
  • A French Revolution-inspired setting for Call of Duty Zombies could provide unique and visually distinct map settings, offering a refreshing change from previous iterations.
  • The inclusion of steampunk elements and enemies, as seen in games like Steelrising, would fit well within the CoD Zombies universe and add an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay experience.
  • While the Dark Aether storyline may not easily accommodate a French Revolution map, the Chaos story could provide a fitting narrative and allow for the revival of an underappreciated storyline in the franchise.

Call of Duty Zombies maps have offered no shortage of interesting settings. While the Aether storyline started things off in a simple WW2 bunker before thrusting players into an asylum, swamp, and factory, bolder locations started to become the norm. The Nazi-controlled theater from the original Black Ops was quickly outdone in this regard by the Pentagon, the mythical Shangri-La, and the moon. Things only got crazier from there, as players fought the undead in an underground old west town, a medieval castle, and a version of Stalingrad overrun by dragons. If Treyarch wants to return to more over-the-top maps, then a setting inspired by Steelrising could work quite well.

Though Steelrising was not quite as critically acclaimed as soulslikes such as Lies of P and Nioh, it is still a solid game with an interesting story, world, and premise. Within Steelrising, players become the mechanical Aegis, controlling the puppet as she assists real-world revolutionary figures from France by defeating mechanical monstrosities. While there are some fun gameplay mechanics to experience within the title, like Aegis’ cooling system and traversal options, it is the setting she explores that Call of Duty Zombies should take the most inspiration from.

Call of Duty Zombies Equipment Tier List

Just like with the numerous Wonder Weapons available in Call of Duty Zombies, the many pieces of equipment within the mode vary in quality.

A French Revolution Map For CoD Zombies Can Mix History With Uniqueness

Steelrising The Royal Orpheus

How a Steelrising-Like Call of Duty Zombies Map Could Work

It does not take long to think about the benefits of visiting the French Revolution within Call of Duty Zombies. While memorable sights like the Eiffel Tower and French Catacombs would be off limits (these were areas that were initially planned for the DLC map that went on to become Moon), Steelrising shows that an older version of France could still be intriguing. While the city map rumored for Call of Duty 2024's Zombies mode will likely be modern as opposed to having architecture from the late 1700s, gameplay-wise they would not be too different. Players could train zombies through streets, camp with their fellow survivors within cramped buildings, and so on.

The undead could get some fun makeovers in a French Revolution map, with phyrygian caps, wigs, and 18th century dresses worn by the mode’s regular enemies. Special enemies could take even more direct inspiration from Steelrising, as large mechs, dogs, and puppets could appear sporadically or during specific rounds. With steampunk elements featured in maps like Origins and Shadows of Evil, more steampunk foes do not seem off limits. Additionally, with the Mystery Box able to pull weapons across time, and wall buys essentially being magic, modern weaponry could feature within the map. However, attachments like Bayonets would suit the vibe, while sabers and flintlock pistols could be the basis for Wonder Weapons.

Alternatively, a musket Wonder Weapon could be introduced in a French Revolution map. The beloved Blundergat from Mob of the Dead was a cross between a Shotgun and a Blunderbuss, after all, so there is proof that such a weapon can be fun to wield.

A Steelrising-like CoD Zombies Map Could Revive an Underrated Storyline

While 18th century France would be visually distinct from any Call of Duty Zombies map released thus far, there is one big issue to consider: the storyline. While the Aether story could have housed such a map due to its use of time travel, the Dark Aether narrative lacks this feature. However, the Chaos story and its focus on both history and mythology would be the perfect outlet for such a map. Perhaps Scarlett and her allies could experience another vision like they did in IX that brings them back in time so they can accomplish something during the revolution. Steampunk enemies could be powered by prima materia, justifying any advanced technology featured within the map. Ultimately, a French Revolution map could kill two birds with one stone. Not only would it provide the interesting map settings CoD Zombies has been missing since Black Ops 4, but it could be a gateway to bringing back the underappreciated Chaos Story.