In the ideal world, every good movie would get the attention it deserves both from the audience and the critics. However, that's not how it works. Some movies flop at the box office when they're first released, only barely managing to cover their budget or fail to do even that.

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That doesn't necessarily reflect the movie's quality, though, and even a flop can go on to become a classic, either because people turn out to love it, it sells a lot of DVDs or is streamed a lot online. Whatever the case, multiple movies were a huge flop but are considered an excellent classic these days.

7 Citizen Kane (1941)


Citizen Kane was Orson Welles' first movie...and also his best. Yet it was too innovative for its time as the audience didn't understand or didn't appreciate the complex story about the unhappy life of one rich man who spent years looking for something and failed to find it.

There are many ways how to interpret the movie, as it's told from a retrospective once the main hero dies. Orson Welles went on to direct many unique movies but Citizen Kane remains a classic to this day, one that's both intelligent and visually beautiful. Despite that, it failed to cover its budget when it premiered in 1941.

6 It's A Wonderful Life (1946)

It's a Wonderful Life

Many people can't imagine spending their Christmas without this movie as it's the ultimate feel-good Christmas classic. Yet just like other less fortunate movies, it was a big flop when it premiered because it had strong competition. It also got some criticism for its less than flattering portrayals of bankers.

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All these details aside, It's a Wonderful Life shows that human life is meaningful, and that's a message that's still relevant. It's full of optimism and hope, which are emotions that come in handy during dark times, regardless of whether it's 1946 or 2022.

5 Blade Runner (1982)

Harrison Ford in Blade Runner

Not every movie can say it spawned a sequel 25 years after its release! Blade Runner is one of them, yet even though it's a sci-fi classic today, it wasn't as successful when it premiered. The fans loved the movie, the dark and complex world it created, as well as Harrison Ford in the leading role.

Unfortunately, just like its predecessor, the sequel Blade Runner 2049 also turned out to be a flop. But if the history repeats itself, it might very well follow in Blade Runner's footsteps and become a beloved sci-fi classic too over time.

4 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Two characters in The Shawshank Redemption

Just like It's a Wonderful Life, the Stephen King-inspired movieThe Shawshank Redemption wasn't as successful as it could have been because it had a lot of competition. 1994 is the year when many now classical movies premiered, such as Forrest Gump with Tom Hanks, to name just one.

Despite that, the movie has built its classic status over time and it ranks among the best movies ever in many "top movie" lists. Frank Darabont later went on to direct another excellent prison drama based on Stephen King's work, The Green Mile (1999)...also with Tom Hanks in the leading role.

3 The Big Lebowski (1998)

Jeff Bridges as the Dude at the bowling alley bar in The Big Lebowski

Jeff Bridges has done a lot of unforgettable roles but the part of Dude in this classic is one of his most popular ones. Yet once again, The Big Lebowski burned in the face of its competition when it premiered. It took on none other than James Cameron's Titanic and it crashed and sunk, making only $46 million (with a $15 million budget).

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Other movies that hurt The Big Lebowski's profit were The Singer and Good Will Hunting. Yet nowadays, people continue to love it and remember many inspiring or just funny quotes from the movie.

2 Fight Club (1999)

Brad Pitt in Fight Club

The first rule of the Fight to not talk about the Fight Club. The rule, Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, the message it sends as well as the surprising final twist all make David Fincher's Fight Club captivating even 23 years after its release. In a way, Fight Club is more than just a movie, it could be considered a lifestyle.

The movie's complex, hypnotic, and violent, both when it comes to physical and mental pain. Just like multiple movies that are now classics, Fight Club wasn't a huge hit, box office-wise (it made $101 million with a $63 million budget) but its cult status exists to this day.

1 Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010)

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Chris Evans

If Scott Pilgrim vs. the World premiered today when being called a geek or a nerd isn't an ugly world, it might have made much more money. Still, it has become classic for all who enjoy its frenetic style and video game/comic book aesthetics.

The movie focuses on a young guy who's in love with a girl but has to defeat her evil exes first. It's full of great actors who enjoy their evil roles, such as Chris Evans, and it keeps a fast pace. Yet it only earned $48 million with a $60 million budget, proving that some movies are just released at a bad time.

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