The first story mission in Act 4, Contact, of Modern Warfare Zombies will challenge players to travel into the Dark Aether to explore the dimension hidden behind our own. Players must investigate the new breach in Urzikstan, accompanied by a swirling purple Aether Tornado, and complete several rituals to destroy seals while surviving the horde in the parallel dimension.

Veterans of COD: Zombies will recognize these seals as soul chests — classic objectives from older games that require players to kill zombies close to a chest or relic, gathering the souls of the dispatched zombies (hence, the name). If players can destroy all four seals and defeat the boss of the Dark Aether, Gorm'gant, they will complete the mission and unlock the Dark Aether Easter Egg in Modern Warfare Zombies. Here's how to do it.

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Bad Signal Mission Objectives and Rewards

Modern Warfare Zombies - Act - Story Mission
The story mission of Act 4 will have players travel into the Dark Aether rift, further uncovering the secrets of MWZ.

The Bad Signal Mission has two seemingly simple objectives, but the steps in between will test players' mettle:

  • Investigate the Anomaly
  • Exit the Dark Aether Rift

If players can successfully exfil from the Dark Aether rift, they will complete the Bad Signal mission, unlocking the So Many Teeth weapon charm and earning 10,000 bonus experience. Players will also acquire the Locked Diary, and release the required items while breaking the seals. This will allow players to complete the Dark Aether Easter egg and begin earning sigils, granting players access to the rarest schematics in the game, like the Golden Armor Plate.

Modern Warfare 3: Zombies - Act 4 - Contact Mission List (& All Mission Rewards)

Enter the Dark Aether Rift and uncover the aether secrets that have been lost for generations in Modern Warfare Zombies.

Preparing To Investigate the Anomaly

Similar to other story missions in Modern Warfare Zombies, players will be transported to a new mission area and receive a fresh play timer after warping to the Bad Signal Mission area. Take advantage of the preliminary 45 minutes to upgrade weapons and acquire perks before heading to the anomaly location. Players will want to be fully equipped with their strongest preferred weapon, upgraded to Level III Pack-a-Punch and Legendary Rarity. Consider bringing any available wonder weapon schematics. The Ray Gun and Scorcher for example, are the most useful once inside the Dark Aether.

Be sure to gather as many perks as possible, and hit at least Pack-a-Punch level II before leaving for the Dark Aether. Players will have access to a Pack-a-Punch machine in the Dark Aether, meaning they can acquire the points for Pack Level III, and then upgrade in the Dark Aether rather than entering the Red Zone.

When players enter the Dark Aether for the Bad Signal Mission, the horde will be Tier II difficulty — much easier to navigate than the Tier III Threat Area. Players should also consider hitting a buy station to stock up on self-revives and kill streaks to aid against the challenges in the Dark Aether.

Once ready, head to the Bad Signal story mission warp location, on the southeast corner of the border between the Medium and High Threat Areas. Interact with the portal just south of the Aether Tornado, and confirm teleportation to the Dark Aether in the tac map. Once all squad mates agree, a brief countdown will begin, and players will enter the other dimension.

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Breaking The Seals

Once inside the Dark Aether, players will get a refreshed play timer to navigate to the four ritual locations and break the seals before escaping. Head to each of the four yellow indicators and interact with the ritual spire to begin the process.

Once a ritual is started, players will need to kill zombies inside the small aura that appears to collect the zombies' souls. As players collect souls, the progress bar in the HUD will slowly fill. Players can increase the progress gained by using the ammo mod correlating to the logo on the base of each ritual spire. When a ritual is completed, it will emit a small blast that will eliminate most zombies in the area.

Each seal location has its challenges. However, the seal to the left of the rift entrance (marked with the Brain Rot symbol) can be exceptionally difficult due to the incredibly close quarters surrounding the ritual spire. Because the rituals increase in difficulty as players complete them, it is recommended to complete the Brain Rot ritual first or second. Additionally, when attempting the Brain Rot spire, the second-floor balcony of the building where the ritual spire is located is still inside the spire range for collecting souls. It is much easier to survive on this floor rather than on the ground floor.

Players will earn points after each ritual, allowing them to aquire additional upgrades in the Dark Aether. Players will find the Pack-a-Punch machine in the Aether in the center of the castle, near one of the ritual spires. Use this machine to reach up to Level III Pack-a-Punch.

Players can also access bonus power-ups inside the Dark Aether if they have a Scorcher Wonder Weapon. By using the Rocket Jump ability, players can reach the elevated platforms and grab additional bonuses to aid in destroying the seals.

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Quickly restore fallen allies on the battlefield of Modern Warfare Zombies, even without the Quick Revive Soda.

Defeating the Gorm'gant

After players complete all four rituals, the exit portal for the Aether will be marked on the eastern beach. As players make their way to the beach, the ground will begin to rumble, and rather than an extraction option presenting itself, a giant Aether Worm will appear, preventing players from exiting the Dark Aether.

Turn focus to the worm, and prepare for a massive fight. In addition to a laser beam that can instantly down players, just like the Orcus, Gorm'gant can also spawn Harvester Orbs that will chase and attack players. Deal with these orbs as soon as they spawn to avoid being overwhelmed.

Modern Warfare Zombies - Bad Signal - Harvester Orbs
The Gorm'gant's harvester orbs can overwhelm players if not careful, be sure to drop these orbs the moment they spawn.

Players will also want to have thermite grenades on them, as occasionally Gorm'gant will burrow under the sand and attempt to attack from below. This attack will see players eaten briefly, which does allow them a few moments to dish out massive damage to the inside of his mouth. However, it will end with being forcefully regurgitated onto the ground, and this attack carries enough force to instantly down players. When Gorm'gant burrows underground, throw a thermite on the beach to force him above ground and prevent any team members from becoming worm food.

The best tools against the worm are LMGs that are fully upgraded (both max rarity and PAP) and the Ray Gun. The Wonderwaffe is great for zombies crowd control, but less effective against Gorm'gant.

Players can also make short work of the Aether worm by using Juggernaut kill streaks. Take advantage of the restroom building that looks down on the beach where Gorm'gant spawns. Climb to the roof of this building to avoid focus from zombies while dishing out massive damage on the worm.

Modern Warfare Zombies - Bad Signal - Locked Diary
Players can grab the Locked Diary from the Reward Rift earned after defeating Gorm'gant.

Once players defeat Gorm'gant, a reward rift will spawn on the beach. This rift offers players incredibly rare acquisitions, along with the Locked Diary quest item. Take the items and head to the portal to Exfil from the Dark Aether and secure all loot.

Upon successfully exiling, players will complete the second objective, and the Bad Signal Mission will be completed. The Bad Signal story cutscene will play, and players will have acquired the Locked Diary quest item, which can be used to grant players access to the Dark Aether Easter Egg in the following deployments.

modern warfare 3
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023)

November 10, 2023
Sledgehammer Games
How Long To Beat
5 Hours