player using a blood veil attack

For those players who prefer to stand firm and endure rather than dance around, there's the Atlas Blood Code. Its huge weight allowance lets players equip the heaviest armor, as Atlas is all about damage mitigation and powerful counter-strokes. Gifts such as Resilient Focus, Firm Stand, and Foulblood Barrier make Atlas one of the tankiest Codes around. Meanwhile, Two-Handed Sword Mastery, Tormenting Blast and Flashing Fang make sure it's not lacking in damage either.

Players can acquire the Atlas Code Core by talking to Yakumo after they have defeated both the Butterfly of Delirium and Insatiable Despot bosses. The Code is then fully unlocked by finding its 4 Vestige Parts, all of which are located in the Howling Pit area.

Isis Code

Code Vein How To Beat Boreal Brute

Specializing in ranged combat with a strong focus on high-damage Dark and Active Gifts, Isis is a mid-game Blood Code that forms a natural progression to the starting Caster Code. Barrage Gifts are a powerful part of Code Vein's caster-style combat, and Isis contains three in Blast Bolt, Indra's Coil and Fourfold Edict. This reliance on Active Gifts comes with a heavy Ichor cost. Fortunately, Isis' Vow of Ichor Passive Gift allows players to lower max HP in order to increase their Ichor capacity.

Players can unlock the Isis Code by first collecting and restoring all 5 of its Vestige parts. They must then defeat the Successor of the Ribcage boss and restore her after the fight.

Queenslayer Code

code vein cannoneer and blade bearer

The Queenslayer is one of the most powerful Codes in Code Vein, and ties directly into the game's plot. While it's a great all-rounder, with enough Mind/Will for spell Gifts, it really shines as a melee Code. In particular, Dexterity-scaling weapons can be incredibly strong when combined with Queenslayer. This Code also shines in boss fights, due to its unique Final Journey Gift.

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Players can unlock Queenslayer after defeating The Queen's Knight in the Memories of "Player" level.

Scout Code

Code Vein - Invading Executioner

Another great Code for Dexterity builds in Code Vein is the Scout Code. While the Scout can't match the pure damage and versatility of the Queenslayer, it beats it out in terms of Mobility and a larger Ichor pool. This makes the Scout a great choice for players who want to focus on dodging and Gifts.

The core of the Scout Code can be found in Code Vein's Depths: Rocky Ruins level, while its Vestiges are scattered through the rest of the Depths area.

Queen's Throat Code

code vein successor of the ribcage

When it comes to late-game Code Vein Blood Codes for casters, few are as good as Queen's Throat. Queen's Throat offers the highest maximum spell casting damage in the game, due to its Quick Mobility and its synergy with Swift Destruction. Because of this, Queen's Throat pairs well with one of the best Blood Veils in Code Vein, Ivory Grace.

The Queen's Throat Code can only be earned by defeating the Successor of the Throat, and not restoring her memories afterwards.

Code Vein is out now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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