There are a lot of interesting things to pick up in the World of Warcraft, as many a wayward adventurer has discovered. Some are keepsakes from old quests or hard-won trinkets from rare dungeon spawns. In-game items are split between what's useful and collector's items that are purely for cosmetic use, and both are equally important depending on the type of player and the character build.

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No matter what class or profession, whether it's PvP or raiding, everyone needs gold and resources to make it in Azeroth. When the Wrath of the Lich Kingdrops in September, that also includes the new continent of Northrend. Here are a few handy pieces of gear, trinkets, potions, and other useful items to have before trekking into the frozen wastes.

6 Fishing Gear

World of Warcraft Classic Fishing Ashenvale

New daily quests, along with several new recipes, fishing nodes, and types of cold-weather critters are enough to lure even the non-fishing players to dip a line into the waters of Northrend. That doesn't just include a decent pole, preferably at least Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000, but also the right type of lure and of course, a matching hat.

The highest level of a fishing lure in the game is the Sharpened Fish Hook, which was introduced in TBC, so keep a few to get started. One more trinket that stacks with the pole and lure would be some variation on a hat. The Lucky Fishing Hat is given as a prize for winning the Strangethorn Fishing Extravaganza, and the Weather-Beaten Hat is a reward for completing the daily fishing quest in Outland.

5 Fire, In All Forms

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Fire Mages rise up, it's two expansions past Molten Core and time to shine again. The challenges that players meet in Northrend have higher resistance to Frost and Shadow damage but lower ones to any kind of Fire.

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Virtually all the spellcasting classes have some access to fire spells, and even then an Elixir of Firepower to boost the spell damage helps to reach maximum damage. For Rogues, Warriors, and Hunters that might not have natural fire-making abilities, there's the Oil of Immolation, which can be crafted by an Alchemist and acts as an incendiary device. Any of these classes can also be Engineers, and this profession can make a wide array of bombs and fiery explosives.

4 Jewelcrafting Supplies

Mining Profession Jewelcrafting World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic

Even characters that aren't jewelcrafters can enjoy some of the improvements and additions to Jewelcrafting, a professional which was added for The Burning Crusade expansion. All of the professions are getting some small tweaks for general quality of life improvements, but Jewelcrafting is getting some extras. That includes several new recipes and a daily quest.

Those who have already taken up this profession might be collecting and hoarding resources to get a head-start on release day, and those that have the gathering skill can meet that demand. Prices on the auction house are sure to rise before evening-out, and extra gold is always a good thing.

3 Shadow And Frost Resist Gear

Illidan black temple wow warcraft burning crusade

Other than Frost, the second most common type of damage in these realms is Shadow, and it's more than just putting together a personal set of gear for individual characters. Raiders who have a Shadow Resist set for the fight with Mother Sharaz in Black Temple already have this covered to some degree, and in the wilds of Northrend, a character only needs one or two pieces at the worst of times.

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There are vendors in the Black Temple that players can access after completing a certain quest line and gaining at least an Honored reputation among the Ashtongue Deathgsworn. The recipes are bind-on-pickup, but the items that are crafted are not, and they can be passed on to a friend or sold on the Auction House.

2 Inscription Resources


With the introduction of Glyphs and their related systems also comes a whole new career. A brand new profession in this expansion is Inscription, in which players could use special written spells to enhance their existing talents.

For example, a Glyph can make spells last longer or cost less mana when added to a player's talent tree. Warriors can make their Execution ability more lethal and Rogues can lengthen their Ambrush range. Another standout skill unique to Inscription is the ability to create Darkmoon Cards and even books for off-hand use at higher levels.

A new profession doesn't require a new resource, and Herbalism was recruited to act as the gathering profession for Inscription. Those will the skill to find and collect herbs of all levels should do so, and since Alchemists already need herbs for their potions they have a head start.

1 A Fast Ground Mount

Cobalt War Talbuk World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic Mount

Even if a player has the funds for cold-weather flying already, it's still a matter of traveling to Northrend and paying for it. There is one flight trainer in Old Azeroth in Stormwind, Bralla Cloudwing, but not everyone has access to this NPC.

Part of the introduction to Northrend is landing on the coast and fighting to discover a path to the interior. This mimics the path that Arthas Menethil took as well, and most of the flight trainers are located in either Dalaran, a city floating above the center of the continent, or the interior zones of Shalozar Basin and the Borean Tundra.

World of Warcraft is currently available on PC.

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